Of course, with Wade Wilson on board, the ride doesnt exactly go as smoothly as intended. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. After Deadpool blows a large hole through Flag Smashers face, readers are treated to a gruesome view of the inside of Flag Smashers head, which while grisly, is undoubtedly comical. We'll leave it at that. Warning: Spoilers for Deadpool 2 are in play. New York, All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I want to get into Deadpool comics, where do I start? Novak, Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Drop' on Hulu, an Offbeat Relationship Comedy Led by Anna Konkle, Anna Konkle Talks Hulus The Drop And Future Pen15 Seasons: Theres More To Say. But mid-speech, Deadpool does what Deadpool does besthe pulls the trigger and splatters his target's brains on the asphalt. Deadpool can be as vile and vulgar as he wants but he doesnt need to be mean or offensive. Im speaking, of course, about the Deadpool with baby hands scene. Don't be fooled by his tough exterior because Wade Wilson is really just a big ol' softiesometimes. 20th Century Fox. 346, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Billy Bush Felt Something Was Off With Lisa Marie Presley On Golden Globes Red Carpet, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved, Ryan Reynolds Says He Wrote A 'Deadpool' Christmas Movie That He Still Wants To Make, Will There Be a Spirited 2? His world comes crashing down . Loved the movie. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Under the usual circumstances, that's not too risky, as any injury sustained by his physical form would be able to heal itself through his powers. Is 'House Party' Streaming on HBO Max or Netflix? Without skipping anything. Deadpool kills his X-Men Origins: Wolverine self and spoke to Wolverine, telling him to say yes to . But he doesnt heal instantly. Even fewer of them (like, say, one) feature Stan Lee as a DJ in said strip club. theres just no need for that. And of course, no Deadpool scene is complete without a masturbation joke: I bet it feels huge in this hand.. Lots cussing as well, dozens F bombs, and other vulgar language are used. 1,348, This story has been shared 1,230 times. If Marvel Games decides to make a new Deadpool video game Deadpool 2: Once Upon a Deadpool [Blu-ray] is NOW (43% Deadpool x Pirates of the Caribbean, made by AI Lab. Most people wouldn't bat an eye when it comes to prisoners smuggling makeshift shivs in their ass, but when Julian Dennison's Russell, aka Firefist, mentions he's hidden one in his "prison wallet," it becomes a punchline of disgusting suggestion. Wade Wilson's reaction to Vanessa's death. It sounds like some of them were just over the top. The domestic release will also come with some deleted scenes as bonus content. And I have five scenes to illustrate my opinion. Deadpool Delight. When Will 'New Amsterdam' Season 3 Be On Netflix? While we certainly weren't thinking that Black Tom would be a major fixture of Deadpool 2's narrative, we were just as expectant that he wouldn't get offed like he did during Cable's big play on the Icebox convoy truck. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He will have seen gross stuff. Deadpool, on the other hand, has some pretty deep pockets when it comes to this sort of thing, and the abuse he suffered in Deadpool was only the start. Back in 2015, Marvel began to tease the impending death of Deadpool at the hands of the organization, and fans were surprised (or annoyed, depending on who you ask) when Marvel defied expectations by having Deadpool not only survive the battle, but slaughter every last member of ULTIMATUM, as well as Flag Smasher himself. Copyright Disclaimer Under Secti. Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (a.k.a. Which he does, in full view of his roommate, Blind Al. Morena Baccarin, The sequel, starring Ryan Reynolds, is hitting cinemas this Friday (May 18). Director: He kills them all, but not before he gets shot in a particularly sensitive spot: his butt. A wisecracking mercenary gets experimented on and becomes immortal but ugly, and sets out to track down the man who ruined his looks. The famously R-rated superhero, played by Ryan Reynolds, is pretty much the opposite of kid-friendly. Once hes brought onto the vessel, Deadpool proceeds to impale Ahab with his katanas before strapping Captain Nemo to an incredibly large torpedo. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Deadpool: The Musical is the ultimate tribute to both the Merc With a Mouth and Disney's Beauty and the Beast, and we have an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at its development right here. If I Could Turn Back Time. Add to Watchlist. Sure, these versions of Deadpool arent exactly the Wade Wilson we know and love, but theyre the still the Deadpool of their respective Universe, and this gruesomely creative death is very much in the spirit of the original character. The visuals are already darkly funny enough, but the fact that the scene cuts away before the violence actually occurs leaves audiences with a gruesome implication that really makes the joke hit hard. Description. It also has a pegging scene. T.J. Miller, NY 10036. Black Tom was cannon fodder though, as his laughter at Cable's struggle with Deadpool lead to a round shot firmly through his skull. And, unlike the secret cameo of Matt Damon playing a redneck tased by Cable, we see clear as day who this invisible man is really supposed to be. Shoulder button on controller. 551, This story has been shared 518 times. Not something you'd expect from a guy who serenaded his lady love so ably with the sounds of Wham. As Deadpool leaves her to face the villain Ajax once and for all, he has special parting words for her: "There's 116 kilos of cocaine buried somewhere in the apartment, right next to the cure for blindness. Apparently, they're consciously hiding from him, seen in a moment where James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, and Evan Peters - among others - show up as their X-Men characters, before they hid themselves yet again. That guy sure does go crazy with the jokes and the shooting and the references to private parts and whatnot. Deadpool: a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a frankfurter skin suit. Youre a sick, sick man, Tim Miller. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 2 on Paramount+, Where Jeremy Renner Returns As A Brooding Fixer Between Cop And Criminal, Stream It Or Skip It: Mrs. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. A new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Coming to blows with Fury, Deadpool, and later Cable, Hitler attacks the team in a mech, and an intense battle ensues. Hugh Jackman, That's what happens when Colossus handcuffs himself to Deadpool in order to take him back to the X-Men mansion. Talk about the Marvel antihero and his exploits, whether it be comic, or upcoming movie, or more! The film . That bar scene was particularly mean and offensive to a lot of people because T.J. [Miller] and Ryan [Reynolds] got together and wrote a version of the scene that we just said, 'Oh my God, this is too far.' My daughter who was five at the time wanted to watch it. Rather than forgetting this gag, and keeping his character in the background, Deadpool 2 brings that dark tendency to the forefront, as he expresses in his desire to become a contract killer. Deadpool 2 Best Buy Limited Edition Collectible Steelbook Ultra HD Movie. CinemaBlends resident theme park junkie and amateur Disney historian. 587,601 What is it? Future Club 33 Member. After escaping unimaginable torture at the hands of the sadistic Ajax, the newly-powered Deadpool embarks on a manhunt for his arch-enemy, pressing the villain's colleagues and allies for information before dispatching them in . From the moment that word of a Deadpool movie was announced, fans were excited and apprehensive. After Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio fix Cable's time jumping hardware, Wade decides to right what once went wrong throughout the time stream. Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. | It's satisfying, and it's also proof that you don't have to be lucky to kick ass - but it certainly helps if you are. Sex and violence have nothing on that creepy, tiny hand. From the first frames of Deadpool 2, the film aims to get the audience nice and riled up, and it does so with a big call back to the ending of Logan. The series, created and directed by . Not too many movies starring Marvel Comics characters have scenes that take place in strip clubs. Different than a parent's guide, we list the exact scenes, the level of violence, the timing, the dialog right before and after, so you can skip them, without avoiding the movie itself. A subreddit for all things Deadpool! Celebrate the Merc with a mouth with these MArvel Universe sleep pants. msn back to msn home entertainment. The first teaser trailer features Fred Savage and Deadpool. In the spirit of this, lets take a look at some of the most hilarious, inventive -- and of course bloody -- kills in Deadpools career. And now, we arrive at what could be Deadpool 2's best gag ever: the mid-credits scene! Deadpool 2 makes a big deal out of killing off a beloved character, but in the final moments, it seems to completely reverse that. According to ComicBook.com, one scene needed editing because it was simply too offensive, even for Deadpool: In particular, there was a bar scene that was too vulgar for even the R-rated Deadpool. Harris Goes to Paris on Peacock, A Nicecore Fairytale with Deceptive Depth, 'Elvis' Director Baz Luhrmann Honors Lisa Marie Presley After "Shocking" Death: "We Will Miss Your Warmth", Michelle Yeoh Says the Glass Ceiling of Asian Representation Has Been "Ninja-Kicked" to Hell, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Riotsville, U.S.A.' on Hulu, a Quietly Seething Documentary Outlining the Roots of Modern Civil Unrest, Drew Barrymore Details Embarrassing Tailbone Injury on 'The Drew Barrymore Show': "It's Not a Hemorrhoid! Its hardly the grisliest death on the list, but its certainly one of the funniest. I'm going to use it as a reward for him. Deadpool (2016) R | 108 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy. It's one thing to repeat the same joke about how there seem to be no X-Men wandering around Professor Xavier's estate whenever Deadpool comes to call, save of course for Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and now Yukio. Shawn Levy A review of the "Deadpool" movie, starring Ryan Reynolds and Morena Baccarin, which is dark, dirty, and deliciously sexy. Deadpool vs Colossus - Deadpool Hand Cut Off - Funny Scene - Deadpool (2016) Movie CLIP HD [1080p]TM & Fox (2016)Fair use. Don't get me wrong, they're one of the best parts of the game, but I sometimes find myself having to repeat a single cutscene sequence 10 times after repeated deaths on Ultra Violence mode or whatever its called :(. But it's when we see that his hand is slowly growing back, and looks more like a hand that would belong to an infant, that the prelude to Deadpool's party for one becomes truly amazing (and disgusting). Deadpool's Most Delightfully Offensive Moments. ", Tim and Eric Cut Ties With 'This Place Rules' Host Andrew Callaghan After Sexual Assault Accusations, Gerard Butler Pulls Scotch Egg From Under Ross Mathews' Kilt and Eats It on 'The Drew Barrymore Show': "Very Nice", If These Walls Could Sing Charts History Of The Worlds Most Famous Recording Studio, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Sometimes When We Touch' on Paramount+, A Doc That Observes The Rise And Legacy Of The '70s Soft Rock Sound, Depeche Mode 101 Is 80s Synth Pop Postcard And Reality TV Blueprint, Stream It Or Skip It: Qala on Netflix, An Indian Movie That Will Remind You Of Black Swan, Stream It Or Skip It: Strange World on Disney+, an Animated Saga With Grand Visuals, Preachy Themes and Forgettable Characters. 27 Nov 2018. It involves the two of them engaging intimate relations in unconventional and nontraditional ways. He's about to pull the trigger and end his enemywhen Colossus shows up and starts moralizing on what it is to be a hero. | When Deadpool eventually tracks down Ajax, he catches the villains attention by slaughtering dozens of his henchmen in a brutal bloodbath, before arranging their corpses to spell out FRANCIS. Deadpool 2 continues the story started in 2016's Deadpool.It follows Wade Wilson as he attempts to protect a teenage mutant named Russell from the mysterious time-traveler known as Cable. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, As the two Deadpools exchange quips, Headpool begins to succumb to the microwaves radiation, his skin bubbling violently before he completely explodes, leaving the microwave covered in a disgusting red and green paste. Deadpool - Trying To Kill Himself | Scene in 1080p in English | Tamil \u0026 English Movie Clips - TEMCTamil \u0026 English Movie Clips - TEMC[ Note ] - For better audio experience use headphone [ Note ] - For high quality video see at 1080pThanks for watching and subscribe for more videos{ Subscribe } to - TEMChttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH2f4kHGnogsFsIK8KRhqzw*************************************************************DISCLAIMER: This Channel DOES NOT Promote orencourage Any illegal activities, all contents provided byThis Channel.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the CopyrightAct 1976, allowance is made for fair use\" for purposessuch as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,scholarship, and research. Valve Corporation. Might as well get help from Pool. 448, This story has been shared 433 times. Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Deadpool 2. Answer (1 of 4): I don't know since I haven't seen the movie yet. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Deadpool 1 & 2 (Blu-ray, 2018) at the best online prices at eBay! comments that he prefers the prequels, listing off all the worst things about the prequels as the reasons he loves them. 2. Director Tim Miller milks the joke for all its worth, with close-ups of that terrible, awful baby handlooking straight out of a Gerber commercialcaressing poor Als face. By the end of the movie, Deadpool has Ajax pinned and bloodied, with a gun pointed at his head. Heres how it works. Director: | This story has been shared 3,699 times. 2. Once Upon a Deadpool is a PG-13 cut that has toned . You will receive a verification email shortly. It's not clear where exactly on his posterior he takes the bullet, but it's safe to assume that his healing factor is probably working overtime afterwards. So, naturally, Zazie Beetz's Domino breaks that rule, with every truck that misses her and every inflatable panda that cushions her fall. Stars: Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) is a former Special Forces operative who now works as a mercenary. Mild Intense. There it was: a death so traumatic in the Deadpool universe that it triggered its own James Bond title sequence, complete with Celine Dion ballad. ago. Verdict: The best Deadpool scene in the movie, easily. Most of us were watching South Park at that age. This starts with preventing Vanessa's death, and it could have ended there, but then he went and corrected two of the biggest errors in our timeline: he killed "Weapon X" from X-Men: Origins - Wolverine, and blew Ryan Reynolds' brains out all over the script to Green Lantern. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. After subduing Hitler, the three heroes shred the dictator to pieces in a literal hail of bullets that reduces him to Swiss cheese. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. | From the first frames of Deadpool 2, the film aims to get the audience nice and riled up, and it does so with a big call back to the ending of Logan. : Everything We Know About 'The Resident' Season 7, 'Masterpiece' Head Susanne Simpson Teases 'Sanditon' Season 3 Is Her "Favorite One" Yet, 'The Last of Us' Opening Scene Is Terrifying Thanks to John Hannah, Stream It Or Skip It: 'MILF Manor' On TLC, Where Women In Their 40s and 50s Date Hot Young Guys With An Icky Twist, Kristin Chenoweth Regrets Not Suing CBS After 'The Good Wife' Injury "Practically Killed" Her, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Night Court' On NBC, A Reboot Of The Classic '80s Sitcom That's Actually Funny And Watchable, When Do New Episodes of 'The Last of Us' Come Out? 4y Evil Deadpool. Spotting the Little Mermaid in the distance, Deadpool decides to kill two birds with one stone, firing the Nemo-torpedo directly at the mermaid, completely obliterating her upper half and leaving her disembodied tail to float gruesomely in the ocean. In Brain Posehn and Gerry Duggans Deadpool #26, a time-traveling Wade must save Nick Fury from assassination in 1954 Los Angeles, with the issue adopting a more silver-age aesthetic that serves as a nice contrast to the violent, dark comedy in the issue itself. Check system requirements. Though Ryan Reynolds's loudmouth mercenary is at center stage in both movies, all of the main characters get a chance to shine. Funny movie but very violent and sexual. Check out his softer side on this hilarious Deadpool tee that shows the anti-hero with a rainbow and "Feel the Love" in white across the front. New Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Netflix Reunion Photos Revealed With Release Date, Game Makers Flee Dungeons & Dragons Amid Growing Licensing Concerns, Wizards of the Coast Responds, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty: The Final Preview, How HBO's The Last of Us Opening Hits Harder than the Game's, Golden Globes 2023: All the TV and Movie Winners - IGN News, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once and Always, New Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet (Gen 9). But that's not a good sign. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The actress joked during an appearance on The Tonight Show that she's haunted by Ryan Reynolds ' over-the-top sex scenes in Deadpool, revealing that she was forced to watch the onscreen . The actors worked well together and appeared to have a lot of fun making the movie. All rights reserved. EAN: 5039036076906. Before he can kill him however, Colossus interrupts Wade to give a rousing speech about being a hero, making the right decision, and showing restraint in the face of vengeance. There was a problem. Scene 3: The Village Massacre. Deadpool 2 ends on a mostly positive note, as Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) finds his peace with himself among his new family -- but the end credits scenes basically serve to make is a SUPER happy . Leslie Uggams, See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc, Character Repeats Someone Else's Dialogue. When you have a super healing powers and the ability to regrow lost limbs, you can get creative in the ways you escape from sticky situations. Top 10 Anime Manga Better Adaptation Version Card Captor Sakura Kuroko's Basketball Food Wars Mob Psycho 100 Planetes K-On Usagi Drop JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Attack on Titan Gintama One Punch Man Scenes Scene Moment Best Compilation Japanese . I might not be a good role model, but I take my 10 year old cousin to watch these movies without any problem, we're from Mexico and saw lots of kids at the first movie screening, with all the bad words and inappropriate scenes. Oh, and the times that action scenes do take place, they turn out to be some of this anime's best. After escaping Deadpools wrath earlier in the Deadpool Killustrated story, Captain Ahab from the classic novel Moby Dick once again crosses paths with the Merc with a Mouth, although he isnt quite as lucky this time, finally facing his white whale. So when he saws off his own arm in order to escape handcuffslike a fox gnawing its way out of a bear traphe has to wait for that hand to grow back. Every Difference In The Deadpool 2 Extended Cut. Deadpool also tells a character, "The sun is getting low," a clear reference to The Hulk. The pants feature an image of Deadpool giving a thumbs up as his name appears below him in red letters. (+ they need sinister . CinemaBlend's James Bond (expert). He's not born with an x-gene, but rather had wolverines grafter into him. There is nothing in the movie he hasnt already seen. 3,699, This story has been shared 3,371 times. This is the scene where Deadpool meets Vanessa for the first time. When he does, say yes." was cut on the Disney+ version the movie is 2 hours and 1 minute long but the actual deadpool 2 is 2 hours and 13 minutes I dont know why In any other movie, that moment may have been just a simple accent thrown in for flavor; but in a dangerous universe like the Deadpool franchise, even laughter kills. Let's just skip over all the exposition of the Weapon XI program . So having a Basic Instinct moment where Deadpool crosses his naked legs, showing off a little bit of penis in the process, is totally on brand. 8. Deadpool) assembles a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy with supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling cyborg Cable. What Time Is Miss Universe on Tonight? Thanks for the advice! While we saw Wade Wilson lose his hand in that film, causing his regenerative powers to start him off with a baby hand, we got to see a brand new growth cycle for Deadpool in this movie. The film co-stars Awkwafina, Ben Schwartz, and Adrian Martinez. Does he have his own way of accessing the internet which you do not supervise? A wisecracking mercenary gets experimented on and becomes immortal but ugly, and sets out to track down the man who ruined his looks. After running into what he thinks is the Headless Horseman, it soon turns out to be a very apologetic Brom Bones in disguise, avidly proclaiming that it was just a joke. Baseline human, mutated through external means. The end credit scene in Deadpool 2 featured Deadpool traveling back in time for a series of gags, including killing Ryan Reynolds before he could agree to Green Lantern and attempting to kill a baby Hitler. I Made This Lego Western Deadpool Picture In Blender! Watching the whole team, including a rather surprising actor playing the role of The Vanisher, meeting their demise was as funny as it was surprising. In Deadpool 2 's end-credits scene, Deadpool needs it for many things. Lots of sex jokes and reference, and a few sex scenes, breast and Buttocks are shown. 3 image reveals the full look at Will Poulter's Adam Warlock. The merc then proceeds to saw his arm out of the cuffs, spraying Colossus with blood in the process, and leaving his severed hand flipping the X-Man the bird. 65 Metascore. As a result, many of the atrocities committed by Wade Wilson in both the comics and the movie are frankly hilarious, using violence in a surprisingly creative way to serve as a punchline to a grim joke as opposed to a sobering moment of shock. In one small panel for instance, we see a roasted Howard the Duck, as a news reporter comments that even the most innocuous Marvel characters cant escape Deadpools wrath. We still have a long way to go until Bond 25 debuts, but the Deadpool franchise clearly wants to have some fun with the basic format of the 007 series. 1,724, This story has been shared 1,416 times. Tell us what you think about this feature. Directors. Just when Wade and Morena Baccarin's Vanessa had gotten comfortable with the idea of opening the baby factory, a raid on their apartment put a bullet through her chest. When Deadpools adventures bring him into contact with Headpool -- the zombified head of an alternate Universe Deadpool -- Wade decides to sell the creature to A.I.M., who want to use the head to create a powerful weapon. Skip navigation! 20th Century Fox. $324.59M, Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi At the end of the first Deadpool movie, Wade is reluctant to show his now-deformed face to Vanessa. Director: Tim Miller | Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, Ed Skrein. Theres a moment that weve seen in the existing trailers where T.J. Miller is telling Ryan Reynolds what he looks like, there are references to avocados and a topographical map of Utah. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Well, he got it, as he was the one to take out the headmaster of the Essex house, courtesy of his rampaging taxi. Stars: This particular swan dive ends with Wade Wilson breaking his back over a cafeteria table, and folding like an inside out accordion - only with less musical disruption, and some more flesh. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+*. ************************************************************#TamilMovieScene#EnglishMovieScene#MovieScene#Movieclips#Scene#Horrormoviescene#BestScene#BestClips#Clips#SceneClips#Scenes# Dont believe me, check it out. Enter your search keyword . Anyone with a penchant for presidential trivia will likely know that the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan, had a strange affinity for jelly beans. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Died Laughing: 15 Of Deadpool's Most Gruesomely Hilarious Kills, 10 Worst Anime With The Best First Impressions, 10 Marvel Women Who Are Walking Red Flags, The 16 Strongest Dragons In The Game Of Thrones Books, Ranked, Marvel Comics 10 Most Toxic Superhero Relationships, REVIEW: DC's Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1, Batman's Oldest Villains are Skeptical of His Death - For Good Reason, Smallville's Welling and Durance Are Willing to Return to Their Arrowverse Superman Story, Every Returning Cast Member in A Christmas Story Christmas, The Umbrella Academy Showrunner Reveals Season 4 Start and Premiere Title. In fact, one might be hard-pressed to find a single scene in Deadpool that isnt inappropriate for children. 1,416, This story has been shared 1,348 times. Marvel Comics in stores Wednesday January 18 2023. for those of you that finished deadpool samurai what was Press J to jump to the feed. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Ryan Reynolds has made Deadpool one of the most beloved superheroes on the silver screen since 20th Century Fox finally let him play the character in an R-rated movie. 3,371, This story has been shared 1,724 times. Angela Bassett Shares One Prayer She Has For Hollywood After The Success Of Black Panther, A Teenager Is Dead After A Shooting Inside A Movie Theater In Pennsylvania, Kanye West's New Wife's Family Share Statement About Privacy After Her Recent Marriage To Ye, People Love Telling Don Cheadle Oceans 12 Sucked. It Was Still His And Matt Damons Most 'Fun' To Film, Twisters: 5 Quick Things We Know About The Twister Sequel. @$ is going on in his brain! 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