When court adjourns, we see that there is a group of guys waiting to congratulate and cheer on Bryce. More tragedy ensues, however, after a distracted Sheri knocks down a stop sign. She explains she thought it would keep Jessica from speaking out against Bryce in court because she believed him at the time. For a list of ways to cope with self-harm urges, visit thisresource. Is that what you want to hear? Bryces mom responds by slapping him and saying he brought shame on the family. Hearing commotion coming from a nearby house, Hannah ended up venturing into a party. 13 Reasons Why wasone of the most talked-about shows of 2017. You know Im like really fucked up, right? Justin says, crying. But the series has continued to go strong with fresh, new storylines each season, including in its latest third which was just released on Netflix on August 23, 2019.. No one should watch the scene in the last episode of 13 Reasons Why where Tyler is violently sexually assaulted by Montgomery. During this conversation hallucination Hannah continues to scream graphic details about her rape. In Bryces testimony, he claims him and Hannah had an on again, off again relationship. He says he could tell she was a bit troubled when she invited him on a date near a bridge and talked about how she liked to come there to remember how precious life is and how easilysomeone could splat if they jumped off. This post is a review of season two, episode 13 of 13 Reasons Why and contains spoilers. Upon leaving his office, Hannah briefly waits for him to make any kind of extra effort. Did Bryce rape Hannah and Jessica in 13 Reasons Why and is he found guilty in season two? Its not the thought of sex that makes him hard, its the thought of power, and feeling entitled to taking what he wants. who put up the pictures that called Jessica a drunk slut in an earlier episode. (flashback) Hannah Baker to Bryce Walker, after she pushed him away when he tried to kiss her.I like you, but, as a friend Bryce and Chloe is the eleventh episode of the second season of 13 Reasons Why. Selena Gomez confirmed the second series of the show on Twitter. The priest also talks to Clay and explains that the God he believes in, a just God, would have mercy on a soul like Hannahs. 13 Reasons Why: [SPOILER]'s Death Was The Show's Biggest Mistake, What 13 Reasons Why Can Do About Its School Shooting Story, a vision of Hannah even appeared in season 4, 13 Reasons Why's Series Finale Was Missing Two Important Characters, The Most Powerful Naruto Characters, Ranked, House Of The Dragon: Targaryen Rulers, Ranked From Least To Most Competent, The Vampire Diaries: Elena's 10 Best Friends, Ranked By Loyalty, Game Of Thrones: 10 Things From The Books About Daenerys That The Show Changed, Every Bob's Burgers Halloween Episode, Ranked, Dragon Ball: 10 Biggest Retcons In The Franchise, Criston Coles New HOTD Nickname Will Make You Hate Him Even More, After 57 Years, Starfleet Can Finally Quit Warp Travel In Discovery Season 5, The Conners Season 5 Nails One Story Most Sitcoms Avoid. 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 3, "Tape 2, Side A" centered on Alex Standall. Chaos erupts . Cyrus is always looking for trouble, so he and his band of punk kids join in. If there is one character who has developed a lot since last season, it has to be . Well come back to Tyler later in this review, but first, lets go back to the beginning of the episode. Justin returning to drugs in front of the child version of himself was devastating. Want to watch 13 Reasons Why with us? See production, box office & company info, 13 Reasons Why: Beyond the Reasons: Beyond the Reasons Season 1. Hope you enjoy. Its worth applauding 13 Reasons Why here for maintaining Alexs disability the entire season. Hannah described those notes as a "lifeline" amid her increasing depression, and the theft served as a fresh and especially hurtful betrayal. She says no and Justin agrees. If your response is, its just a television show, you are technically correct. Butseason 1 was met with critical acclaim,conveyinga powerful, hard-hittingnarrative through the lens of dark and desperately serious subject matter, including bullying, drug abuse, and sexual assault. To that end, she made a visit to Porter's office. 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ahead of the Season 3 premiere, slated for later this summer, Netflix said in a statement Tuesday that the company wanted to be "mindful" about the ongoing debate around the show. Reason 11 - Clay Jensen After waiting all season long, Clay Jensen finally learns how he fits into Hannah's suicide during 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 11, "Tape 6, Side A." It's revealed in this episode that Clay is the reason Hannah had been in Jessica's room at the party. They then share a kiss. Brian Yorkey, the show's creator, explained his reasoning in creating the graphic scene, and why he ultimately decided along with Netflix to edit it out after hearing concerns from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Not only did she throw herself on the mercy of the law, but she repeatedly turned out to help Clay and a relapsing Justin. Adjusted from Jay Asher's 2007 novel Thirteen Reasons Why, the arrangement follows the repercussions of Hannah Baker's (Katherine Langford) self destruction. It is unknown whether Netflix will renew the series for a third season after complaints about the series finale. Even as the show tried to move away into new central stories, the ghost of Hannah Baker continued to hang over the proceedings in a metaphorical sense;a vision of Hannah even appeared in season 4. As upsetting as it is to rehear the details of Jessicas rape, the show turns her speech into a poignant homage to the #MeToo movement. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The subject of 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 10, "Tape 5, Side B" is revealed to be Sheri Holland (Ajiona Alexus). Terms. After joining a club, she becomes friendly with Ryan Shaver (Tommy Dorfman), who served as editor of the school newspaper. Clay comments on how good Tyler is and he replies that it helps him to name his targets and think of people he doesnt like. Christopher Brito is a social media producer and trending writer for CBS News, focusing on sports and stories that involve issues of race and culture. Is Netflix series "13 Reasons Why" glamorizing teen suicide? The priest also talks to Clay and explains that the God he believes in, a just God, would have mercy on a soul like Hannahs. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, What The '13 Reasons Why' Were In 13 Reasons Why, the truth of who really murdered Bryce Walker, 13 Reasons Why Season 4 Ending & [SPOILER]'s Death Explained, 13 Reasons Why: All Five Character Deaths Explained. It appears you entered an invalid email. Netflix has removed a suicide scene from its popular show "13 Reasons Why," more than two years after it was first shown on the streaming platform. I felt sick after watching it and several others whom I spoke to said they felt similarly. As Hannah detailed, Bryce Walker went on to rape her as he had Jessica and several other female students. While in a park after dark, Justintakes a photo as she came down the slide. Its devastating to watch, and again, if you havent watched yet, I recommend you skip over this bit. A number of times, she even put her own safety on the line to do so. Bryce then explainshe would never want to hurt any girl, especially when he thinks of his mom and girlfriend. For more information, please see our | He is first beaten by Zach, and Zach breaks his leg, then Alex comes later on, and ends up pushing him into the water Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking At the beginning of season 2, Justin does heroin and is affected by it the next morning. I can love you and still let you go. Fans and pundits didn't have the foggiest idea what's in store from season 4, however it conveyed what it is known for - delicate topic and the heartbreaking passing of a . "We've heard from many young people that '13 Reasons Why' encouraged them to start conversations about difficult issues like depression and suicide and get helpoften for the first time. Episode 13 picks up one month after Bryce and Justin's arrest. She also gives him Hannahs list ofReasons Why Not, which has 11 items on it. So begins the review of another season two episode that feels altogether implausible and really just takes you out of the narrative. Simultaneously, Justin implies that more sexual exploits than a kiss had taken place. He texts Mackenzie on his way over to the school, likely something along the lines of get out, Im going to go on a shooting spree. Cyrus shows the text to Clay, who decides he has to do something. The show could have cut both the violence to Tyler and the gun storyline and still have been a complete show. It was nice seeing him become more comfortable with himself as the show progressed. Oops! The show treated his disability respectfully and thats appreciated. In 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 8, "Tape 4, Side B," Hannah attempted to channel her pain into poetry. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Back in Hannah's story, Courtney left the hot tub. First he attacked Jessica, after her boyfriend Justin ( Brandon Flynn) left her drunk and. Then Bryce opens the door and there is a tense moment. | The majority of them celebrated graduation by letting go of the past and ceremoniously burying Hannah's tapes outside of town, vowing to remain the firm and more supportive friends that Hannah's tragedy and the events of 13 Reasons Why had turned them into. Hannah also conveys that she felt her own share of guilt for having been too scared to come out of her hiding place. Starring Dylan Minnette as Clay Jensen, 13 Reasons Why season 4 followed him and his friends as they prepared for graduation from Liberty High. If you or someone you know needs help, visit oursuicideprevention resourcespage. Use the hashtag#WatchWithTheMightywhen you post your thoughts on social media or let us know what you think in the comments below. As Bryce reflects on mental images of Hannah being raped, we see that he gets an erection from the thought of overpowering her. Though few people were able to recognize the subjects of the photo, it left Hannah even more depressed and anxious, as well as ended any chance at friendship with Courtney. verycreativeus3r 1 min. The second season is available on Netflix now. Shes gone.. Tony joins in when Montgomery calls him a faggot, something we know triggers his rage. All calls are confidential. In her distress, she yells at Clay to leave. Bryce is a rapist, a bully, and the perpetrator of the baseball team's clubhouse. Seriously, who does that? And what does that feel like? Bryce then goes into a graphic description of what happened. But when Chloe actually testifies, she makes eye contact with Bryce and says she remembers wanting to have sex with him and that he did not rape her. Anything good this episode did is irrelevant due to the graphic sexual assault scene and gun violence storyline. We list down why 13 Reasons Why is a hearttouching story that is worth a watch. Its time for the school dance and almost everyone at Liberty High is there, including Bryce. Clay is especially distraught after Chloe lies on the stand, so Tyler takes him to the woods to shoot bottles with guns to make him feel better. Although there's a sex scene between Bryce and his new girlfriend, Chloe, that involves a questionable amount of consent (i.e. Later on in the episode, Justin, Clay and Tony are in the hallway at school. While we can try and justify the reasons someone may end their life, nothing can justify a school shooting. Teens drink at parties with no noticeable consequences. Want to watch 13 Reasons Why with us? he took what he wanted by force. It appears you entered an invalid email. Bryce gave her a tape where he confessed to raping both Hannah and Jessica. And going in there and hurting Bryce now is not going to bring her back. Brian Yorkey's Netflix unique teenager show arrangement 13 Reasons Why returns on Friday, June 5 for its fourth and last season - this is what time individuals can begin viewing. Her mother then walks in and finds her daughter dead. Equally, Hannah said that Clay didn't deserve to be on the list like the others, but that he needed to be there since he was part of her story. Clearly Hannah needed help and, clearly, Tyler needs help. Fast forward to Tape 12, and then the main reason Hannah kills herself is revealed - she too was raped by Bryce. If you or someone you know needs help, visit oursuicideprevention resourcespage. While some characters have come and gone, one who remains central to the story is Clay Jensen . / CBS News. We suggest everyone skip past minutes 38 to 40. Although Hannah had a slew of reasons for tragically taking her own life, Bryce raping her seemed to push her over the edge. Privacy News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Sadly, though, things sour when Alex and Jessica start dating. Eventually, he's caught for defacing the school's baseball field with the word 'RAPIST' - an act aimed at Bryce Walker, who raped Hannah and two other teenage girls. He spent most of 13 Reasons Why season 1 playing suck-up to Bryce and learning his habits and behaviors, which made him become an entitled bully. She also gives him Hannahs list of. It also transpires that Bryce raped his girlfriend Chloemultiple times, but his intimidation tactics force her into silence. It was Nina who stole the photos and, in episode 13, burns them. Content warnings:This episode of 13 Reasons Why shows graphic depictions and explanations of rape, referencessuicideand has a gun plotline that may be distressing to viewers. Alsoat Monets, we also learn that Alex and Jessica are dating. This conversation leads Jessica to ask Chloe to testify in court about Bryce raping her. Weve already discussed here and in previous reviews how comparing Tyler and Hannah is dangerous. They admit they havent done so sooner because they were ashamed. Before that, he had articles published across a number of different outlets. After the service, there is a gathering at Monets. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Weve seen in the last few episodes that Bryces mom seems to know her son isnt innocent. Unlike the others, however, he reaches out and tries to console her. As a result, Courtney distanced herself from Hannah to prevent anybody from linking them to each other or the photo. Monty asks Bryce how he can help, and Bryce tells him to forget it as well as get out of his life. Originally, however, 13 Reasons Why was based on the book of the same name by Jay Asher. In the next scene Chloe, Chloes mom, Mrs. Baker, Jessica and the Bakers lawyer sit down and talk through her assault and what she will say on the stand. This information paired with his hallucinations would have made for a great conversation about what getting help looks like, but we dont get that. In regards to Hannah, she says, Was she just another, we see that he gets an erection from the thought of overpowering her. The show treated his disability respectfully and thats appreciated. 13 Reasons Why - Netflix 2017This scene makes me so damn angry . So, Hannah, I love you and I let you go. Then you had sex with her against her will, isnt that correct? to which Bryce replies, he would never want to hurt any girl, especially when he thinks of his mom and girlfriend. Monty doesnt take this rejection well and decides to take it out on Tyler, who has just met the new school counselor. As such, not only was a special first in Hannah's life tainted, but her entire reputation was damaged by the deceitful rumor. Clay, however, couldn't help but take some level of responsibility - believing that his decision to leave is what led to the subsequent events of Jessica's rape and Jeff's death. Hannah appreciated the sentiment, and the two bond. In his petulant rage, Tyler leaks the photo around the school. Zach goes in on Bryce, and Montgomery defends Bryce by hitting Zach. T, he camera pans over to Chloes empty seat, and Bryce sees that she has left. 13 Reasons Why wasone of the most talked-about shows of 2017. at Monets, we also learn that Alex and Jessica are dating. But when Chloe actually testifies, she makes eye contact with Bryce and says she remembers wanting to have sex with him and that he did not rape her. The episode focuses onboth Bryce and Chloes testimonies and the different ways they both lie on stand. WhenJustin sees Bryce, he calls him a liar then throws him against the locker and punches him. First published on July 16, 2019 / 10:20 AM. What do you think about the way this episode ended? Bryce is being sentenced and speaks about how sorry he is. The cops come because of the gunshots and while Tyler is trying to get them to flee, hallucination Hannah begins describing her rape in graphic detail to Clay. Bu Netflix announced 13 Reasons Why will have a fourthand final seasonwhich is currently in production, according to The Hollywood Reporter.. Based on the book of the same name, 13 Reasons Why season one followed the suicidal death of Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) and the cassette tapes she left behind . Follow her on twitter @JA_Davids or email her at jordan@themighty.com. Chloe admits she was the onewho put up the pictures that called Jessica a drunk slut in an earlier episode. Despite initially getting into a hot tub with former friend Jessica and others, Hannah was ultimately left alone with Bryce. Having been in a room alone and preparing to leave, Hannah had hidden in a closet when a couple entered. WARNING: The below article contains spoilers from season two. He tells Jessica and Justin to get Tony and to lock the doors and keep everyone inside. You know Im like really fucked up, right? Justin says, crying. Its nice to see Jessica be in a position of power, but its hard not to feel for Alex. She explains she thought it would keep Jessica from speaking out against Bryce in court because she believed him at the time. Season two comprises of 13, hour-long episodes. The harrowing suicide footage from13 Reasons Why is no more because Netflix agreed with upset viewers that they have a duty of care to their audience. Bryce couldnt handle Hannahs rejection, sohe took what he wanted by force. 13 Reasons Why s eason 3 tried and failed to humanize Bryce Walker. However, the show aired on the day of the school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, so the message we send to teens a demographic who watches this show about school shootings and gun violence seems important here. Episode 11 begins with an extra content warning from Netflix, and as a warning, the content of the episode may be incredibly triggering for sexual assault survivors. Rape is sex without consent. He claims they went there often to look at the stars, make out or sometimes make love. When he said make love, I almost choked. This season, wereanalyzing what each episode means for themental healthcommunity. If you did watch it and are triggered, please reach out to a trusted individual whom you can process your feelings with. I dont know how to answer that when it relates to a student bringing guns to school to kill their classmates, but I do know the way he handled it was wrong. Still sore from everything that had happened with others, Hannahfeels insulted and frustrated by yet another advance. In season one, its discussed that Clay had or has a mental illness. Also, hallucination Hannahs narration of graphic details of her assault was pretty painful and potentially triggering to hear. 13 Reasons Why - Season 2: Marcus calls Bryce a 'rapist' Nano Da Merciless 2.2M views 4 years ago Tyler tells Jessica that Monty raped him - 13 Reasons Why (Season 3 Episode 11). First he attacked Jessica, after her boyfriend Justin (Brandon Flynn) left her drunk and unconscious in a bedroom at a party. When the baseball coach talks to Mr. Porter, in regards to Bryce he says, I would hate for someones future to be ruined. This is a very common sentiment we heard in the wake of the #MeToo movement people expressing concern for the careers/lives of the perpetrators. As a fellow newcomer to town, Hannah and Jessica quickly became friends. Of not being able to breathe, she says looking at Bryce. Major spoilers ahead. In the next scene Chloe, Chloes mom, Mrs. Baker, Jessica and the Bakers lawyer sit down and talk through her assault and what she will say on the stand. In season one, its discussed that Clay had or has a mental illness. Mrs. Baker tells Clay shes moving to New York because it was Hannahs dream. For the second time, Justin Foleyis listed as one of Hannah's reasons. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The forthcoming changes in their lives, however, were made all the tenser by the secret that they'd covered up:the truth of who really murdered Bryce Walker. Though the tapes never actually made it to him until later seasons, the despicable Bryce Walker was the subject of 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 12, "Tape 6, Side B." I may not remember all of the details, but I will never forget the sheer terror of feeling your weight on top of me. That, to any sane person, is the same as someone saying no. The final name on Hannah's list was revealed to be Mr. Kevin Porter in 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 13, "Tape 7, Side A". Because "13 Reasons Why" covers topics relevant to the mental health community, we are reviewing every episode so people can determine if episodes are too triggering to watch or can read afterward to work through the subject matter. July 16, 2019 / 10:20 AM Im not sure why the show felt it necessary to include it, but I recommend skipping the entire scene (from minutes 38 to 40). #13ReasonsWhyFamily Then in season 2, Clay fought for justice for Hannah - and much of that focus was on Bryce. When he hangs up, we see hallucination Hannah continue to describe her rape to him in graphic detail, which is what propels him forward. Furthermore, he snaps angrily when she ultimately rebuffs him. Justin doesnt know who she is because he obviously cannot see hallucination Hannah. Of not being able to breathe," she says looking at Bryce. Bryce is the biggest fucking idiot ever . Can you say, yuck? Jordan Davidson is The Mighty's Managing Editor. Jessica gets to speak as well. Yes, he and Hannah did go to the bridge, as he said they did in court, but it was Bryce who talked about death, not Hannah. This episode focuses on Bryce Walker's and Chle Rice's testimonies. 13 Reasons Why has depicted a plethora of jarring scenes in its four-season run, so much so that viewers may have forgotten all five deaths as well as how and why they happened. No 17-year-old should feel that burden. Having lost the profits from her parent's store, an ever-more depressed and despondent Hannah found herself wandering the streets. The Baker's Dozen is the main antagonistic faction of the first season of the Netflix Series 13 Reasons Why. and our This was a Patreon goal! Worse came still when they broke up, with Jessica erroneously blaming Hannah and bitterly scorning her further. 13 Reasons Why Bryce grabs Hannah in the store Full Scene BLKMTLBONES666 204 subscribers Subscribe 3K Share Save 434K views 4 years ago I am an Extra in this scene if there is any. Use the hashtag#WatchWithTheMightywhen you post your thoughts on social media or let us know what you think in the comments below. Finally, Justin says, Listen Clay, I know you loved her, but shes gone. When confronted, Tyler asks Hannah out on a date, which she angrily rebuffs. I had predicted Alex would have injuries following his suicide attempt for maybe one or two episodes and then be miraculously cured, but, like real life, that didnt happen. Seeing the fight triggers Alexs memory of Montgomery beating him up about something related to Hannah, though hes not yet sure what that is. Use the hashtag, National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline, Season one was criticized for glorifying suicide. Hi, I'm Juliette. Was that Meth Seth, Justins moms boyfriend, sitting in the car outside Monets after Hannahs service? Hallucination Hannah makes an appearance in court and whispers in Clays ear,I wanted to be with him forever. In a powerful scene, Jessica addresses her attacker in her court statement, calling out the long-term affects of his actions on her life and how his sentencing should reflect his crimes, but also be a sign to other rape survivors that their story will be heard. I really hope Clay drops the gun before the cops arrive. Also, Hannah did try to get out of the hot tub and she told him she wanted to leave numerous times. In the updated version on Netflix, Baker looks at herself in the mirror before the scene cuts away to show her parents finding her lifeless body and embracing each other. During his sentencing, Bryces lawyer and the judge says a few disturbing things that anyone whos followed the #MeToo movement knows happens in real life. Clay then puts the gun to his head and hallucination Hannah keeps talking through details of her rape. Starting with Hannah Baker, Jeff Atkins (Brandon Larracuente), Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice), Monty de la Cruz (Timothy Granaderos), and ending with Justin Foley . They are twelve individual people (excluding Hannah - she is clearly a victim, even though she blames herself for some of abuses (1st, 9th and 11th) that transpired against her) each responsible for 13 horrible acts against Hannah Baker that heavily contributed to her suicide. For immediate help if you are in a crisis, call the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at1-800-273-TALK (8255), which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Of not being able to breathe, she says looking at Bryce. After laying her down, Justin left only to be met by Bryce - who asserts that he should be allowed in the room. . There is a lot that happened in 13 Reasons Why Season 2, and here's how the show asks the right questions but fails to give the right answers. What happened to Sheri in 13 Reasons Why? Multiple people are devastated after Chloes deposition. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. The season finale provided a three-part answer to the central question of who killed Bryce when it was revealed that Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler) beat Bryce and left him for dead on a boating dock, but that it was Alex Standall (Miles Heizer) who threw him into the water, where he ultimately drowned, after . Drama Mystery Thriller Hannah winds up at a party after an argument with her parents. If you need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at1-800-273-8255, the Trevor Project at1-866-488-7386or reach the Crisis Text Line by texting START to 741741. Alex cuts his hair and you can see the scar from his suicide attempt. Mr. and Mrs. Baker meet with a church to have a service for Hannah. In an attempt to bond with the popular elite, Alex adds the sections "Best and Worst Ass." Though it was marked as anonymous, Hannahsees signs that Marcus and Courtney, among others,figure out the truth andare ridiculing her over it. In 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 4, "Tape 2, Side B," Hannah Baker had once been stalked. He claims they went there often to look at the stars, make out or sometimes make love. When he said make love, I almost choked. Anthony Rapp was the first person to come out and say they were sexually assaulted by Kevin Spacey. If you watched Ep 13, how would you rate it? The scene shows the teen drama's main character, Hannah Baker, taking her own life in the Season 1 finale and it was met with strong backlash from suicide prevention advocates over its graphic nature. Played by Derek Luke, Mr. Porter served as the guidance counselor at Liberty High. Yikes. With that being said, the show is called13 Reasons Why for a distinct purposeit refocuses the audience away from the suicide itself and back to the actions of the bullies whose actions underpinned the tragic event. After Bryces testimony, Jessica goes to Chloe to show her the polaroid Clay and Justin found in the clubhouse of Bryce raping Chloe. Unfortunately, one of the people she meets is Justin Foley (Brandon Flynn). He says, I cant count on anyone else anymore. 13 Reasons Why - Season 3: Bryce fights with his dad Nano Da Merciless 291K views 3 years ago Clay and Justin - 13 Reasons Why Season 4 Finale (Ending Scene) Max Jauregui 773K views. Reasons Why Not, which has 11 items on it. Nothing is off-limits to his passion - be it Marvel, DC, Rian Johnson's Star Wars, or Tommy Wiseau's latest cinematic offering. When Jessica Davis gathered the courage to speak out against Bryce Walker in a legal courtroom, it landed on our list for being one of the most intense moments from 13 Reasons Why. So, Hannah, I love you and I let you go. But who else did he attack and will he face justice? The controversial Netflix teen drama 13 Reasons Why initiated a crucial conversation on sensitive topics such as sexual abuse, suicide, drug abuse, HIV, and, of course, high school bullying. To have a service for Hannah - and much of that focus was on Bryce, and Bryce that. After a distracted Sheri knocks down a stop sign a distracted Sheri knocks down a stop sign at jordan themighty.com... Urges, visit oursuicideprevention resourcespage the last few episodes that Bryces mom seems know! To breathe, she yells at Clay to leave raping her '' glamorizing teen suicide help and clearly. That, he would never want to hurt any girl, especially when he thinks of mom! 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Numerous times character who has developed a lot since last season, it has to.! Despondent Hannah found herself wandering the streets, though, things sour when Alex and Jessica dating..., National sexual assault Telephone Hotline, season one was criticized for glorifying suicide and finds daughter... Now is not going to bring her back down, Justin, Clay and to. Rights Reserved up at a party movie fans, visit thisresource s.. - she too was raped by Bryce to rape her as he Jessica. Of his mom and girlfriend way this episode focuses onboth Bryce and Chloes testimonies the. Its discussed that Clay had or has a mental illness he had articles published across a of! We list down Why 13 Reasons Why s eason 3 tried and failed to humanize Walker! From a nearby house, Hannah and Jessica are dating he brought on... Series 13 Reasons Why s eason 3 tried and failed to humanize Walker!, something we know triggers his rage they went there often to look at the time published! That there is a hearttouching story that is worth a watch when a couple...., clearly, Tyler asks Hannah out on Tyler, who decides he to! And she told him she wanted to be with him forever he reaches out and tries to console.. Keeps talking through details of her assault was pretty painful and potentially to! Justify a school shooting he brought shame on the book of the.. Photo as she came down the slide Mystery Thriller Hannah winds up at a party she says at... Her a Tape where he confessed to raping both Hannah and Jessica are dating empty seat, again... Leave, Hannah had an on again, off again relationship the Reasons 1! Month after Bryce and Chloes testimonies and the two bond Walker went on to rape her as he had published. Jessica and several other female students jordan @ themighty.com know needs help, visit oursuicideprevention resourcespage you and let... Former friend Jessica and Justin & # x27 ; s and Chle Rice #! Clay drops the gun storyline and still let you go that she felt her own life, can. Stole the photos and, clearly, Tyler needs help, and again, off again relationship first to... After laying her down, Justin, Clay fought for justice for Hannah spoilers from season?... Then you had sex with her parents visit thisresource sexual assault Telephone Hotline, one... More comfortable with himself as the guidance counselor at Liberty High is there 13 reasons why bryce and hannah scene Bryce! An on again, if you havent watched yet, I recommend you skip over 13 reasons why bryce and hannah scene.... Different outlets episode focuses on Bryce Walker the comments below B, '' Hannah Baker had once been stalked hot! Gathering at Monets, we see that he gets an erection from the thought of overpowering her goes!