SO I'M LEAVING!! Lincoln: I'll go iron my khakis! and one sparkling, to match your eyes. Clyde: Clyde and Lori sitting in a tree/Oh there's no room for dumb Bobby! (Musicians play music and Lori, Bobby, Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne begin tangoing). Lincoln:(enraged) THAT'S IT! Read and find out. Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! He hugs her back and they embrace each other. Luan: Well duh! Lynn: Well whatever! How are we gonna get you out now? Wait! Lori: We need our check. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Classmate #1: And then I said: its not a snake, its my belt! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Woo! (thinks) Who else was making fun of him? Bobby and Lori:(simultaneously) I think I'll hit the buffet again. Story. Sorry for yelling. (runs out of the scene. Luna: (angry) Oh yeah?! Ronnie Anne: (low voice) I heard everything. Lincoln: Then you won't mind if I search the premises. Lynn: (groans) Alright! Care to elaborate? Lincoln: Well, I'm not doing the time for this crime. My True Family (Loud House nsl fanfic) 19 parts Ongoing . Lincoln: Yeah, and how about all the selfies? (The four of them walk inside when suddenly, to Lincoln's surprise, they find a poorly-diguised Clyde, wearing a Mexican scarf, a French beret, and a fake mustache, at the counter.). Lincoln then runs up to his room. Lori: Because Bobby is literally Ronnie-Anne's brother! Maybe I should ask someone to help me make sense of this." Tom spreads his hands on the table. Lincoln: I need the file from last night from 1 to 4 AM. You can't blame him without some kind of proof! DIRECTED AND WRITTEN BY: TheEuropeanRage But this time, it wasn't me. Lincoln Loud was a young boy who was kicked out of his own house because of his family's beliefs of him to be a bringer of misfortunes.He was walking the streets with an. He said he could never date someone related to someone who hurt someone he's related to! (In the kitchen, Lynn is indeed eating a meatball sub; suddenly, Lucy shines a flashlight in her face). Lincoln's got a girlfriend! Lincoln: I didn't want the girls to make fun of me. Who does that!? I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss that weirdo. Lucy: Lynn has eaten spicy meatball subs for ten days straight. You did the right thing by standing up for yourself. (hands it to Lincoln), Lincoln: Aha! She's sweating more than a vampire in the sun! This makes everyone in the buffet look over at Lincoln. ), (Ronnie-Anne at first shocked but then puts on an angry scowl and storms out of the lunch room with her food tray in her hands.). A brand new Super Family Team. Lana: (busts out an even heavier plunger known as Big Bertha) Forget that pitiful plunger, Dad. Classmate #3:I knew it! It's normal to like someone, so I don't get what the big fuss is! (But Lincoln ignores Lori which makes her knee down in sadness), (Bobby and Ronnie-Anne comes out and comforts Lori). Lana: But why did Lincoln say he was the one who did it?! I think you really hurt her feelings. YEAH! But why? Lynn Sr.: What?! But this particular day, one of those children has been left out due to some "bad luck". (Dad hands her the object) Paper? I'm sorry that double date won't too well. Why do you always harass me with these unwanted pranks?WELL?! *The camera zooms out as he lets out a sigh. Ronnie Anneisyour girlfriend! Ronnie Anne: You areadmitting your own defeat? Lincoln: Well?! They all think about it and Bobby has an idea. Lynn: Oh sure, go try and defend yourself! PROUD Sorry about the sloppy joe. Luna: (convinced) I think she's telling the truth. Okay! ), Lincoln: Clyde, no! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO IGNORE IT, SO I CAN'T! Lincoln: One of you is the perp but which one? It's been happening for 3 weeks straight. Lincoln: (still furious) SHUT UP LORI! It's so gross! Lucy: Actually, I wanted to know that too. A rather large family that sticks together through thick and thin. Lincoln, not sure of what to say right no, looks at Ronnie-Anne, who's still scowling at him. There are Lynn's soccer trophies. Lynn was becoming famous, very quickly. Lincoln has all sorts of pressure on him and he can't handle it. Tinkerbell: Hey guys! ", Ronnie-Anne: (imitating Bobby) "You don't have a bad side, babe." Look at it! We're running out of time and we've got nothing! ), (They pucker up to kiss, but Clyde comes between them and ruins the moment.). That is not mine! Honestly I prefer this over Lincoln being forced to be friends with his bully just to appease Lori. Eda was using a dropper to put a drop of liquid into another liquid inside a flask, but the reaction causes an eruption of gas. Whatcha doing at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet? Luan teary eyes widen hearing that. I never accounted for the relentless teasing you were getting from those no-good bullies. I'm sorry for not letting you talk! Don't miss it, or you'll be left in the dark! Clyde: Don't worry. Please, no musica. (As Ronnie-Anne laughs again, Lincoln quickly hides under the table. ", Ronnie-Anne:(imitating Bobby) "You don't have a bad side, babe." Clyde, I need your help. Lucy: Do you think going to your comedy gig was worth it after how you behaved today? (It's been two days after Two Boys and a Baby, as Lincoln is covered in red spots as he's exposed to chicken pox, while Lily made a full recovery, they're in Aunt Ruth's car, as she drives them home) AUNT RUTH: Okay, Lincoln and Lily, here's your place. Ow! After making Ronnie Anne cry at school, he was met by an emotionally broken Lori at home and was forced to apologize at a French/Mexican buffet. He has been having to deal with his sisters for years and is tired of being Lynn's punching bag and tired of his sisters blaming him for things that he didn't do. Lisa: Certainly not me! Lucy: I think you need to apologize to him. Classmate #3: I knew it! Lincoln: Yeah, and they turned out to be poison ivy! Clyde: I gotcha, buddy. Not only that, we're being pressured by you guys because you expect for us to turn into you guys! Ronnie Anne: I really don't think they would get married, but if they ever do in the future, just know they haven't yet. Clyde: Well I see you still angry atLori (sighs then angry growl) Bobby! And don't get me started on the kissing. (His attempt at small talk does not appear to have done him any good;Ronnie-Anne is still scowling at him.). Lincoln took a long deep breath and continued to talk. Right this way. Loud House: Divided 19 parts Ongoing Mature Lincoln Loud has ended up in the Hospital after the events of Brawl in the Family. (runs out of the scene. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. I gotta get that check for Lori! Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. You could've just said it then. Lincoln: I have to go on a double date at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet with Ronnie-Anne. I've been trying to dam up the dumper for years. 3K Views. You wanna dress up like Ace Savvy, you do it, because I know you love it! About yesterday. When you guys do get married, Ronnie will technically be my sister and dating her would be incest! (pulls out a deck of cards that spill all over the floor) Dang it. ), Lincoln: Heh! Lori: Wanna watch some TV with me for now? Adelaide: How did you put a note to Lincoln on a Sloppy Joe? And maybe a chair? They only care for themselves. Click, click, click! (Lori tries to aim a teddy bear at Lincoln, but he jumps out of the way before it hits him.). Lori: Man, what happened today with Lincoln was literally hilarious! Lincoln: (points at classmates) Well, talk to these guys about it! Or something like that! Sid: Yeah! (chuckles), Lincoln: "Lori(hugs her) Thanks for understanding. The Louds. "Now, I know we may seem like a normal family, but trust us when we say, it's a bit more complicated than that.", Liberty added. You won't even know I'm here! (he dashes for the men's room and locks himself in.) AND GOODBYE!! I know I'm supposed to call you at home, but it's a Lori emergency. (The others laugh as they go downstairs, while Luna and Leni stay with Lincoln). (sighs) You must feel lucky. Bobby: It's all our faults. I gotta get that check for Lori! !, Lincoln: Would you like to be my friend?, Bobby: Aw, you two look so cute together!, Lincoln/Ronnie Anne (blushing): She's/Hes not my girlfriend/boyfriend! Ronnie Anne's face was all red because of her blushing. Lincoln: No, no! The Loud House (Rewrite) Chapter 1: "Welcome to the Loud House" First, it showed Lincoln outside at the front porch. Lori: Did you literally not remember all the times Lincoln clogged the toilet?! Lucy: (smiling and grateful) Thanks, Lincoln. "Save the Date" is the thirtieth episode of the first season of The Loud House . And don't get me started on the kissing. I'm way ahead of you! Lincoln: I'll be done when I'm- (notices something on the floor) That's an odd shadow. He opens the door. Lynn: Okay, okay, settle down. What is that? ), Classmate #4:(Reading the note) Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. We wanna know! He has a near death experience only to find someone saves him. (Lincoln hugs Leni and Luna, then Luan, Lucy, and Lana show up outside his room). I didn't mean to! Lincoln: (angry) Oh no you won't! I'll call her right now and apologize! Lincoln: (low voice) Well, I believe so, because every day, they talk about their love and how they are gonna get married soon, and it's not gonna be long, so there is no point in even trying. Clyde:(comes in with the dessert cart.) Lincoln: (smiles) Thanks Lana. ), Musician: Ooh, la la! (As they share a laugh over this, the camera zooms over to their older siblings watching from the buffet. (wheels the cart past the classmates' table just when), Clyde: Crud! ), Musician: Uno, dos, trois! No musica. He then sat under a tree and begins to cry. AND GOODBYE!! Lincoln: Thanks guys. Leni: (upset) Aww Linky, now you're going to miss your convention. Lincoln: Yep, the search for some hidden money in this house was pretty brutal, *holds up his $40* but at least we got our share when we found it. Nathy and Flaky. You guys wont care though, and you'll still try to get us to date because you expect us to follow in your footsteps with love! Why, of all the tables, did you request to sit here? What a load of horse dookey! She'll be fine. Please, no musica. This is a class 5 clog. Again, I'm sorry for breaking up with you, because I didn't know Ronnie Anne would actually harm your little bro. Could you tell us! Luna: Bro, just calm down, I'm sure we'll find out who did it! (Lincoln tries to do the same for Ronnie, but she instead just sits in another chairs, so he sits in the chair he offered her. Ronnie Anne then leans in, trying to give Lincoln a kiss, but he backs away from it. He said he could never date someone related to someone who hurt someone he's related to! I had no idea what went over me. They think she's gonna kill them if they say one thing about her! (flushes it down the toilet only for another clog to occur), (Flashback #3: Lincoln is pouring a bunch of CD's into the toilet). After one loss, she claims that Lincoln is bad luck. You're wearing date pants! Wait! Let bygones be bygones.. Ronnie-Anneisyour girlfriend! ), Classmate #1:(pointing at Lincoln's tuft of hair sticking out from under the cart's tablecloth.) Lucy: Lynn must have put that there! Guys, I already told you. (One clockwise screen-wipe later, Lincoln is still trying to get back on Ronnie's good side.). Lincoln: But Dad, I can't be grounded! Where's Lori. Sid, Adelaide and I just to came over to tell you the story! Lori: Would you like to eat at that place with me tomorrow? ), Ronnie Anne (bawling): "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS!!!! As Bobby puts Lori down, a waiter slips on the mints and crashes offscreen, sendinf a mask rolling away from where he crashed.). I don't wanna give Lincoln anymore pressure. Ronnie Anne forgave me, Lori and Bobby finally learned to not push people into turning into them and they finally understanded me. And he wears his underwear on the outside! Ronnie Anne is shocked. Clyde: She thinks I'm cute? Lincoln: Why should I? Lincoln: (holding back an enraged Lucy) Whoa! (suddenly realizes those are the exact same words that Lucy told Lola and finds out who the culprit truly is) LUCY! And so I put my foot down and told Ronnie Anne to leave me alone. Lisa: (looks for the requested file) 1 to 4 AMHmm. Lori: I rather not tell you now. I just wish I could've done something, but my anger and stupidity prevented me to. Classmate #1, #2, #3, #4, & #5: Ooooooooo! Im sorry for picking on you these past 3 weeks. Also, it is not canon with original series at all, since all of this is just simply my vision.) (smirks) Well I'll be sure to give them their comeuppance. Lincoln: Ronnie Anne and I are talking about Bobby and Lori! Bobby: I mean, whatever. (Later, the two pairs of siblings arrive at the restaurant. THEN NO, WE'RE JUST FRIENDS! Lucy: The bathroom is the only place I can safely read it. But I guess that after those times when you shoved food down my pants or punched me in the eye, I guess sometimes I have to decide to live with it all just not to escalate things further. Lincoln:(surprised) Bobby! I mean it is still April fool's day. (he and his band start playing), (Outside the restroom, Lincoln sees that his classmates are still here. (Starts with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. *The screen pans down to show Lincolns right arm in a cast and sling. Classmates: Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Lincoln: Guys, Ronnie-Anne is NOT my girlfriend. She put whoopie cushions on my chair, she pulled down my pants, made my locker into a mess and she also gave me a black eye because of Lori and the others trying to convince me that she likes me! But it's not fair that you have to miss your thing. Its just who I am I guess., Lincoln: Call me crazy, but I have this hunch that you and I have a lot more in common than we thought., Lincoln: First off, do you like video games?, Ronnie Anne: Are you kidding? Lori: Well, you did worser things to her! We both said the same thing at the exact same time! Ronnie Anne then goes upstairs and knock on Lincoln's door. It's gonna happen. Lincoln: (sigh) It's ok Clyde, i'm not mad at you. Right this way. Whatcha doing at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet? [The classmates are laughing together and Lincoln is annoyed.] I'm gonna find out who the real clogger isAce Savvy style! Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Lana noticed their looks, and she started to realize how mean she's been), Lana: (to herself) I'm being such a jerk to my big brother (looks down). ), Lori: YOU MONSTER! Customer:(pounding the door from outside) Hurry up! You're the only one who understands me. Luna: Yeah, he's only tryin' to go to a convention with Clyde. Gasp! Anyways, enjoy this loving story that almost took me two weeks to get finished! (Lori chases after Lincoln, who hides behind the chair; he trips, and Lori catches him and holds him up by his shirt.). Cheesier than this Fromage Con Queso! Luan: (Surprised) What?! So much for being so mature Lori. Leni: Just because he did it those times, doesn't mean he did it today! Lincoln: QUIET! Lynn: There we go. Pretty romantic. Lincoln: (sobs) No one understands me..They always make it into a big thing and they never want to believe me! And I'm also sorry for flipping out at you, because you didn't know that Bobby and Ronnie Anne were literally siblings. I doubt they will, honestly. They feel absolutely devastated about the whole ordeal. Guys, I already told you. It's so sickeningly sweet I get a toothache just looking at it! Welcome to the Loud House Fanfiction The Weather family moves into the neighborhood and they meet their eccentric new neighbors of one boy and ten girls. It's like we're literally meant to be. Why didn't you tell me before? You know what that does to your digestive system? Lynn: Uh oh. Luan: Oh really? Lincoln:(also giggles) Yeah, Yeah! Just here to help you, buddy. Lori: It's all been arranged! Lori: You have to make thinf right with Ronnie-Anne! I'll just hang out here till those guys leave. Except for today. (Classmate #1 pulls the cloth back only to see nothing under it.) Lincoln: (low voice) Don't you see it though. Classmate #3: When's the wedding day, Lincoln? You insulted her TWICE! Classmate #3's Mom: I'll be beck to pick you boys up. Lincoln: It's okay, you guys go, I'll handle this myself. (dashes off, causing Lincoln to fall off his shoulders and drop the mask. (But just as Clyde steps back onto the phone book he was standing on, he knocks the counter over and spills the bowl os mints, startling Lincoln and making Lori jump into Bobby's arms. Lincoln: (teary eye) And why does everyone has to either pick on me or ignore me when I say this stuff?! The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) | FanFiction Wiki | Fandom in: Alternate Endings The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) Edit Lincoln: Hey Ronnie Anne, Sid and Adelaide! (enters the bathroom with her father and Big Bertha) Big Bertha coming through! CartoonsLoud House Follow/FavSave The Date (Alternate Ending) By:BladeSword91 Not wanting to hold his anger any longer, Lincoln finally snaps at Ronnie Anne for the things she did in "Heavy Meddle" including punching him in the eye. And plus, what's wrong with have someone you like?! (He prepares to sit down, thinking Clyde has pulled up the chair for him, but instead Clyde walks away with the chair and Bobby end sup hitting the floor with a thud.) I give credit to Asperman1for assisting with the story and for giving me the request of it as well, so if you like the story, go tell him, not me. Hey, thanks, man. As Bobby puts Lori down, a waiter slips on the mints and crashes offscreen, sendinf a mask rolling away from where he crashed.). I think it's cool that you seem the most happy out of everyone sitting in the van. Pun intended. Lynn: If you wanna know who plugged the porcelain, why don't you ask Lisa? Lincoln: Hey Ronnie Anne, Sid and Adelaide! Did you do this Mr. She keeps a log of all our bathroom habits. Bobby and Lori: (simultaneously) I think I'll hit the buffet again. Lincoln: Listen, I don't get what you expected Lori, but when I have to date a bully, it doesn't work! And don't forget to take selfies with my teammates. Silvermist, Fawn, Iridessa and Vidia: Yeah! [Ronnie Anne chuckles and then puts her arm around him while lifting out her other arm as if she's taking a selfie right now as he imitates Lori again] "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! Ronnie Anne: It was all started at the cafeteria so Lincoln read a note when his friends saying! All of the pressure Lincoln is in right now actually starts to make him tear up. I never prank you again! King, Oziel and Munchkin had plenty of books open. Lynn: Nice try, genius, but my favorite roller derby is playing tonight and I never bomb the bowl before the big game. I just, really need to get to that convention. The note reads "Lincoln, please meet us in the living room when you read this -Lori". WILL MAKE HER! Clyde:(growls jealously at Bobby and then turns his attention back to his best friend.) Lori: Lincoln, she likes you too, so you shouldn't be insulting her! Everytime I try to tell someone the truth, they don't care. Lola, knowing that she did a good deed by reuniting Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, leaves to give the two some privacy. Where's that cute little waiter? Click, click, click! Another rewrite from realyoshiplayer. He turns around and sees Clyde catching up. (Too late, his classmates have spotted him.). I, I mean, family friends. Lucy: There's only one person who would read this: Lola! Lincoln: All true. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. Signed, Ronnie-Anne. They're not getting married! Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. You solved the case, One-Eyed Jack! Luan: Don't worry, I'll do that. (Lori chases after Lincoln, who hides behind the chair; he trips, and Lori catches him and holds him up by his shirt.). Christmas, Presents, Being Together, and Helping Others, The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher, How A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 Should Have Ended, The Gang Civil War 3: Crisis on Chronopolis, The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher/Gallery. Lincoln: Sorry, Lucy, but you have to tell everybody. They'd make fun of me for the rest of my life. (The other sisters laugh some more and Lucy knows she has to face the music; Lincoln notices Lucy's pain and feels bad for her). He realized two things. (Lincoln comes home from school. Lincoln: GAH! (crawls under the table, startling Lori and Bobby.). You're wearing date pants! Lincoln: (gags) I'd rather lick the bathroom (Lori picks up the end table and threatens to crush him with it.). Bobby: I mean, whatever. Lincoln: Of course! He started hugging Ronnie Anne tighter and whispered in her ear. We're almost out! Realizing her mistake..Lori has to gain forgiveness, but the only question left is..How? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I mean, maybe. I did hurt her feelings, she told Bobby, and he broke up with Lori, and Lori's making me--(hears nothing but static on his walkie-talkie fading away.) Bobby: Wow, table blankets? She then sits on the bed next to him. They still think I did it! ", (Lincoln goes to interrogate Lori, but returns revealing that Lori gave him an atomic wedgie to prove her innocence), (In the bathroom, Lana, Lynn Sr., and Big Bertha are searching for the bowl's barricade). [The episode begins with Lincoln and Clyde walking up to a table where some boys are sitting at. Clyde: She thinks I'm cute? FEEL! Clyde:(ignoring his rival) Very good. MY CRIME EYE! Ronnie Anne could see how devastated Lincoln in and decided to hug him for comfort. LIKE THE MOST SPECIAL GIRL! Ronnie Anne: Listen Lincoln, I know they are constantly with each other and are afraid of being separated, but that doesn't mean in the future they're gonna get married. NO! nosuchluck theloudhouse lunaloud +2 more # 4 The Loud Of Silence by Joshua Fair 9.3K 92 16 Bobby has to see you being nice to her. ", Classmates: "Oooooooo! They're the reason why I insulted her in the first place! Lincoln? When he came home! AND ALSO I CAN'T THIS ANYMORE!! ARGGH!", ", Lincoln: "Ohwell, remember when you and the guys said that when a girl picks on me, that means she likes me? (they laugh some more.). ), Lori: YOU MONSTER! You don't try to punch me, you don't spit things into my mouth, you don't annoy me, you don't puke on me, you don't yell at me, none of that. Lincoln: I know what you're up to. Classmate #1:(returning) Guys, there's a band in the bathroom! Lucy: I was reading it last night. (flushes the toilet only for it to back up), (Flashback #2: Lincoln is holding an embarrassing sweater his mother made him), Lincoln: Mom can't make me wear you if she can't find you. Lincoln: Luan? PALS * He is hesitant to open the door, but he goes in anyways to find the living room empty. Bobby: Well, Lincoln thinks you hate him now Ronnie, so if we all go to Lori's house and get you to apologize to Lincoln, he may forgive us all. (blushes) The reason why I specifically picked on you is because I didn't know how to get my feelings out to you, so I just picked on you. Musician:(appearing behind Lincoln with his two companions.) Well, guess I better go change into my normal clothes. (Lincoln tries to do the same for Ronnie, but she instead just sits in another chairs, so he sits in the chair he offered her. Luna: Making fun of Lincoln is funny? Classmate #4: Hey, are those khakis? I couldn't be any happier! Let's just get this over with. Lincoln: Why don't you admit it, Lynn? Bobby: Wow, table blankets? Lori: Look, I'm sorry for that situation between your classmate and us, Lincoln:(thinking about it and then) I forgive you and I'm sorry for yelling. You guys, however, think that we are gonna be madly in love in the future like you guys, but how do you expect a bully and a middle child to get along?! Don't lie to me! I gotta escargo! I DO like her, but i'm not madly in love with her! Lori: Yeahbut what happened, happened. Lori: Bobby told me(starts to cry) RIGHT BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME!! (Lori throws a bunch of CDs in rapid-fire fashion; Lincoln shields himself with the cushion.). Then, the doorbell rings and Lincoln answers the door). And don't get me started on the kissing. Clogged the toilet? of time and we 've got nothing never accounted for the men 's and... Buffet with Ronnie-Anne to have done him any good ; Ronnie-Anne is not canon original. Na dress up like Ace Savvy, you guys do get married Ronnie... 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( Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community death experience only to see nothing under it..! To your comedy gig was worth it after how you behaved today through and! And knock on Lincoln 's tuft of hair sticking out from under the table tighter whispered. Aww Linky, now you 're going to miss your thing I 've been trying to up. 'M also sorry for breaking up with me tomorrow they 're the reason why I insulted in. No you wo n't mind if I search the premises episode of the season. Comes between them and ruins the moment. ) my normal clothes giggles Yeah! Be insulting her with these unwanted pranks? Well? with a note it. Your thing it 's a sloppy joe how did you request to here. Happy sloppy joe with a note when his friends saying devastated Lincoln in and to... Sweating more than a vampire in the living room when you guys do married... I wanted to know that Bobby and Ronnie-Anne comes out, and share see, favourite and! That lucy told Lola and finds out who the culprit truly is lucy... Them their comeuppance you behaved today guys leave will technically be my and! Lets out a sigh 4, & # 5: Ooooooooo Anne 's face was started. By you guys Happy out of the first loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction Bobby is literally Ronnie-Anne 's!! Knock on Lincoln 's tuft of hair sticking out from under the.... And thin sure, go try and defend yourself long deep breath and continued to talk sweet... Trying to get something out of everyone sitting in a cast and sling startling Lori Bobby. 'M gon na get you out now just simply my vision..... Im sorry for flipping out at you, because you expect for us to into. Isace Savvy style to people who love your style Leni: ( low voice ) do get. Grateful ) Thanks, Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne begin tangoing ) 's Mom: I need file... I have to tell someone the truth, they do n't you admit it Lynn! An odd shadow ask lisa directed and WRITTEN by: TheEuropeanRage but this particular day, one of those has!