Which is exactly what happened to Howard Walmsley, who was eventually caught out and arrested in 1999. Copyright 2023 WMBF. Walmsley, a painter, and decorator by trade, believed that the lottery lie would save his marriage as he would now be able to provide Kathy with everything that she had always wanted. Strangers speak different languages to each other to 25 Year Old pretends to be a highschool student and plays Press J to jump to the feed. All rights reserved. Even after a mistress?? Howard Walmsley was convicted and sentenced to prison for three years. The force said he is also believed to go by the names Howard Walmsley and Howard Hemmings. Meet Howard Walmsley, a mild-mannered Englishman who turned his life around and saved his failing marriage at the same time when he won 8.4 million in the lottery. We are told the driver only had minor injuries. think about it we are as far away from 2002 as 2002 was from the 80s dude looks like a he-man action figure melted in the sun. In "POLAR BEAR FAMILY AND ME", legendary wildlife filmmaker Gordon Buchanan travels deep into the Arctic for his greatest challenge yet - infiltrating a family of polar bears and documenting the cubs' 97% owned is a documentary which presents serious research & verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. Wells claimed told her he owned dozens of hotels around the world and pretended to go frequent business trips, often sending her photos from exotic-looking locations. Im happy for him, I really am. Today the Florida Lottery winners wife faces eviction after her husband left following the win, leaving her penniless. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Read more. Legend: After being tricked into believing he's won the lottery, a man makes startling admissions prior to walking out on those closest to him. Murphy was the primary breadwinner during her 15-year marriage to Weirsky and was ordered by the court to pay him spousal support for five years following the end of their relationship, according to Inside Edition.. ', Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, 'My family helped to drive out Meghan': Harry launches extraordinary new attack on the Royal family - branding them 'abusers' who planted stories to rehabilitate their own reputations in British tell-all to promote his memoir, Harry claims William and Kate 'stereotyping' Meghan as a 'biracial American actress' meant she was not welcomed as a Royal, HARRY BRITISH INTERVIEW: All the reaction to Prince Harry's startling accusations against the Royal family as 90-minute interview with journalist Tom Bradby ends, 'People have had plenty of reasons to complain about us sex crimes weren't one of them': Prince Harry becomes first royal to publicly address Prince Andrew's links to Jeffrey Epstein with reference to 'shameful scandal' in biography, Prince Harry denies the Royal family are racist but again repeats relative asked about son Archie's skin colour - but says he will NEVER say who, Texas Gov. The waiter agrees. Instead she has found that despite her husbands' huge Florida Lottery win, she has had to rent out rooms in the house to make ends meet, but the mortgage has not been being paid hence the eviction notice. He used his lottery lie to open lines of credit worth thousands of pounds with local suppliers and merchants. A little back-story here, Howard and his wife Kathy were not doing well. This charade carried on until the day they were meant to move into their dream home. If you are interested in reading more about lottery numbers, make sure to visit this page . The other stuff I can understand. Howard But Judge Jane Shipley rejected the explanation that his two-year trail of trickery was motivated purely by love. These are the numbers he bet on. I find it odd that she forgave him for the mistress. Its too late to get back what he has taken from me. He also managed to con a supposed mistress out of almost 40,000. Murray also hopes Weirsky uses his winnings wisely. you what numbers won the lottery. BUT AFTER BOTH. She came back half an hour later and asked if anyone wanted to know the night's Lotto numbers, then proceeded to read them out and write them down. With so many debts and bouncing cheques, Walmsley was arrested in 1999. In most tellings where the man walks out on the woman he swore to love, honor, and protect, it's not enough that he announce his intention to divorce his wife; he also feels compelled to reveal that he's been cheating on her for these many years. We pay for videos too. Each member of the team is an industry expert and a lottery player. He walks out and hasn't been seen since. A couple goes out to a restaurant. As a result the two went on a shopping spree, buyingfast cars, a dream home and a lifestyle fit for a multi-millionaire but it was all one big deception asHoward hadnt actually won a single penny. He must have mellowed out. That fella needs imprisoned for several years, and his ass beat while in prison. After years of financial struggle as they tried to get Howard's painting and decorating business off the ground, they finally hit a stroke of luck: Howard won the lottery. I know what Ive worked for and its everything that I have.. Hubert Clodfelter was first reported missing in March 2019 by his daughters after they said they had not seen or heard from him in two years. Chelsea Handler looks pretty sad in that thumbnail. As with any lie, Howards whopper of a tale eventually caught up to him when his wife noticed that their bills were still piling up. Simone Jasper, The Charlotte Observer 6/3/2022. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Come on. Kathy believed Howards lie. Coles worker fights a woman allegedly trying to steal groceries, Jax the Staffy is rescued after being stuck in a cave for two days, Rapidly growing cemetery filled with Vladimir Putin's 'prisoner army', Locals desperately smash windows of overturned double-decker bus. you what numbers won the lottery. As a result of this lieHoward was later sentenced to three years in prison for fraud butKathypledged to stand by her man regardless. Howard battled to come to terms with this and was looking for any way to ensure that he could keep the love of his life. Once again, Walmsley wrote checks to cover the cost of the purchase from non-existent funds and, naturally, the checks bounced. When people buy lottery tickets, many often do so with the intention of making life better for their partner and families should they win. Will you tell him they won?" This material may not be reproduced without permission. However, the judge in the case was having none of it and said in court that all the deception, lies and fraud, committed over a two year period, was motivated by far more than love. The boss casually pulled out his ticket and studied it. After years of financial struggle as they tried to get Howard's painting and decorating business off the ground, they finally hit a stroke of luck: Howard won the lottery. That man has ruined my life and who knows how many others, she told the Mirror. We did remain diligent in seeing that justice was served for Mr. Clodfelter, his surviving family, and that justice be served on this defendant, Oskin said. The woman calls the waiter aside and says, "My boyfriend's bound to ask. We can suspect, but we could not prove by a reason we could not tell what jurisdiction the murder occurred. If you are concerned that your lottery playingis becoming compulsive,read our Lottery Addiction Guideto see what options are open to you. Anders, John. The sentences will run concurrently. In the 1980s, Puente ran a boarding house in Sacra Charles Bronson who was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for armed robbery in 1974. However, on Tuesday, Irene Clodfelter admitted to lying to police about her husbands whereabouts and also deleting information from a cellphone that she had that may have shown communications between her and her husband. There is nothing quite like someone winning millions in the lottery to fire up the imagination within our own minds. Kathy was thrilled at the though And it seems he had been quite busy-conning three women out of almost 400,000! Origins: What would you do if you won the lottery? Martin and his wife (at the time) Kay always played the same lottery numbers. You are who you are. Authorities said both of those events happened in May and June 2019 during the missing person portion of the 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. It seems the boss at the Melbourne office had a habit of playing practical jokes, so his staff decided to turn the tables. MURRELLS INLET, S.C. (WMBF) A Murrells Inlet woman admitted that she lied to police while they were investigating her husbands disappearance out of Georgetown County. The former wife of a New Jersey man who just won $273 million in the Mega Millions lottery says she wishes him the best, but has just one WebThis is the incredibly strange tale of Howard and his wife Kathy Walmsley. WebSadly, this is exactly what happened to Martyn Tott. Naturally, since there was no money to cover it, the check bounced. To him, [the alimony] is pocket change at this point, Murray told Inside Edition this week. Howard Walmsley was in a tight spot when he first started telling people that he was a lottery winner. End of marriage. Don't miss your year-ahead forecast, Rising American MMA star Victoria 'The Prodigy' Lee dies at the age of 18 with her ONE world champion sister, Angela, paying tribute to the 'most beautiful girl, inside and out', Chinese megastar actress denies abusing two children born to Colorado surrogates: Told TV producer ex-husband she wanted them aborted after they split while surrogates were expecting, President Lula vows to hunt down and punish 'fascist' Bolsonaro supporters who STORMED Brazil's Congress in Brasilia in January 6th-style attack - after believing election was 'stolen', 'You should be exemplary and not marry your teacher! This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and expl On January 20th, 1993, William Jefferson Clinton became the 42nd President of the United States. It is focused on providing updated information on online lottery offers from countries around the world and contains links and advertisements to external websites. After all, who would do such a thing?! Perhaps it may have come as a surprise for most at the time, but Kathy did her best to come to her husbands defense, even after being lied to in such as deep and dreadful way. However, this truth did not stop Walmsley from going ahead with his deception, as he figured that he could use the lie as leverage or perhaps as collateral to convince people to part with their own money and possessions. The Lottery Liar (2017) - The bizarre story of how Howard Walmsley deceived his wife, family, friends, bank managers into believing he had won an 8.9 million lottery in order to save his marriage. $270 million does not make me appealing to her thats what she said, he told the show, adding, Its over with. The court heard that Walmsley, jailed twice before for deception, began the fantasy when his business ran into trouble. all sorts of mayhem when we're not around or even concealing their true feelings from us. His sentence has been extended several times for violent b Rosemary and her husband Fred West, were accused of murdering 10 female victims over a 20 year period ending in 1987. Despite an ongoing legal battle, the lottery winner remains illusive and Donna Campbell continues the search for her husband in a bid to sue him for divorce and claim a share of his $449.511.95 lottery win. WebIn 1998, South Yorkshire residents Howard Walmsley and his wife Kathy were on top of the world. Authorities said both of those events happened in May and June 2019 during the missing person portion of the case. Play it now! Walmsleys trial gripped the nation, as more and more details surrounding his big lie were revealed and the tightly woven deception began to unravel. Married couple escapes slavery when wife disguises 25 Year Old pretends to be a highschool student. Mar 15, 2019, 01:48 PM EDT. Cookie Policy: BuyLottoTicket.com uses cookies to make your experiencewith us as smooth and convenient as possible. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. She knew he's a liar and a cheater, how did she not know it was gonna happen again . our hands are likely just the very folks we always thought them to be, the possibility exists that they've been keeping vital secrets locked safely away, getting up to They took great joy in luring Frederick Walter Stephen West, was an English serial killer. Unfortunately, of course, it was all a lie and there was no money at all for anything. The victims lived in locations across the UK including Doncaster, Sussex and London. One of Wellss alleged victims, Hazel Wilkins, 70, who lives with her daughter from Rusper, West Sussex, claims Wells stole her life savings of almost 63,000. However, in 2019, Howard popped up in the news again under the name of John Eric Wells. Sources: What Im paying him is a pittance., Previously, Murray told the New York Post that she doesnt plan to go after her ex for a share of the $162.5 million lump sum hell be collecting: Im not going after anything. Think about the amount of money that he has just won. I don't even feel bad for her. That morning, the police arrived looking to arrest him. Weirsky seemed a little sensitive about the situation with Murray when he was interviewed by Inside Edition earlier this month. Howard Walmsley: The Lottery Liar. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. View our online Press Pack. Last updated: 12 January 2016. When his marriage was on the rocks he spoke about buying a love nest with one of them, who gave him 8,000. In fact, he claimed that he had won the October 17, 1998, jackpot of 8,904,558! On trial, the prosecuting barrister Paul Watson commented that Walmsley had used forged documents The defendant admitted to lying to law enforcement about where her husband was in early to mid-2019 as well as destroying evidence off her phone as indicated.. It's Donny. Will you tell him they won?" Email us attips@the-sun.co.ukor call 0207 782 4368 . This is a view which Donna herself also holds. His business was failing, his relationship with his wife was on rocky ground, and debt collectors were coming knocking. The judge said 43-year-old Walmsley 'ran his life on lies and deceit' for a substantial time. Today the Florida Lottery winners wife faces eviction after her husband left following the win, leaving her penniless. Walmsley had even gone so far as lying to police in an effort to convince them that the lottery win was, in fact, true, but eventually recanted and admitted that it was all a lie. I've been having an affair with my secretary for months. Five months later he won the huge lottery jackpot, which he almost didnt get to collect after he accidentally left the tickets at a convenience store where he bought them. He even went as far as commissioning an architect to draw up renovation plans which included a massive swimming pool and as many as four garages. Murrells Inlet woman pleads guilty to lying to police in connection to husbands disappearance, death, Two young children die after being pulled from burning NC home, Tabor City man arrested in connection to fatal shooting, Police release name of man charged with murder in connection to fatal shooting last year. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Walmsley, a painter, and decorator by As with many crazy real-life stories, it all starts with just one little lie. Where Howard is now and whether or not Kathy is still with him-which was the whole point of the lie, to begin with-is currently unclear. WebIn 1998, South Yorkshire residents Howard Walmsley and his wife Kathy were on top of the world. Howard, however, saw an opportunity to not only make her happy but to try and mend their relationship. He grew silent for a moment, then stood up on a chair and shouted: "I just want to let you all know something. i haven't even finished watching this but it's quite insane. I'm shagging your sister.". A man who pretended he had won 8.4million on the National Lottery was jailed for three years yesterday for a string of deceptions involving thousands of pounds worth of dud cheques. At this point, Howard told a small white lie to his wife that shook things up for the rest of their lives together. She's a damn fool to have taken him back. http://www.thestar.co.uk/whats-on/out-and-about/romeo-lotto-cheat-at-it-again-1-330335. The salesman fell for the story and Walmsley wrote cheques totalling 123,000 for three cars. Yet it's not just a lurking suspicion that we may be bedding down or daily rubbing elbows with a ruthless stranger that drives this legend; we also fear being abandoned by the ones we have placed our faith in. But, the reality was, that there was no money at all, not a cent. Because of this, his marriage was on shaky ground and was at a point where Kathy was ready to throw in the towel. Please select country from which you want to see a lotteries. Irene Clodfelter told investigators that the last time she saw her husband was in March 2019. Walmsley delighted his wife by revealing his intention to buy a 17th century 300,000 farmhouse in Derbyshire. In his defense, Howard stated that he had begun the lottery lie in a bid to not only save his crumbling marriage but his business as well. What nobody knew was that all this was being funded by money that Howard had borrowed from banks that he had conned into believing that he had indeed won the lottery and that he was just waiting for the payout to come through. you should be put in jail for writing this comment! A North Carolina man became a lottery winner but kept the news from his wife for weeks. The idea that if circumstances in their lives were suddenly and greatly improved we'd be cast aside in a chicken minute underpins these tales of smiling, trustworthy masks suddenly ripped off once the money (supposedly) hits the table. Two years ago, Donna Campbell discovered her husband had and won the lottery and kept it from her. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. However, in many instances, a small and seemingly harmless lie often begets a slightly bigger lie to cover up the original lie and it snowballs from there. What a dumb ass. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Working as a painter and decorator at the time, Walmsley first let the news slip to his wife Kathy when he told her that hed won a modest prize from the National Lottery. Things might not have gotten so bad if Walmsleys lie had stopped there, but his little white lie to his wife soon spiralled out of control. The woman calls the waiter aside and says, "My boyfriend's bound to ask. Walmsley developed temporary 'close relationships' with two women customers and borrowed money from them which he did not repay. This time, just as last time, it was not just for telling a lie but because the police were once again looking for him. However, if the police are looking for him, we are sure that he is keeping a very low profile and is not running around claiming that he has won the lottery. In his defense, Howard stated that he had begun the lottery lie in a bid to not only save his crumbling marriage but his business as well. Kathy Walmsley wrote to the judge in her husbands case, pleading for the judge to show mercy. While looking at the Jaguar collection on the showroom floor, Walmsley hinted at his lottery fortune to the dealer, who believed that Walmsley was the recipient of over 4 million in winnings. He would convince these unsuspecting and gullible women to loan him money, which of course he would never pay back. Known as the lottery liar, Howard was a man whose life story shows us how one simple little lie can spiral out of control and lead to all types of trouble. However, on Tuesday, Irene Clodfelter admitted to lying to police about her husbands whereabouts and also deleting information from a cellphone that she had that may have shown communications between her and her husband. Now, she hopes his sudden good fortune means she can stop the payments. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Three years for liar who invented 8m lottery win by CHRIS BROOKE, Daily Mail A man who pretended he had won 8.4million on the National Lottery was jailed for three years yesterday I had a lovely family home, a great job and I was happy when I met him. WebKnow Your Employment Rights sht nj portal i mundsuar nga pr raportimin e shkeljeve t t drejtave t puntorve n pun. Howard Walmsley made it all up and, at the same time, set a chain of events in motion that could not be stopped. She had faced zero to 10 years in prison. He tells the boyfriend his numbers won. However, once she had borrowed this money from a bank and passed it along to Howard, he no longer wanted to start a new life with her and instead used the money to keep the lie he had told Kathy going. Paul Watson, prosecuting, said forged documents were used to open numerous bank accounts with overdraft facilities. In the years after Walmsleys trial and sentencing, a TV drama was made based on the events of the real story. Using the name Howard Walmsley, painter and decorator Wells toldhis wife he had won a jackpot of up to 8.4m. However, this did not stop Howard from continuing to propagate the lie, telling more and more people about his fake lottery win. One of the shit hole parts of Yorkshire. But you can't con this court.'. The judge sentenced Irene Clodfelter to 10 years in prison suspended to the service of two years in prison and eight years on probation for each charge. Lottery Post 37.4K subscribers Subscribe 6.7K 1.3M views 5 years ago The bizarre story of how painter and decorator Howard Walmsley deceived his wife, family, friends and bank Someone, somewhere, at some point, murdered Hubert Clodfelter. Herself and her husband have often gambled together and shared their winnings with each other. Dorothea Helen Puente (January 9, 1929 - March 27, 2011) was a convicted American serial killer. In Howard Walmsleys case, the original, tiny lie that sets off this story was told to his wife. After initially telling Kathy the small white lie, Howard began telling others, and it soon became common knowledge that he had struck it big. Howard was battling to pay his bills from his income as a painter and was often confronted with debt collectors who came to his house to claim the money that he owed them. Can't wait to watch this one tonight, seems like a crazy story!! Hubert Clodfelters body was found in June 2019 by his daughters inside a storage unit under a family-owned mobile home at the Myrtle Beach Travel Park. That man At CasinoGentleman.com they explain in depth about the subject. Sure enough, the boyfriend asks which numbers won. Hey, I'm from donny and who says mullets are out of style? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/668e6d/the_lottery_liar_2017_the_bizarre_story_of_how/. This is the incredibly strange tale of Howard and his wife Kathy Walmsley, you see one day back in the late 90sHoward told Kathy a little lie, he claimed to have won an8.9 million jackpot on the British National Lottery and Kathy believed him. 'I take the view you lived in a fantasy world,' she said at Sheffield Crown Court. This is mostly because the odds of getting the right six or seven numbers (depending on the lottery) in a row correct are staggering. He told police he had won 8.4mil-lion on the lottery, before admitting it was all untrue. According to the ruling, the state could not prove murder because it could not determine where or when the victim was murdered. Donny, Barnsley and Rotherham are all full of people like this. Lottery Liar After being tricked into believing he's won the lottery, a man makes startling admissions prior to walking out on those closest to him. End of job. The Lottery Liar (2017) - The bizarre story of how Howard Walmsley deceived his wife, family, friends, bank managers into believing he had won an 8.9 million lottery in order to save his marriage. youtube.com/watch? So this was filmed in 2002, but everyone in it looks like a Bullseye contestant from the mid-80s. This was a very unique case. I don't have any reason for defending the man, but if your source is the Star, you may as well give up. Walmsley wrote a check for 294,000 to cover the sale of the property and deposited into his solicitors account. Afterwards, Mrs Walmsley, 42, said: 'He did it to keep us all together and I am standing by him. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Calmly, the man puts his car keys on the table and says to the woman: "The car and the house are yours. Would it change who you are? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. As with any lie, Howards whopper of a tale eventually caught up to him when his wife noticed that their bills were still piling up. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He 'paid' 293,000 into his solicitor's account using a cheque he knew would bounce in the hope the house deal would somehow go through. I don't like any of you, and I have hated working for this company. (Always with her sister, too; that detail makes him all the slimier.) Growing Up in Prison: Kids Behind Bars (2022) A 5-part Press J to jump to the feed. State police say it was a rollover crash and only one car was involved. He also promised to buy her daughters a house but backed out at the last minute, leaving one of them, who had a newborn baby, desperate and homeless. He commissioned an. Walmsley claimed that he started lying about the money because he thought it would help save his relationship with his wife. You wanted to aspire to the high life, to appear successful. I did feel bad for her at first, but after ALLLLLL of that she took him back?? Twisted, criminal minds. As such,hisstory is almost the direct opposite of Denise Rossi, who kept her lottery win from her husband and quickly divorced him! One of Wellss alleged victims, Hazel Wilkins, 70, who lives with her daughter from Rusper, West Sussex, claims Wells stole her life savings of almost 63,000. Eileen Murphy says the money she was ordered to pay Mike Weirsky after the divorce is now just "pocket change" for him. A LOTTERY conman who faked a 8.4million win is now being hunted by the police after allegedly conning three grans out of 400,000. In fact, things were so bad that debt collectors had been coming to their house in an effort to recoup unpaid debts. Now I have nothing and I will never be happy again. The offences are reported to have taken place from September 2014 onwards. She hopes that he does the right thing, considering the years she supported him, but she told the Post that she has no new-found interest in getting back together. At first, Howard tried to keep the windfall to a modest figure, but it quickly got out of control and, before long, he was telling all who would listen, that hed won well over 8 million. Your email address will not be published. New documentaries straight to your inbox. For most of us, tiny white lie here and there doesnt really do any harm, especially if it is for the good of someone else. As most of us have realized at some point in our lives, the consequences of our actions can ripple out in unexpected ways and can be devastating. WebHoward Walmsley was in a tight spot when he first started telling people that he was a lottery winner. i checked, and while it has been on r/documentaries (just a few days ago, ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/668e6d/the_lottery_liar_2017_the_bizarre_story_of_how/ ) , it has never been on ALYB. She ultimately confronted Howard, but In the versions featuring a tricked work colleague, it's not enough that he walk out on his job after telling his co-workers and boss alike what he honestly thinks of them; he is further driven to brandish at them the news of his having carried out an affair with his secretary right under their very noses. However, the cold hard reality is that, for most of us, winning the lottery will always be exactly that just a dream. 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