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Estimates show that there are anywhere from over 200 million to more than 350 million guns in the U.S. Because of variances in regulations throughout the nation, its impossible to get exact numbers when it comes to the total number of guns in the nation and the number of guns in each state. Some states require registration upon purchase, but for the most part, gun ownership, per capita is an estimate based upon overall gun sales and independent polls. Among adults who have never personally owned a gun, seven-in-ten of those who grew up with guns in their household say they have fired a gun at some point, compared with 47% of those who didnt grow up in a gun-owning household. A closer analysis of this demographic data reveals that about 46% of rural households own guns, while just 19% of urban households do. Gun salesman Nathan Palermo is shown here holding an AR-15. In late June 2020, Mark and Patricia McCloskey of St. Louis brandished guns at Black Lives Matter protesters. Of Wyoming's 581,075 people, there are 132,806 registered guns. With a steel-constructed body constituting its thickness measured in gauges and secured with one (or more) of the three major lock . Here, a man holds a handgun for sale at the RTSP shooting range in Randolph. statistic alerts) please log in with your personal account. Most look to firearms as protection, with hunting and recreation coming in as secondary reasons respectively. For the most part, gun owners in urban, suburban and rural areas offer similar reasons for owning guns. Gun politics within American politics is defined by two primary opposing ideologies about civilian gun ownership. Texans purchased more than 1.6 million guns in 2021, about one gun for every 14 adults in the state. Gun Ownership by Firearm Type Pistols are the most commonly owned firearm among gun owners - second is rifles and then shotguns last. What Is The Difference Between Blowback Vs Recoil? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ProjectGunner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main This is, perhaps, not surprising, considering that eight-in-ten gun owners cite more than one reason for owning a gun including 44% who say there is more than one major reason and may need different types of guns for different purposes. Guns are in the households of 55.1% of adults in North Dakota. Among whites, about four-in-ten of those with a high school diploma or less (40%) or with some college (42%) are gun owners, compared with roughly a quarter of white college graduates (26%). RAND found that 46.8% of adults in Maine have at least one gun at home. Firearm related crime, deaths and injuries, Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Access to this and all other statistics on 80,000 topics from, Show sources information The majority of gun owners are 50 years of age or older, and make up over 60% of demographics, with the next group falling between 30 and 49 years of age. America's Complex Relationship With Guns. It is estimated that approximately 393 million legal guns are owned in the United States, meaning its possible every person owns a gun, possibly two. Enjoy the Present!" The estimated standard errors range from 2 to 4 percentage points, depending on the state and year. RAND estimates 14.8% of adults in Rhode Island live in homes with guns. While her husband looks on, Madelie Sellers shoots a .45 caliber pistol at Precision Guns and Indoor Range in Baton Rouge. In Kentucky, 54.6% of adults have firearms at home. "Percentage of Households in The United States Owning One or More Firearms from 1972 to 2022. Alaska Soldiers during a gun training in Alaska. Convention-goers look at Old West handguns at an NRA gathering in Nashville. An estimated 58.5% of West Virginia adults have guns in their homes. About two-thirds (68%) of whites who have never owned a gun say they have fired one at some point, compared with 32% of blacks and 35% of Hispanics who have never owned a gun. Since it is not a federal law to register a gun, there is no true number of just how many guns are out there. A member of the 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team, headquartered in Boise, holds an automatic rifle while standing near the U.S. Capitol Building on the eve of the inauguration of President Joe Biden. In South Carolina, 49.4% of adults say they share their homes with at least one gun. Thirty-nine percent of men say they own a firearm, while 22% of women do. In Texas, 45.7% of adults say they live in homes with guns. Most gun owners cite more than one reason for owning a gun, but protection tops the list, with 67% of gun owners saying this is a major reason they personally own a gun. A Ruger .22 caliber semiautomatic and other guns are displayed on an American flag in Woodbury. Among the 11% of Americans who dont personally own a gun but live in a gun-owning household, relatively few (19%) say they ever use the gun or guns in their household. Canada, on the other hand, ranks 13th on the study's list, with 9.95 million firearms or 31 per 100 residents. Firearm Mortality by State. She is a three-time delegate to the California Democratic Party and a former federal elections official. This figure displays three-year rolling averages for household gun ownership rates in each state and the nation overall. In Oklahoma, 54.7% of adults have guns at home. For example, New Jersey requires guns to be registered, requires a permit to purchase, a permit to carry, and does not allow open carry. Alaska, Montana, and South Dakota, which are all among the 10 smallest states, rank in the top five for estimated per-capita gun sales. You need at least a Starter Account to use this feature. According to the Small Arms Survey of 2017, the United States had a population size of around 326,474,000 people. In 2017, there were nearly 40,000 gun-related deaths in the United States, including homicides and suicides. The owner of Ready Gunman in Springville stands behind the counter at his shop. Information on estimated standard errors for each state-year estimate is provided in the full data set. As for the gun-owning majority, Steward said, "The low end's . According to the camp'swebsite, members can enjoy outdoor space for hiking or raising livestock as well as more than a dozen basement rooms, should people need protection from radioactive fallout. Fortunately, these states also have the lowest numbers of gun deaths. Overall, 46% of Americans who live in rural parts of the country own a gun, compared with 28% of those who live in the suburbs and 19% of those in urban areas. For the purpose of this article, were focusing on the total percentage of gun ownership in relation to the states population. Fewer gun owners cite a gun collection (13%) or their job (8%) as major reasons. The majority of gun owners are male, and make up around 43% of gun owners. The United States has nearly twice as many guns per 100 people as the next closest country, Yemen 88.8 guns per 100 as opposed to 54.8 in Yemen: ( The Guardian/Phillybdizzle ) These groups often disagree on the interpretation of laws and court cases related to firearms and of the effectiveness . Among gun owners with only one gun, handguns are by far the most common type of gun: 62% say this is the type of gun they own, while 22% own a rifle and 16% own a shotgun. McCarthy, Tom; Beckett, Lois; and Glenza, Jessica. About four-in-ten adults (42%) report that there is a gun in their household, with three-in-ten saying they personally own a gun and 11% saying they dont own a gun but someone else in their household does. These estimates are derived from a statistical model that draws on a wide range of survey and administrative data sources associated with household gun ownership. What Is Gun Ownership Like State by State. Wyoming has, by far, the highest number of guns per capita. This partisan gap remains even after controlling for demographic differences. [Online]. But women are quickly gaining ground in this department. According to the researchers, an extraordinarily high rate of gun ownership in the U.S. has contributed to the prevalence of violence here. "America's Passion for Guns: Ownership and Violence by the Numbers." This police photo shows guns and ammunition found at the scene of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtownin 2012. City-Data.com compiled the list (We should note there's no source posted for the city-data list) and created the map.It was then spread by a reddit user. Gun ownership is more common among men than women, and white men are particularly likely to be gun owners. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. (KOTA) -Until 2020, an average of about 13.5 million guns were sold in the United States however, this increased three years ago to 22 . Members of a self-appointed civilian paramilitary group prepare to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border near Arivaca. Of Wyoming's 581,075 people, there are 132,806 registered guns. Understanding gun ownership in America is not as simple as knowing who does and does not own a gun. The resulting measure represents the proportion of adults living in a household with a firearm in each U.S. state for each year between 1980 and 2016. Most (61%) say people in their community generally view gun owners in a positive way, and this is particularly the case among those who live in rural communities. Across all regions, gun ownership varies considerably between those who live in rural and urban areas, with rural dwellers far more likely than those who live in urban areas to say they own a gun. Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia Gun violence in the United States by state This article is a list of the U.S. states, with population, murders and non-negligent manslaughter, murders, gun murders, and gun ownership percentage, then calculated rates per 100,000. Due to Texas's population size, its guns per capita is 21 per 1,000 people. ThoughtCo, Jul. In April, gun sales were down 23% compared with the . A marcher wears a pistol on his hip during a "Unite the Right" demonstration in Charlottesville. This is even more remarkable considering the state's population is fairly small. Roughly seven-in-ten male gun owners (69%) say they own a rifle and 60% own a shotgun, compared with 50% and 44% of women who own each type of gun, respectively. Guns and daily life: Identity, experiences, activities and involvement, 3. These proxy measures may be strongly influenced by factors other than the rate of gun ownership and may not have a constant relationship with gun ownership over time. According to the Pew Research Center, handguns are the most common type of firearm among gun owners. Around 46% of all 857 million guns in civilian hands around the world belonged to people living in the United States in 2017, a survey has found. A 2017 survey by the Pew Research Center reveals some more interesting stats about guns in the U.S. Handguns are the most common choice of firearm among gun owners, especially those who only own one weapon. This still gives us a good rate of the overall demographic trends of firearm purchases, and provides us some insight into the reasoning behind this ownership as well. The graph above plots the per capita firearms rate in the United States (stated as number of firearms per 10 people) against the murder rate as tabulated in the FBI Uniform Crime Reports. About six-in-ten Americans who dont own a gun (61%) say society has a negative view of gun owners, while 38% say societys views are generally positive. About eight-in-ten adults who live in a rural area (79%) say people in their community generally have a positive view of gun owners; just 47% of those in urban areas say the same about people in their community. Opinions are more mixed among gun owners themselves: 54% say society tends to have a negative view and 45% say it has a positive view of most gun owners. You can find those results here. And with record gun sales since, it's no wonder we have the highest rate of gun homicides, (3.21 per 100,000 people), among the world's wealthy nations. November 15, 2022. Researchers can use these annual, state-level measures of household gun ownership rates to test theories about the relationship between gun ownership and crime, injury, and public policy. Of those who didnt grow up with guns in their household, smaller shares say the same (46%). Those who advocate for gun control support increased regulation of gun ownership; those who advocate for gun rights oppose increased restriction of gun ownership. Obtaining a permit or license required to even purchase a gun in these states can take weeks and is relatively rigorous. These states also have some of the lowest gun ownership overall, with only 14.8% of Rhode Island residents owning a gun and only 19.9% of New York residents owning a gun. The Small Arms Survey claims that the United States has by far the highest level of gun ownership, with 88.8 guns per 100 people. Here, a far-right demonstrator holds an apparent assault rifle during a confrontation with anti-fascist protesters on August 8, 2021 in Portland, Oregon. Both Massachusetts and New Jersey have some of the strictest gun ownership laws in the United States. The study shows that the states with highest gun . By contrast, older Americans who grew up in a gun-owning household are far more likely than younger adults who grew up with guns to point to hunting as a reason guns were present in their household. But men who didnt grow up with guns are somewhat more likely than women who didnt grow up with guns to say they participated in these activities at least sometimes. Among those who dont currently own a gun, about half say they could see themselves owning one in the future. CBSNews.com, 15 February 2018. All of these variables are higher in states with higher rates of . Is Mental Illness a Risk Factor for Gun Violence? This database was first released in 2020 and is available free to the public. A man carries a rifle with a Texas flag attached to it during a police-appreciation rally in Houston. Of this, 100 million own handguns. As a Premium user you get access to background information and details about the release of this statistic. The South is the region with the most guns (about 36%), followed by the Midwest and West (32% and 31%, respectively) and the Northeast (16%). A paid subscription is required for full access. Unlike the states with higher guns per capita, these states all have some of the country's strictest gun laws. The Midwest and West each have gun ownership levels that exceed 30%, while the Northeast has the lowest number of gun owners at about 16%. In Utah, around 46.8% of adults share their homes with guns. While similar shares of male and female gun owners own a handgun (73% and 71%, respectively), rifles and shotgun are more popular among men. Louis Post-Dispatch/Tribune News Service/Getty Images. Thirty-three percent of Americans aged 50 and older own at least one gun. Men are more likely than women to own a gun, according to Pew. Gun owners are far more likely than non-gun owners to say people in their community look at most gun owners in a positive way; 78% of gun owners say this is the case, compared with 53% of non-gun owners. California, the nation's largest state, ranks third by the sheer number of estimated gun sales (about 1.2 million), while Texas and Florida, two other huge-population states, are in the top three, both with estimated sales over 1.6 million. There is also controversy over the class of people who should own a gun; convicted felons, individuals on the federal's no-fly list, and people with violent or severe mental illnesses are not allowed to own firearms. Prince William County prosecutor Richard C. Conway holds the grip of a small gun during a 2003 trial. Moore is right that Canada has a far lower rate of firearm homicides than its . RAND found that 60.1% of Idaho adults have guns at home. About half of those who grew up with guns (47%) say they were younger than 18 when they first got their own gun, compared with 19% of those who didnt grow up with guns in their household. About seven-in-ten say they own a handgun or pistol (72%), while 62% own a rifle and 54% own a shotgun. 10. One of the many reasons why there are more guns in the United States than there are people, is our Constitutions 2nd Amendment that reads, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.. Thirty-nine percent of men say they own a firearm, while 22% of women do. In fact, eight-in-ten say they have more than one reason for owning, and 44% have more than one major reason. Gallup. An estimated 34.4% of Delaware adults live with at least one firearm at home. But higher shares of male than female gun owners say hunting (43% of men vs. 31% of women) and sport shooting (34% vs. 23%) are major reasons they personally own a gun. FYI: People purchase firearms for a variety of reasons, one of which is home protection. Using FBI data, 24/7 Wall St. looked at gun . DC is followed by Louisiana (10.16) and Mississippi (7.46) DC is also top for firearms robberies per 100,000 people - with . This fact still rings true, with the only major difference being that the United States population and the number of guns in the nation have grown in size. Please do not hesitate to contact me. And while 16% of men in this group went shooting or to a gun range at least sometimes when they were growing up, even smaller shares of women did so (6%). The facility also functions as a time share: Members can book the ranch for two weeks per year for family vacations. Men who grew up in a gun-owning household report that they first fired a gun when they were, on average, 12 years old. There were 77 firearms murders in DC in 2010, down 22% on 2009. They were made to safeguard freedoms against tyranny, and are not granted by the Government, but considered a God-given right and are not to be infringed upon by any government. White, Deborah. Parker, Kim, et al. ^ Germany. Among all current and past gun owners, the average age at which Americans say they first became gun owners is 22 years. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. Large majorities of about nine-in-ten or more among current and past gun owners say they have fired a gun, and this is true across demographic groups. 2. For a different perspective, CBS conducted a telephone survey and ranked the states by guns per capita. About eight-in-ten young adults who grew up in a gun-owning household (79%) say this was a reason, compared with 66% of those ages 30 to 49, 60% of those ages 50 to 64, and just 34% of those ages 65 and older. Use Ask Statista Research Service. Its important to note that were looking at the total percentage of gun ownership based on population. 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Ryan/The Boston Globe/Getty Images, MediaNews Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images, Chris Melzer/picture alliance via Getty Images, Jeremy Hogan/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, Laurie Skrivan/St. According to the anti-gun sentiment, this means just about every one of us should be dead in the street, but if you look around, that simply isnt the case. About half of men who grew up with guns in their homes say they went hunting often (27%) or sometimes (23%). And across community types, about three-in-ten cite sport shooting as a major reason. There were 2,032,000 guns or 21 guns per 100 residents. Similar to Rhode Island and New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts have the lowest gun ownership rates in the U.S., with only 14.7% of each state's residents owning a gun. The four other states with the highest number of guns per capita (guns per 1,000 people) are: New Hampshire (47), New Mexico (46), Virginia (36), and Alabama (33). Here's the latest ranking, along with the RAND numbers, which reveal insights into America's love of guns. An estimated 55.5% of adults in Alabama have guns at home. An NRA convention-goer holds a 24-karat-gold-plated Desert Eagle pistol at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. "Percentage of households in the United States owning one or more firearms from 1972 to 2022." In fact, most gun owners who cite only one reason for owning a gun say they own a single gun (65%); in contrast, 74% of those who say they own a gun for more than one reason report having at least two guns. But gun ownership per capita has dropped by 23% during the same time, said Associate Prof Philip Alpers from the University of Sydney. Currently, you are using a shared account. Wyoming closely follows at 66.2%, with Alaska in third at 64.5%. While one state may have more guns, the population may also be higher. David DeLoia, the owner of Heritage Gun & Coin in West Warwick, says he saw an uptick in applications for gun purchases while businesses were shuttered due to the pandemic in 2020. With that being said, approximately 12 million guns were sold in 2020 as well. So, to support research in this area, RAND developed a longitudinal database of state-level estimates of household firearm ownership from 1980 to 2016. Most gun owners cite multiple reasons for owning a gun. But there are several reputable organizations that track firearms-related statistics, such as the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, which can provide a fairly accurate look at gun ownership by state, as well as annual federal licensing data. The state with the highest per capita gun death rate in 2020 was Mississippi, followed by Wyoming, Louisiana, Alaska, Missouri, and Alabama. Brandon Wexler demonstrates with a weapon at the K&W Gunworks store in Delray Beach. And while 68% of those who live in rural areas who have never owned a gun say they have fired one, about half of those who live in urban (48%) or suburban (56%) areas have had this experience. Contents 1 List of countries by number of guns 2 See also Gun Ownership By Gender 39% of men own a firearm, while 22% of women say the same. Guns are in the households of 50.8% of Oregonians. Among adults who didnt grow up in a gun-owning household, few say they went hunting or shooting when they were growing up. Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? There are also significant differences across parties, with Republican and Republican-leaning independents more than twice as likely as Democrats and those who lean Democratic to say they own a gun (44% vs. 20%). Plus, these areas are often more rural in nature as 60% of households that own a gun are considered rural. Fewer cite a gun collection (13%) or their job (8%) as major reasons for owning a gun. RAPID CITY, S.D. Men are particularly likely to own multiple guns: About three-quarters of male gun owners (74%) say they own two or more guns, compared with 53% of female gun owners. For example, men who have never owned a gun are more likely than their female counterparts to say they have fired one (64% vs. 50%). What the data says about abortion in the U.S. Are you in the American middle class? According to the data, the US has 120.5 guns per 100 residents in 2017 meaning more guns than people. With 66.3% of adults living in homes with guns, Montana is the highest-ranking state in the RAND study. This is because the highest amount of crimes committed with a firearm involve the illegal possession of a gun, a theft of a gun, or the unauthorized use or purchase of a gun. According to the Pew Research Center, the southern United States has the highest amount of gun owners, with about 36% of residents living in this region owning a gun. 30-34% of 70-80 million Americans own a gun. You can only download this statistic as a Premium user. Park County Sheriff Scott Steward told CBS News there are so many guns in Wyoming that those who do not own one "are very much in the minority.". Registration.Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Best Low Recoil 9mm Pistol Reviews And Buyers Guide, Best Shotgun Recoil Pads: Top Picks on The Market, Best Recoil Pads: Reviews and Buyers Guide. Current or past gun-owners who grew up with guns in their household report that they first became gun owners at an earlier age than those who didnt grow up in a gun-owning household. Most guns in the United States are owned by rural households, while more men own guns than women. An estimated 14.9% of adults in Hawaii have guns at home. The three other states with the lowest guns per capita, all with 5 per 1,000, are: Delaware, Hawaii, and Massachusetts. Among those who own a single gun, most (62%) say that gun is a handgun or pistol, while far fewer say they own a rifle (22%) or a shotgun (16%). In New Hampshire, 41.1% of adults have guns in their homes. Pew Research Center, 2017. The passing of conceal and open carry laws has helped reduce violent crimes, and those who are issued permits for concealed carry has shown that those people are 14% less likely to engage in a violent crime. An estimated 40.7% of adults in Pennsylvania have guns in their homes. Here are the 10 states with the highest numbers of guns: What Is Gun Ownership Like State by State. Texas is the state with the most guns, while Delaware is the state with the least. However, they provide a decent picture, per capita, of what gun ownership by state in American looks like. Most gun owners are also college-educated, with over 50% of owners having attended college, or obtained post-graduate degrees. 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Thirty-Nine percent of Americans aged 50 and older own at least one at. About one gun at home rural households, while Delaware is the highest-ranking in. Averages for household gun ownership laws in the United states owning one in United... 40.7 % of adults have guns at home 34.4 % of adults say have... An estimated 55.5 % of adults have guns at home have some of the strictest gun laws makenzie poses! The same ( 46 % ) as major reasons for owning, and white are...