Hopelessness, confusion, anger, depression? If you keep reading her story, youll see that Esther does in fact speak to the king and saves her people. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and . This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. He had everything that anyone living in that time would want - a big family, good health and plentiful wealth. 73 Bible Verses about Praising During Difficult Times Isaiah 41:10 ESV / 11 helpful votes Not Helpful Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Its been a grueling series of doctor appointments and tests that have left us feeling frustrated and forgotten. May we always pour out our hurting hearts to him in prayer, and then reaffirm: Im still going to praise him. Praise should fill our hearts every day, no matter our circumstances especially when we are walking through seasons of great trials. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But with the encouragement of friends and prayer we had to decide whether our faith was going to be in our circumstances or in God. any other of his family, chose me and made me ruler of Israel, which is the people of the LORD. Praise God from whom all blessings flow /. led numerous successful military campaigns, 3 Examples of Trusting God When Times Are Hard, How to Have Faith When It Seems So Hard To Hope. So King Saul took on the task of making Davids life impossible, persecuting him and trying to kill him, and although David had multiple opportunities to put an end to all that, he steadfastly refused to lay a finger on the king, firmly believing that the God who had anointed him would find a way to put him on the throne. We wonder if we will ever emerge from todays trying situation with our joy intact. If you keep reading his story, Jacob ends up reconciling with his brother after wrestling with God. When David returned to bless her family, Michal, the daughter of Saul, came, How distinguished the king of Israel has been seen today, undressing like a. David is a man known for praise. This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team. I knew it was not because of my own works, as I had guessed entire sections of multiple-choice questions! This is a basic principle. But she soon faced a difficult trial: a man named Haman convinced the king to enact a decree, ordering the killing of all Jewish people. 1. PRAISES PROMOTES PRODUCTIVITY: Psalms 17:5-6. If you yourself are in a season of struggle, take a moment now to remind yourself of the God who sees your . [7] For we live by faith, not by sight. What would that have done to your faith in God. 2023 Deep Spirituality / Privacy Policy. If we cant praise him for our circumstances, we can praise him in spite of them. When I get overwhelmed or worn out I want to quit, thinking about others I care about my friends, my family, my neighborhood, helps me to keep going. He worshiped after the death of his son. Esther didnt stop being afraid. I am afraid that he is coming to attack me, along with my wives and children. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Learning from Jesus to see past our failures and find our potential. The horse and its rider He has hurled into the sea. The book The Red Sea Rules: The Same God Who Led You In Will Lead You Out by Robert Morgan does a fantastic job breaking down this moment between God, Moses, and the Israelites. If David had killed Saul in those moments, he would have ended his difficult life on the run. They also understand how to remain faithful while waiting on God. This is the day the LORD has given Sisera into your hands. My gut churns with pain. Does your praise and thanksgiving overflow from the good youve had to let go? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Hebrews 13:15. My stomach sinks. However, Mordecai then noted to Esther that God may have made her queen for this very purpose saving her people. What are the areas of your life that overwhelm you the most? We can praise God even during hard times because God has shown mercy to us. This motivated her to take action. Isaiah is inspiring because he doesnt hold back with God, he expresses his deep pain and how hard it is to hear and see Him in the midst of it all. Here are four inspiring stories about finding faith and joy during trialseverything from job loss and unemployment to parenting issues and life-threatening illnesses. Even though she kept being afraid, she pushed through anyway because her faith in the purpose for which God chose her was greater than her fear. Zechariah & Elizabeth: Trusting God when a longing is unfulfilled Isaiah: trusting God through bad news Woman healed by Jesus: trusting God is taking risks despite the pain Moses: trusting God when there is no way out David: trusting God when life is not how you pictured it Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego: trusting God no matter the outcome King David in the list of Grateful Men in the Bible. When we feel alone, what often helps us not slip into bitterness is to see the purpose we have in other peoples lives. The main message from all of the lessons taught by these Bible figures is that everything is possible with God (Matthew 15:26). out to meet him and reproached him: How distinguished the king of Israel has been seen today, undressing like a I cant move, I am in pain constantly. When our oldest child decided to leave God, we were devastated and disheartened. Joseph Joseph was 17 the first time he had his dreams about ruling over his family. [25] When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacobs hip and wrenched it out of its socket. in a linen ephod, he began to dance before the LORD with great enthusiasm. Our loved ones may try to lighten our load or lift our spirits, but unfortunately, their efforts can fall short. From the dramatic, such as fleeing kings who want your life, to the more relatable, like losing ones freedoms, family or livelihood God is with us through it all. I will praise the name of God with a song;I will magnify him with thanksgiving. Are you facing battles in your life? What are you carrying that at first might have seemed a bit fearful but you can now be thankful for? 1. My friend was angry, but we were able to make amends. which is the people of the LORD. All of us have moments when we feel discouraged by lifes circumstances. For three days and nights, abstain from all food and drink. When left unchecked, this doubt that God or people care can lead us to push away the very relationships that are meant to help us get through our hard times. These cookies do not store any personal information. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. When God reveals who he is to Moses in Exodus 34:6-7, this is how he describes himself: "Yahweh, Yahweh, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, overflowing with loyal love and faithfulness .". Sign up below for your FREE Printable Prayer Cards: Hi, I'm Kathryn! His road was not always smooth. I did it in the presence of the LORD, who instead of choosing your father or. She had become their mother and that relationship helped her to keep going. When I dont have the words to pray, I turn to Bible verses about praising God and use those to pray through Gods Word. Do you know where to direct your praise today? Later, Moses returned to Egypt to convince the new Pharaoh to free the Israelites, risking his life. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego: trusting God no matter the outcome, 8. https://deepspirituality.com/wp-content/uploads/speaker/post-10002197.mp3?cb=1674004438.mp3. Yet Jesus' answer is that we must trust in . How has this influenced your belief in Gods love and faithfulness? ( Job 1:20-21) I want to make three observations from this text. The jailer then took Paul to his home to wash his wounds. They trusted God completely. Haman, Xerxes right-hand man, had it out for the Jews, and convinced the king to send out a verdict to kill them on a certain date (Esther 3:12-13). If you ever want to feel better about your own flaws and mistakes, read the story of Jacob. She took a bold risk to believe in Jesus and his power. Even though Naomi tried to push both her daughters-in-law away, Ruth refused to be shut out. Today we want to share with you one of the grateful men in the Bible, King David, a man after Gods heart who was grateful. David embraced difficult times because he believed his future was in the hands of a God that loved him. In Philippi, Paul was accused of anti-Roman teachings and got thrown in prison. When it feels like things will never change, Im realizing there is more to explore in my relationship with God. For this is what the high and exalted One says He who lives forever, whose name is holy:I live in a high and holy place,But also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit,To revive the spirit of the lowlyAnd to revive the heart of the contrite.. David is a man. Maybe it was expressing what you felt, speaking up for a friend, or even speaking up to a friend. One night, while in the temple, Hannah prayed fervently for a child, so much so that the priest Eli thought she was drunk. Be honest with yourself, God, and friends. Do you see any ways you push away relationships in your life? If you are like me, and you endure adversity for any length of time, it can be easy to lose faith and quickly turn to self-pity and unbelief. What in your life is not how you pictured it? 2 Chronicles 20:22, "At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves." In that story, King Jehosaphat was up against an army that was going to invade his land. One of my biggest fears is the fear of bad news. Do you cry out more or avoid Him? Then suddenly, because of a jealous king, David spent the next ten or more years running from Saul, held up in a cave with a motley crew of misfits. - Luke 10:27. A longing unfulfilled can be disheartening. This experience can occur in our lives from time to time. Free Bible Service for your Christian Site, Join us in Weaving the web with the Word of God! Im sure it wasnt always easy but he knew thanksgiving was always necessary. Scriptures to Show How Important Grandparents Are. Even in the darkest seasons of his life--as we see in the psalms--he pointed back to the goodness of God. They had the desire to stay righteous while they waited for their longings to be fulfilled. With the water at their backs, and Pharaoh and the Egyptians bearing down on them, it was only God who could provide a way it. He was a man who gave praise to the Father in so many ways. She was sick, broke, and an outcast. It helps to remember an important quality of Jesus that he is always with us. Since God knows and is working everything out according to His plan and purpose, we can praise and thank God even in difficult times. I wouldnt be so overwhelmed with the busy schedule of my life, but would believe that I can handle it because God is on my side. But Mordecai wanted to help her see that the impact she was capable of having was greater than the risk. He cares for us and understands our needs and weaknesses. These Bible stories about trusting God will inspire you to overcome circumstances and inspire your faith to believe. Brittany and her husband Ryan make their home in the Rocky Mountains, pursuing outdoor adventures, great food, and memorable stories together. While visiting with Elizabeth, who was carrying John the Baptist at the same time Mary was pregnant with Jesus, the young girl had a moment of exclamation. . Esthers cousin and adopted father, Mordecai, asked her to stand up for her people. My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,your praises all day long. To have hope in God is to wait expectantly for him. This gives us at least a vision of ourselves rejoicing in the future. in the Bible stand out, helping us to know how we should be grateful to God and what we gain from it. We are left wondering to ourselves, How did I get myself here? I felt that when I was hospitalized for a back injury. Heres another Bible character who God journeyed with through tough times. LORD, Praise the Lord!Praise God in his sanctuary;praise him in his mighty heavens!Praise him for his mighty deeds;praise him according to his excellent greatness!Praise him with trumpet sound;praise him with lute and harp!Praise him with tambourine and dance;praise him with strings and pipe!Praise him with sounding cymbals;praise him with loud clashing cymbals!Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!Praise the Lord! God Hates a Lying Tongue ( Proverbs 6:16-19) By: Amanda Idleman. Of all the Bible characters, Solomon earned the title of being the wisest king. Your safety isnt guaranteed. In Psalm 34, David reminds us that we should praise God through the good times and bad. We find ourselves in a special season that singularly focuses on the act of giving thanks. I cannot see because Im deep in the fog of depression. Be blessed as you go through them. But despite his many flaws, God still chose him for something special. David knows that he can sing to the Lord because God is the rock of our salvation. In Mark 5, we find a scene that is prevalent throughout the gospels: a large crowd has gathered around Jesus. We asked a few members of our staff at Deep Spirituality for their favorite biblical characters who trusted God in the midst of difficulty and came up with 10 examples in the Bible of trusting God in difficult times to inspire you. Later, in the midst of Jobs suffering, his friends got into a debate with him. How do you handle adversity? The psalmist in Psalm 42 questions the reason for his despair; then he instructs himself to hope in God. There honestly isnt a lot of information about her but her mark in the Bible is significant. But the part that is most astonishing is their focus on God even if He didnt save them from the flames. He promised never to leave or abandon his children, so we can count on his presence, even when our emotions can't confirm it. He replied, Jacob. [28] Your name will no longer be Jacob, the man told him. We have a perfect example of righteous living from Jesus and one thing he shows us is the position of praise and thanksgiving. Check out these 5 Bible characters that faced many failures, but still came out successful next to Jesus. She stepped out of the shadows, made her way through the crowd and told the whole truth so she could get closer to Jesus. And who knows? Understandably, Naomi questioned Gods love for her and didnt see how anyone could understand or help her through her pain. Its known throughout the land, from the greatest of the kings officials to the common folk who live in the provinces, that any person who approaches the king in the inner chamber without being invited is sentenced to death. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Have you been denied something youve longed for a long time? But because she didnt take this doubt and pain to pour out her heart to God, she became bitter about the pain in her life, and was unable to see that she wasnt alone she had Ruth. Praise Is Powerful - Keep Praising God. While queen Esther was Jewish, she had been hiding her identity. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They are an example of people who understood longing unfulfilled the heartache of being denied something you long for and not knowing why. As a new young queen, Im sure Esther felt a little out of her element. Living through a stormy season? any other of his family, chose me and made me ruler of Israel, Your privacy is protected. Turn your eyes to him and allow him to surround you with his love and strength. But the basis of our faith for this praise is Romans 8:28: "All things work together for good to them that love God." Here are 47 bible verses about praising God in hard times. Let's step forward together and learn practical ways to live into God's possible! He is near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). Deborah believed and trusted God in a way that can be hard for us to do. He struggled to believe he could deliver his people from Egypt, and he ran into the wilderness until God appeared to him at the burning bush and called him to do exactly what he had run away from. Not just this month, but in all times. The Psalmist is full of longing to be in God's House. But Mary, the young girl chosen to carry the baby Jesus, would exemplify great praise. But Esther replied: All the kings officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold sceptre to them and spares their lives. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. This is an example worth emulating; we should all try our best to serve God in any situation. Perhaps you have been made queen for such a time as this.. I cannot hear because Im bent over with agony. Because of the nature of her illness, she was considered unclean according to the laws and traditions of the time. Random Bible Verses! She believed that victory was already hers through God. Oftentimes I harden to my pain by minimizing and hiding it. And you can find strength, comfort and guidance in the Lord during these challenging times. People hang banners across their mantles proclaiming give thanks and others share on Facebook something they are grateful for each day in November. But today we take a look at people who uniquely gave thanks with all their heart. She was a new queen who lived comfortably with the love of the king. But we can take comfort from the stories of these five Bible characters: with God, nothing is impossible to overcome. This was not at all how we pictured our life. This is the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, a couple described as very old, and childless.. However, Davids success and popularity caused King Saul to become jealous, and he eventually tried to kill David. Psalm 149:6, NIV May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, Psalm 59:16-17, ESV I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. Are you honest with God about the depths of your pain? [11] O LORD, please rescue me from the hand of my brother, Esau. I knew I had to apologise but was afraid that if he found out I was responsible, our friendship would end. What might you do to cultivate a natural response of thanksgiving? Worship is being honest with God. How do you respond when things dont go well? They had faith that God would save them because they trusted God would take care of them. Keeping faith in God during hard times can be extremely difficult. This leads us to quit praying and expecting God to move. Have you ever been in a position where you had the opportunity or responsibility to act, but were too afraid? Through Song. He was the hero who defeated Goliath, successful in war and had the love of the people. So amid cheers and to the sound of rams horns, David and all the people Psalm 71:14 (NLT). With those words, Esther was motivated to act. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king. (Esther 4:11). I'm just an ordinary girl following an extraordinary God, learning to seek God's possible in this world of impossible. When the whole kingdom was following along, they stood their ground, with faith that God would take care of them no matter the result. After David's initial prayer (25:1-7), he pauses to review who the Lord is. Here are 10 women in the Bible who struggled to trust God's plan. ; This was a crucial moment for Isaiah to trust in the Lords plan and faithfulness. Moses The Bible tells us about Moses, who was a very kind man who was very committed to God's plan and work. Use these timeless Bible verses about praising God in your prayers until your heart can find its own words. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Jesus response was never to panic or run to people, but to turn to the Father. But before all that can happen, God gave Isaiah an intense vision that overwhelmed him. 15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praisethe fruit of lips that openly profess his name. Isaiahs faith stayed strong despite bad news because he was honest about his doubt and frustration, and he believed deeply in Gods purpose. I think part of the reason Isaiahs faith stayed strong despite bad news was because he was honest about his doubt and frustration and he believed deeply in Gods purpose. Eve. Everyone felt backed up against a wall with no way out, but thats because no one would have predicted that He would part the Red Sea for the Israelites to walk through on solid ground. Plus, get a set of printable prayer and scripture cards, including these 20 Bible verses for praising God in hard times. Although the woman in this passage was unnamed, her story of faith is unforgettable and inspires me to never give up. Why so disturbed within me? That was what happened to queen Esther. Once he heard his brother Esau was coming to meet him, he got afraid. When Jesus entered a village (Luke 17) there were ten lepers that called out to him for healing. I will extol theLordat all times;his praise will always be on my lips.I will gloryin theLord;let the afflicted hear and rejoice.Glorify theLordwith me;let us exalthis name together.I sought theLord,and he answered me;he deliveredme from all my fears. Here are 47 bible verses about praising God in hard times. Though it is easy to get afraid of having nowhere to turn, these are the moments we can see God work at his best. Though her two daughters-in-law tried to stick with her, Naomi refused to be comforted and pushed relationships away. He could have given up on God altogether, but decided to keep serving God despite his unfulfilled longing. When we experience periods of waiting, we can have hope by remembering Gods faithfulness and choosing to live by faith ourselves. Works, as I had guessed entire sections of multiple-choice questions done to faith! Im bent over with agony of these cookies may affect your browsing experience what we gain from it,... Time as this Naomi questioned Gods love for her and didnt see how anyone could understand help! To turn to the king husband Ryan make their home in the --. Would have ended his difficult life on the act of giving thanks choosing father! Your eyes to him in prayer, and then reaffirm: Im still to... 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