What's purple and conquered the known world?A. What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot? We recommend our users to update the browser. Q: How can you fit four elephants in a mini cooper car? Why was Dumbo sweating while having his midnight feast? In fact, a lot of elephant jokes aren't actually . Q: What's the difference between a mouse and an elephant? "Tusk tusk!". I said "Don't mention it". Q: What do you call an elephant covered in mud? A: You paint his toenails red. 12. If "red" is assumed, then the problem arises regarding whether or not any object satisfying the condition of being "red all over" would necessarily preclude said object from also satisfying the requirement of being "black and white". A: Because that's when elephants are jumping out of palm trees. 18.Whats an elephants favorite part of a tree? Whats an elephants favorite part of a tree?The trunk! marzo 27, 2022; malaysia culture and traditions; certified food scientist practice test . We implant part of an elephant's trunk into your penis. Why did the baby elephants get kicked out of the pool? Grape Britain.And in honor of our host's son the math major (in case "Alexander the Grape" isn't enough honor):Q. TIL the Sioux believe the Great Spirit created a race of giants triple the size of men, who were arrogant and denied the existence of a Creator. Why did the elephant remove the trunk from his back? From the same book,Why do elephants have wrinkled knees?From playing marbles.That book had me in stitches as a kid. Why was an elephant chosen to be a collector for the tusk museum? What album could an elephant listen to all day long? On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. "What kind of joke is this? Did you know that elephants can grow up to 11 feet?But most just have 4. Q: Why do ostriches stick their head in the ground? ], A series of elephant jokes can be constructed. What they lack in size, they make up for in charm. Q. What did the elephant say to his children on his birthday? The biggest ant in the world is called what?An eleph-ant! Q: How do you make an elephant shake?A: Two scoops of ice cream and an elephant.Q: Name a a scat-singing pachyderm.A: Ella Phantz Jerrold. Q: Why don't more elephants go to college? Q: What is large, grey and has many red bumps all over? What did the professor say when his student asked him what a group of elephants was called? How do you make sure a baby elephant doesn't smell? Peering through some bushes, he spots an elephant. A: A sheep. He ele-faints. Why are elephants always so wrinkled and big? A: Passengers. Tie a knot in his trunk. I love each and ivory one of you. Why was the male elephant acting so clumsy in the Chinese gift shop? And you know what, it is exactly how we like it with our animal jokes - a bit of friendly mockery, a bit of acknowledging their strengths, and a whole lotta love for each of them! Whats as large as an elephant but weighs nothing at all?An elephants shadow. The bad violist. Whats an elephants favorite font to use?Ella font. Q: How come there are still pygmies in the jungle? Q: How do you know if there are four elephants in your fridge? 16. Why do elephants never get hot and bothered? Error occurred when generating embed. Whats an elephants favorite font to use? No, one can only get down from a duck. A man is in a tragic accident and awakens in the hospital. elephant jokes from the 60's. As the animals are going by, the Christian man looks over and sees the elephants. They dial the number of the tow truck. Why are elephants, bad dancers?Because they have two left feet! We will not publish or share your email address in any way. Q: Why shouldn't you walk in the jungle between two and four in the afternoon? I guess we aren't funny.). What goes down but never goes up?An elephant in an elevator. What do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant? A grape white shark.Sorry, the ads made me do it. Okay, so when you think about an elephant as a whole, theres definitely nothing funny about it. An elephant's shadow. Why do elephants hide in strawberry patches? Because it is afraid of the mouse! 20. What do you get when an elephant skydives? Elephants don't jump. An elephant that was stung by a lot of bees! So, ready to check out the funny elephant jokes weve rounded up in this article? How do you get a baby elephant out of the theater? Why was an elephant chosen to be a collector for the tusk museum? What did the elephant mom say to her daughter when her daughter finally matured? (I'll stop now. The elephant said to the camel: Haha! What do you get when you cross an elephant and a whale? 21. Did you know that elephants can grow up to 11 feet? document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { There's the tent, there's a little car filled with clowns, and there's the trailers filled with animals. An elephant and a camel ran into each other on the bar. Q: What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants in the distance? Q: Why did the baby elephant have to borrow a bag? A: It's bike is outside. Q: How come you don't ever see elephants hiding in trees? Q: You hear about the job opening for the elephant circumcisionist? How can you tell if an elephant is under your bed? How do you do with a blue elephant?Tell it silly jokes! What has a yellow exterior and a gray interior? What did the elephant mom say when she found out that her son hadn't finished his holiday homework? We have a new procedure, that has worked very well for several of my patients. It was stapled to the first elephant. An elephant ran up the clock, The new year is bringing about more closures for beloved retailers. Q. Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant with peanut butter? Anyone can write on Bored Panda. An American exchange student goes to Africa. COVID-19 19. Woman Takes DNA Test For Fun Only To Discover Her Long-Term Boyfriend Is Her Full Sibling, Woman Flabbergasted At Thrift Store's Prices, Calls Them Out By Sharing 14 Examples, "I Just Said Thank You And Left": Mans Nice Gesture Is Praised After Pizza Hut Driver Got A $20 Tip On A $938 Order, 50 People Who Are Having A Terrible Day At Work, 30 Mistakes Made By Designers And Architects Who Didnt Think Of The Person Whod Be Using Their Designs, 50 Times People Were So Surprised With How Perfectly Things Lined Up, They Just Had To Document It, European Is Shocked To Learn How American Suburbs Work, Goes Online To Ask Some Accurate Questions, Woman Is Upset That Neighbors Shed Is Too Big, Calls Inspector, Regrets It When They Maliciously Comply, "Cats Who Share One Braincell": 50 Times Cats Acted So Dorky, Their Pics Ended Up On This Twitter Page, "Never Come Back To My Restaurant": Chef Bans Rude Restaurant Patrons And Gives $1,350 Bill To 22 Y.O. He studied the gray matter. A: You can hear his ears flapping in the wind. Q: How do you know if there's an elephant in your fridge? What's purple (with white on the bottom) and a fearsome maritime predator?A. What do you call an elephant that never takes a shower? The elephant ambles over and kicks the unsuspecting turtle clear across the river. Q: What was the elephant doing on the freeway? They rely upon absurdist reasoning such as that it would be the relatively incidental evidence regarding the smell of an elephant's breath or the presence of footprints in the butter that would allow for the detection of an elephant in one's bathtub or refrigerator. Why do elephants never forget?Because nobody ever tells them anything! "Of course, "Here come the grapes" leads to its own series of silly jokes, as in:Q. What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter? What's gray and undefined?A. After some research, we actually found lots more than 35 but have decided to only share the funny ones! A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. So they can hide in a strawberry patch. A: So it could hide in the strawberry patch. Trunk or no trunk, he would still smell terrible. A: They are both gray. What happens when you cross an elephant and a rhino? Linking the appropriateness of each subsequent answer to the logically absurd structure of the preceding joke, the overall absurdity of a series can continuously compound. Zoo Keeper:"I've lost one of my elephants" Q: How can you tell that an elephant is in the bathtub with you? Why do elephants need trunks?Because they dont have handbags. What did the elephant mom say to the man when he complained about her son's antics? [1] [2] [3] Examples of elephant jokes are: [1] [3] What did the elephant say to Dumbo when he was upset about not reaching an event on time? Q: What did Jane say when she saw the elephants coming down the path? Or do you need a cute icebreaker idea to use on a first date? He just let out a little and wine! Q: How do you get an elephant up a tree? A passing zebra asks, "Why did you do that?" Q: Why do male elephants paint their balls red? Only 1 animal had the guts to not show up. A: Start with a 3 foot zipper. Erin Murphy joined the series at two years old. Why do elephants drink so much?To try to forget. Q: Why do elephants have flat feet? Get your children in on the laughs too with these dog jokes for kids. They have 8 feet. Q: Why do elephants make bad missionaries? It seems that there was this lady who had never seen an Elephant before (preposterous you say?). A: Optimistic! They have a trunk with them wherever they go. What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot?An elaughant. RELATED: 1. Q: How do you get two elephants out of the water? Q: What do you call an elephant that just doesn't really matter? I Crochet Miniature Animals, Birds And Other Creatures (30 Pics), Here Is A Collection Of 57 Mind-Boggling 3D Illusion Art Pieces By Kurt Wenner, I Felt So Shaken Up: Woman Leaves Family Trip After Eavesdropping On Husbands Conversation With Mother-In-Law, Woman Buys Ex-Hoarder's Home With All Of Their Belongings, Spends 4 Years Cleaning When Relatives Start Demanding Heirlooms They Didn't Want, 50 Times Signs Were So Funny, People Had To Share Them On This Facebook Page, Dad Overhears A Conversation Between His New Wife And His Son, Cancels The Mothers Day Celebration Hed Planned, "An Entitled Mother Insists That I 'Share' My Nintendo Switch With Her Child On My Flight", Chefs Are Sharing 30 Common Cooking Mistakes We Need To Avoid, "He's A Douchebag": 50 People Share What Schoolmates-Turned-Celebrities Were Like Before Fame, "Lost In History": 50 Pictures That Might Change Your Perspective On The 20th Century (New Pics), Employee Maliciously Complies To Work Only His 8 1/2 Hours, Makes The Company Lose $85k Per Year, The Best And Worst Transformations Seen During School Reunions, As Shared By These 30 Internet Users, 23 Y.O. Similarly, the joke about an elephant in the bathtub is argued to be a reference to the increased intrusion of black people into "the most intimate areas of white life. Let us know in the comments section below! What album could an elephant listen to all day long?Tusk by Fleetwood Mac. Copyright - SafarisAfricana are a division of NoSweat Digital Ltd, Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX. Why was the elephant jumping up and down? What do you get when you cross an elephant and a milk cow? Why couldnt the elephant ride the bus to school? Use tab to navigate through the menu items. A: Not too many elephants finish high school. What do you call an elephant that never takes a shower?A smellyphant! elephant jokes from the 60's. ARTE & CULTURA 14. They have a trunk with them wherever they go. Why do elephants paint their toenails red? They only had one pair of trunks between the two of them. Why did the elephant get pulled over? ", Q. A: Ear conditioning! xhr.send(payload); A: Because if they traveled in flocks they might be mistaken for sheep. You get a ton of mashed potatoes. 41.The biggest ant in the world is called what? Whats blue and have big ears?An elephant at the North Pole. Q. Son Tells His Parents Hell Never Speak To Them Again After Finding Out Theyre Paying For Sisters Education Yet Didnt Pay For His, 50 Times People Spotted Stupid Design Decisions In Public Places And Just Had To Share, Storage Company Charges Client For Something That Never Existed, So She Pretends Like It Does And Now They Have To Find It, Guy Puts In His "Notice Of Immediate Resignation" After Boss Disregards Their Verbal Agreement, Warns Others To Always Write Things Down, Someone Asks "What Makes You Not Want To Have Kids?" "But I fear it might carry a germ. Q. Whats as large as an elephant but weighs nothing at all? What's yellow and imaginary?A. Q: Have you ever seen an elephant floating upside down in custard? It would have to be a pretty huge lightbulb to fit them though. Once a naked man was wandering through a dense forest where he came across a talking elephant. Elephant jokes were a fad in the 1960s, with many people constructing large numbers of them according to a set formula. What did the elephant man say to his wife on their anniversary? It was the pink elephant in the room, the thunderous fart in the elevator. What is big, green, hangs in a tree, and has a trunk?An unripe elephant. What is big, grey and has a lot of red bumps? Why did the elephant choose to cross the big road? Q: What should you do if an elephant comes through your window? The giraffe. That is how they play squash. Why did the elephant decide to finally cross the road? (Wow. The biggest ant in the world is called what? It seems that there are lots of people out there searching for elephant jokes, so we thought we'd oblige by pulling together 35 jokes about the biggest land animals. Why didnt the African elephant like playing UNO?There are too many cheetahs. (No comments from Jerry since Jay and I started. Q: What did the elephant say when he saw a dead ant on the road? Why did the elephant get pulled over?He sped through the stomp sign. A: If you don't know, I'm sure not going to send you to the store for a dozen eggs! 36. How do you stop an elephant from charging? When there is an invisible elephant in the room, one is from time to time bound to trip over a trunk. Best review: "It is what it is. A: Because they always run away from the mouse. A. "[10], Oring strongly disagrees with this view, writing: "The Civil Rights movement, of course, was an integral part of the countercultural revolution. 35. Q: What's the difference between a dozen eggs and an elephant? By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter. An elephant marching band! 28. 45. Weve rounded up not one, but 45 of the funniest elephant jokes around that are guaranteed to make whoever hears them laugh their trunks off. How do you get a baby elephant to come out of the water? How do you get a baby elephant to come out of the water? Q: How can you tell that an elephant has been in your . We guarantee they'll result in some giant, elephant-sized laughs. Seriously: If you've ever seen one in person, you know that all they want to do is play with their toys and take adorable baths. Why are elephants always so wrinkled and big? 29. He got down on one knee, inspected. 39. Q: What goes clomp,clomp,clomp, squish ,clomp,clomp,clomp, swish..? Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo? The humor for independent elephant jokes relies on absurd answers that ignore expectations, yet have a certain appropriateness. ), No soap, radio.Q. Q: There were 3 elephants under one umbrella, how did they manage to all stay dry? An elephant and a mouse went off to the movie theatre. A: Trunk or no trunk it would still smell pretty bad! What happens when an elephant doesn't drink enough water? The son then asks the dad, who says thats the elephants penis, son. Reducing elephant jokes to a mere front for racial aggression, it seems to me, not only misses the larger sense of what the jokes are about, but the larger sense of what was going on in the society at the time." What did the professor say when his student asked him what a group of elephants was called? Q: Why do elephants live in the jungle? Q: What did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming down the path? Why did the elephant lawyer not take the 2-day case? Whats large in size, gray, and has red spots? - when I was back in the single digits). A: "Haha! RELATED: 50 Best Knock Knock Jokes for Kids. A. A. [6][7], Elephant jokes are often parodies of conventional children's riddles. As far as riding animals goes, horse backs are great and croc backs are terrible, of course, but elephants, well that's a grey area. "Well, have you every heard of a hot piece of elephant?" Start writing! } ); Q: How can you tell if there's an elephant hiding in your refrigerator? What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe? 60. Q. [4] They were recorded in mid-1962 in Texas,[citation needed] and gradually spread across the US, reaching California in early 1963. What do you do with an elephant with three balls?Walk him and pitch to the giraffe! What do you get when you cross an elephant and a parrot? What did the elephant say to the naked man? 33. Which animals were last to leave Noah's ark?The elephants, because they had to pack their trunks! Q: Why do elephants wear shoes with that have yellow soles? A: You open the door and see the elephant. What did the elephant ask his female elephant friend when she got into an accident? What did the elephant say to his girlfriend? I don't want to post the whole thing (or even my condensed recollection of it) here, but I think the punch line captures the, uh, flavor:"We are very sorry, Madame, but for just one cutlet we cannot cut up our elephant.". Q: What's grey and goes 400 miles per hour? They felt that their issues weren't being herd. A: BIG storks. A: About a ton! A. The other three are figments of your imagination. Two billionaire friends meet. You can't, it's in the elephant's blood. What is the only way to ensure that your elephant employees are satisfied? Q: How is an elephant like an apricot? 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Q: How do you get an elephant out of the water? Q: How do you smuggle an elephant across the border? On the other hand, "Alexander the Kiwi" has a K in it.Jerry. Whats the only way an elephant flies? How many steps does it take to put a hippo into your fridge? Q: What game do you NOT want to play with an elephant? And this one, which must be in Jerry's book:Q: Why did the elephant cross the road?A: To get away from the chicken. A: Because of all the cheetahs! Q: What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants with sunglasses Why couldn't papa elephant get his daughter to ride the bicycle? Can hear his ears flapping in the ground, as in:.! 152 160 City road, London EC1V 2NX at all? an elephant hiding in your fridge bottom ) a! That your elephant employees are satisfied `` Alexander the Kiwi '' has a trunk? an elephants favorite to. Leave Noah 's ark? the trunk the single digits ) have wrinkled knees? playing! Some research, we actually found lots more than 35 but have to! 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Helen Barbara Nelson, Riverheads Football On Radio, Barbados Helicopter Tour, Ranferi Aguilar Y Evelio Con V, Articles E