, No hunting on Sundays, unless youre killing raccoons. Think youre innocent? And is it any wonder, when women in Yemen can't leave the house without their husband's permission? The law is known as the Ley del Machete and was created by Rafael Carrera, who led the independence movement in Guatemala. Suspiciously holding a salmon in the UK Ben Bryant/Shutterstock Parliament's famous Salmon Act of 1986 states that it's illegal to hold a salmon under suspicious circumstances. 23. Lots of wacky laws have been written over the years, and they were all written for a reason. Supposedly, its a threat to public safety. Formerly, this formality cost the destitute $10. Marie Claire is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Perhaps one of the best-known injustices against women around the. It's much easier than you think for pickpockets to slice through your bag and make off with your wallet. Sending someone a pizza can cost way more than the delivery fee but only if you do it wrong. One lighter margarine law, however, stuck around: Restaurants were forbidden to substitute margarine for butter unless a customer requested it for fear of triggering allergic reactions. It's unlikely to ever be enforced, however, unless your whispering is really, really annoying. It's also illegal to spit on any public path or in a park or public building. World Population By Percentage of Blood Types, Prohibited to open an umbrealla on a street, Illegal to throw confetti or spray silly string, Flamingoes are not allowed in barber shops, Denying someone a glass of water is prohibited, Spitting is only permitted on baseball diamonds, It is illegal for car dealers to show cars on Sundays, A pickle is not a pickle unless it bounces, One is not to walk backwards after sunset, It is prohibited to fly over water without sufficient supplies, The singing in public places while wearing a bathing suit is not allowed, Skateboarding without a license is prohbited, One is not to live on a boat for more than 30 days, Illegal to eat fried chicken any way but with your hands, Chickens are not permitted to cross the road, It is prohibited to gift a box of chocolates weighing more than 50 lbs, The giving of whiskey to dogs is prohibited, No kites allowed to be flown within city limits, It is illegal to catch a fish with bare hands, Nobody is to step out of a plane mid-flight, Christmas decorations must not be up past January 14th, It is not permitted to take a lion to the movies, Beer is not to be given to hospital patients. Wiki User 2014-02-13 20:15:32 Study now See answer (1) Best Answer Copy Men can't ride on the backs of motorcycles but women can, because they (the women). I hope you enjoy these weird facts about Guatemala. 3. A law that began in the 80s as a serious anti-nuke statement has taken on a second life as an Internet joke, mainly due to the purported consequences: In addition to self-annihilation, the infraction also carries a $500 fine. It was enacted in the 1970s to essentially label horses as vehicles. So, make sure to be respectful of the birds the next time you see them crossing. 5 Things You Should Know About: Central America, 5 Things You Should Know About: South America, 5 Things You Should Know About: North America. A New Law Could Change That. Just dont let them take a snooze in the process, or you might be slapped with a fine. Any person violating this law is likely to be charged an amount not exceeding $100,000 or a jail term not exceeding two years, arguably a bit harsh for a character from urban legends. Connecticuts Food and Drug Commissioner at the time proclaimed that a real pickle should bounce when dropped from the height of one foot, leading to a new state regulation. Final verdict: In most of Montana, keeping a pet rat is completely fine. Unfortunately, when a local dam broke, the house flooded, and the bathtub floated away, donkey and all. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. No pun intended. The law was passed in 1951 and seeks to reduce fire accidents caused by mishandling of flammable material by untrained personnel, and anyone violating this law is liable for a $500 fine. In fact, it's illegal to release more than one mylar or foil balloon at the same time, even if it's for advertising purposes. Hitting 100 on the autobahn is a thrilling feeling, but you'd best keep an eye on the road and the other on the needle. Guatemala Singapore In the early 2000s, officials in Singapore recognized a widespread chewing gum littering problem. How many sleazy seaweed peddlers have you met? The 50 states of the United States are allowed by the federal constitution to formulate and implement their own laws. this strange law from the city of lincoln was enacted in 1989 and states that "any person who is diseased, maimed, mutilated, or in any way deformed, so as to be an unsightly or disgusting object, or an improper person to be allowed in or on the streets, highways, thoroughfares or public places in this city, shall not therein or thereon expose The ban on porch couches is still active in 2021. But don't worry unless you're in the habit of taking naps in cheese factories or wrestling bears, you're probably not breaking any of these weird laws in the U.S. Dont take photographs without permission, especially of children. Meanwhile, state officials are still unable to get a green-light for their new TV show, Law And Order: VDU. This means many people are living here who do not speak Spanish as their first language so its important for us as tourists not to assume anything! Despite attempts to repeal the law in 2011, the margarine ban has stuck. Previously, I've worked at VOGUE.com, ELLE.com, and MarieClaire.com. Ever since50 Cent was arrested for swearing on stage in the Caribbean (St. Kitts prohibits the use of profanity in public), we've been wondering what other countries we could accidentally get in trouble in. Viajamos contigo Blog de turismo fcil y barato Nos vamos contigo! At this time, the Maya were the most powerful civilization in Mesoamerica. But in certain regions of India, a man can offer his wife as collateral until his debts are paid. (opens in new tab) But that's not all: Women still don't have the right to vote in this Middle Eastern country. 6. For the record, according to Animal Law, the 2014 Animal Welfare Act prohibits the ownership of big cats like lions, tigers, and snow leopards for most residents anyway. If you order a sliced bagel in New York City, fuhgeddabout a square deal: altered bagels (sliced, toasted, or served with cream cheese, etc.) InDyersburg,TN, it is illegal for a woman to call a man while on a date. Residents of Downey should be careful about where they wash their cars. Also, it is unlawful to wrestle a bear but at that point, the law is the least of your worries. Its also the name of Guatemalas currency. In Los Angeles, it's illegal to blow smoke in someone elses face. You should ensure that your passport has sufficient validity and a plentiful supply of unused pages before you travel. And it is still on the books that two men copulating is illegal. This practical law, The Swiss kindly ask you not to hike in the nude. Final verdict: This weird law sounds like something made up by a fed-up best friend. Spanish is the official language of Guatemala, but at least 21 other languages are spoken in Guatemala. Any person who attempts to pass off margarine, oleo, or oleomargarine as real butter is guilty of a simple misdemeanor in the stat of Iowa, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $625 fine. He was also the first president of Guatemala from 1844 to 1865. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, show them these statistics. What are 4 main causes of voter apathy What are 4 solutions. Everyone knows L.A. is an interesting city with its fair share of quirks, but these weird laws in Los Angeles are bound to surprise you. Weird laws in Florida An unmarried woman cannot go skydiving on a Sunday It is illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit Oral sex is illegal It's illegal to skateboard without a skateboarding license. In Goodyear, Arizona, it's illegal for any person to spit on the public sidewalks, highways, or crosswalks. are because they're less likely to shoot you. Any form of the "occult arts" is illegal to practice in Yamhill, including "fortune-telling, astrology, phrenology, palmistry, clairvoyance, mesmerism, spiritualism or any other practice or practices generally recognized to be unsound and unscientific whereby an attempt or pretense is made.". Who knows, but it was enough of an annoyance to pass a law about it. (Maybe this rule is better off also being applied to frogs.). To prevent any old Joe from masquerading as one, though, Massachusetts requires fortune-tellers to live in the state for a minimum of a year before applying for a license. When it was first invented, Wisconsin banned the yellow butter substitute, thinking that it was a threat to their thriving dairy industry. Final verdict: At first read, this weird law seems like it should come with a hilarious reason. As a result, two people in the same legal situation can be treated differently. If Bigfoot exists, lawmakers reasoned, it would be an endangered species, and therefore in need of protection. We're not sure why this law was ever necessary. Listen here, city slicker: Galesburg city law strictly prohibits fancy riding of any bicycle on city streets, particularly riding with both hands removed from the handlebars, both feet removed from the pedals, or any acrobatic shenanigans on your fancy velocipede. Do Not Sell My Personal Information CA Residents. A Family Name. What are some strange laws in Jamaica? Final verdict: We guess Grandma was right about this one. 25 funny international laws youd never know were real. Final verdict: This weird law was intended for hackers to prevent people from selling Netflix login details in bulk. A tourist was arrested for such a chicken-forking violation in 2009. 5. Chewing gum in Singapore Matt Ragen/Shutterstock Brandon C./Flickr. What does it mean to be a California.com Recommended Business? Unfortunately, people are terrible. You may be asked to pay a small amount of money to take photographs of both children and adults. Parliament's famous Salmon Act of 1986 states that it's illegal to hold a salmon under suspicious circumstances. The law has been in existence since 1965, and the art of eating fried chicken with your hands is considered a culinary delicacy sacred to this municipality". In Virginia, hunting is forbidden on Sundays, unless you're hunting raccoons. Why You Should Care About Equal Pay (opens in new tab) 8. We recommend our users to update the browser. 60 Weird Laws Around the World By Lissa Poirot and Brittany Alexandra Sulc, updated on August 4, 2022 Getty Images Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. Here are 15 weird dog laws you didnt know existed in America. 11. In South Berwick, Maine, the parking lot was perpetually jam-packed. This is one weird law that Europeans would definitely laugh at. He won his first Olympic gold medal at Athens in 1896, where he competed as an amateur despite being a professional athlete at that time. More on cars in Glendale: It's illegal to drive your car in reverse. 35. Sex Trafficking Victims Are Being Punished. If you're in Glendale, you best make sure that adorable puppy of yours isn't in the elevator. Whatcom County, Washington, also unanimously passed the law on 6/9/91 declaring the county a refuge for Sasquatch and Bigfoot. Fool me once, shame on you: No person convicted of a felony may operate a Bingo game in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. New public buildings that cost over $100,000 have to allocate 1 percent of funds for art displays, thanks to the National Assembly of State Art Agencies. Like Mama always said, dont buy junk from a drunk. In Wyoming, purchasing scrap metals, rubber, rags or paper from an intoxicated person is prohibited. In Oklahoma,"every person guilty of secretly loitering about any building, with intent to overhear discourse therein, and to repeat or publish the same to vex, annoy, or injure others, is guilty of a misdemeanor.". Think again. People used to set up bear-wrestling rings. Guatemalan prisons are overcrowded, violent and unclean. The reason behind this law is not entirely clear; however, it may have been due to Carreras strong belief in militarism. You should know that sandboxes cannot be used as ashtrays. The first thing we learned today was that Spanish is the official language of Guatemala, but at least 21 other languages are spoken in Guatemala. Final verdict: Don't go to Yamhill to get your fortune told. 19. Why? However, in the main there isn't much weird about the laws in Nicaragua. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Long winters can be boring, but thats no good reason to hold a greased pig contest in your parlor. Grease theft, it turns out, was a huge problem in NC before this 2012 law passed, with midnight grease-bandits persistently preventing Biodiesel companies from purchasing restaurants excess oil to convert into fuel. Plus the cost of the pizza. Where this law exists: Skamania County, Washington, Final verdict:Anyone who has been to Washington State, particularly western Washington, knows that they're a little obsessed with Bigfoot. , If you own any chickens in Quitman, Georgia, it is illegal to let them cross the road. An exception is made for dental or nicotine gum. Final verdict: In some states, Sunday is still seen as a day of rest. Emily Cain, executive director of EMILY's List and and former Minority Leader in Maine, says that to stop the assault on reproductive rights, we need to start demanding more from our state legislatures. But mostly, they will have to endure the humiliation of being called shellfish for the rest of their life. That's one way of enforcing a phone-free evening. Per state laws, a person who is already drunk may not knowingly enter a bar to drink more, or remain in the bar that got them drunk in the first place. I'm an Associate Editor at the Business of Fashion, where I edit and write stories about the fashion and beauty industries. Oxford, OH 45056, USA. The law originated during the 1860s, when San Francisco was at the center of the California Gold Rush. Following the Zoot Suit Riotsa series of race-related conflicts that took place in 1943the Los Angeles City Council banned zoot suits. 15 weird dog laws you didnt know existed in America, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons, Alexander Hamilton was involved in at least 10 duels, 13 things a funeral director wont tell you. This particular Florida law states that "no person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.". It is also illegal to spit on the sidewalks of the square in Oxford. A fine of up to $700 is in store for anyone who feeds the pigeonsin Venice's St. Mark's Square. But in Guatemala particularly, there are no car seat or seat belt laws. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Want to Find Out What Your Co-Worker's Make? Obviously, eating it with your hands is the right way. It used to be illegal to drive more than 2,000 sheep down Hollywood Boulevard. Menu Final verdict: Do you know how to tell if a pickle is legit? It is illegal for drivers to pump their gas in the state of Oregon. You understand that your consent is not a condition of purchase, and that you can opt-out at any time. Why are professional headshots important? Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Many people in both Guatemala and Belize ride a motorcycle in lieu of driving a car because gas is so expensive there. See if you can follow along: wearing a bulletproof vest while committing or attempting to commit a crime of the first degree, is a crime of the second degree. How inhumane! No spitting in public places. The official language of Guatemala is Spanish, but at least 21 other languages are spoken in Guatemala. Brandon C./Flickr. Additionally, mock horse-racing games are not allowed either. Good to know now; unfortunately, when the oath took effect in 1848, many would-be duelists turned to murderous street brawls instead. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Good to know. I sure hope that means everyone gets free drying machines! Where this law exists: Gainesville, Georgia. Los Angeles takes bathing seriouslytheres more than one law relating to bathing. Any man found without one could be fined or imprisoned until he obtained one and could show proof that it was within reach of his bedroom (the location where a man sleeps). Nobody is to cross state lines with a duck atop their head, Anyone disturbing church services is subject to a citizens arrest, Tapping feet, nodding head, or moving to music in any water is prohibited in restaurants, It is required that a person lend a phone to another in need, No bingo games shall last more than 5 hours, The serving of beer and pretzels simutaneously is not allowed, Professional sports are not to be played on Sundays, it is prohibited to catch a fish using a lasso. Repeal the law on 6/9/91 declaring the County a weird laws in guatemala for Sasquatch and Bigfoot 's?. Is made for dental or nicotine gum should Care about Equal pay ( in! S much easier than you think for pickpockets to slice through your bag and off! May be asked to pay a small amount of money to take of! 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