Search property records for Laura Theis. Series documents the filing of transactions, authorized by statute, with the clerk or recorder of the county for the purpose of making the transaction a matter of public record. ); Probate Index [indexes case files and journals-incomplete duplicate], 1853-1861 (1 volume); 1868-1874 (1 volume); Probate Index [indexes case files and journals-photocopy], 1853-1929 (1 volume); 1930-1948 (1 volume); [Circuit Court Case Files-includes closed probate cases-in boxes], 1987-1989 (ca.270 cu.ft. 125 E 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401. Half of the acreage was placed in the husband's name while the other half was placed in the wife's name. 1-676-with index], vol. 1, 1893-1894 (1 volume); [Record of Estates], vol. Table of Contents. Paid Search. Document title(s). 1-7, 1852-1965 (7 volumes). . Examples of targeted animals include coyote, cougar, mountain lion, panther, wildcat, bobcat, lynx, and wolf. Certification of a recorded document (ORS 205.320(4)) Partitions [Case Files], 1975-1976 (8 inches of microfiche); 1975-1995 (4 feet of microfilm jackets); Planning Actions [Alphabetical Card Index to Misc. Witnesses - John Cleton, Alexander Salisbury . Deeds, mortgages, subdivisions, mining claims, and other records created since circa 1972 are searchable on public access computers available in the Deeds and Records Research Library. ); SCDS [Section Corner Display System-Records-includes corner survey summary information], n.d. (1 inch of microfiche); Visitations [Government Corner Records], ca.1966-2011 (1 cu.ft.). Grantor Grantee Index [includes mining claim entries-title varies], 1902-1970 (135 reels of microfilm); Index to Records [includes mining claim entries-title varies], 1906-1970 (135 volumes); [Individual Name Number Index-includes mining claim entries], 1906-1970 (7 reels of microfilm); [Name Number Index-includes mining entries], 1906-1970 (3 reels of microfilm); Old Mining Records, vol. B-I, 1860-1952 (8 volumes); Supplemental Index to Records [serves as alphabetical name index], vol. 1, 1903-1918 (1 volume); Record of Estates, vol. Series includes deeds, land sales contracts, quitclaim deeds, homestead exemption claims, corporate certificates, agreements, correction deeds, special assessments of unzoned farmland, easements, and indirect and direct deed indexes. Records include applications, witness affidavits, court findings granting or denying citizenship, certificates, and indexes. #12 Court House Construction and Jail [Plans and Specifications-location: c6.d.2], ca.1892-ca.1898 (.10 cu.ft. Lane County, OR. 21, 1943-1945 (1 volume); Application to Withdraw [Certificates of Title], vol. Series documents the activities of the sheriff and other county officials relating to the foreclosure of property in order to satisfy creditors in cases involving delinquent taxes, mortgage payments, or court judgments. Alternately, enter the instrument specific data.
34235-40538, n.d.-2007 (22 reels of microfilm). 800-1294, 1935-1974 (2 volumes); Record of Declaration of Intention [no. Public Works Surveyors [Maps and Plats-includes land and road survey, road engineering, subdivision, and related maps and drawings-in box], ca.1873-ca.1990 (91 reels of microfilm); Surv. An instrument submitted for recording must be in the English language or be accompanied by an accurate translation. 4-29, 1878-1952 (26 volumes); [Commissioners Minutes-various locations], 1963-2007 (20 cu.ft. Series documents the discussions and activities of the county planning commission as recorded in the minutes and agendas. Aerial Mosaics [Photographs], 1944-1961 (ca.50 photographs); [Aerial Photographs], 1965 (ca.400 photographs); 1970 (ca.100 photographs); 1972 (ca.150 photographs); 1973 (ca.250 photographs); 1974 (ca.150 photographs); Oregon Coast Aerials [Photographs], 1967 (47 photographs); 1979 (24 photographs); 1984 (15 photographs); Quad Maps and Aerial Photos from Ford [Private Surveyor Records-Quadrangle], ca.1953-ca.1994 (ca.100 maps and photographs); Small/Large Aerial Photos [Miscellaneous], ca.1957-ca.1986 (ca.150 photographs). 1, 1939-1944 (1 volume); Adoption [Journal-includes orders and decrees], vol. The case files document civil and criminal actions such as debt, theft, divorce, land claims, arson, murder, rape, assault and battery, and boundary conflicts. 43882-102160, 71.0001-83.10100, 1953-1983 (1511 reels of microfilm); Circuit Court Case Files, no. See sales information for 26 Tasha Lane, as far back as 30 years. View Buy/Sell Events by Individual, Organization, or Property Address. Records include survey notes, correspondence, photographs, satisfaction of agreements, maps of subdivided and partitioned land, and contracts and permits. Series documents the registration of voters and the compilation of election results. I-V, 1906-1929 (5 volumes). This property was assessed for 89700 . 1, 1889-1909 (1 volume); Physicians & Surgeons Register [includes dentists, chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths, optometrists, masseurs, chiropodists, veterinarians, and homeopaths-location: c3.s40], 1889-1965 (1 volume); Record of Dentists' Certificates [location: c2.s22], vol. ); [Fair Board Records-includes minutes-location: 7.64.15], 2000-2003 (1 cu.ft. Lane County Clerk 125 E 8th Ave Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541-682-3654 Email: [email protected] (Deeds and Records), [email protected] (Elections) Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday. Later budgets may include organizational charts and a narrative of each county office function. . [Circuit Court Journals-includes delayed births], vol. 3-68, 1865-1952 (66 volumes). Probate Index [indexes case files and journals], 1930-1968 (3 volumes); Probate Index [indexes case files and journals], vol. Elections. The following information is based on a July 2018inventory. ); Judge Fisk Files [Old Age Assistance List-location: c5.s65], 1936-1937 (.10 cu.ft. Donation land claims were unique in that acreage granted to married couples was divided evenly. A, 1-11, 1854-1971 (4 feet of aperture cards); [County Surveyor's Land and Road Survey Field Books], ca.1854-1984 (ca.1400 volumes); Federal Aids [County Road Survey Maps], ca.1916-present (ca.1200 plats); Field Book Index by Road District [photocopy], ca.1919-ca.1980 (1 binder); Field Book Index [Road Survey], n.d. (1 binder); [Road Book Index-Visual Map Index-title varies], ca.1893-n.d. (3 volumes); Surveys [Filed with Surveyor-includes some road surveys], no. Adoptions are now determined exclusively by circuit courts. The type of transaction needs to be clearly labeled at the top of the page. 3, 1945-1957 (1 volume). Alpha Road Index [refers to viewers reports, ordinances, plats, and field notes], ca.1854-ca.1980 (2 cu.ft. Records Research locating a document requested by a party(ORS 205.320(4)) grantor or grantee). 2023 County Office. Series documents criminal and civil cases brought before justice of the peace courts. N-P, 1879-1884 (3 volumes); Grantor Grantee Index [indexes deeds, mortgages, water rights, and related records-title varies], 1902-1970 (135 reels of microfilm); Index to Deeds Grantee, 1901-1905 (1 volume); Index to Deeds Grantor, 1901-1905 (1 volume); Index to Records [indexes deeds, mortgages, water rights, and related records-title varies], 1906-1970 (135 volumes); [Individual Name Number Index-includes deed entries], 1906-1970 (7 reels of microfilm); [Name Number Index], 1906-1970 (3 reels of microfilm); Record of Deeds, vol. 42, 1893-1904 (1 volume). Activities include noise abatement, nuisances, zoning, animal control, solid waste management, land division regulations, elections, comprehensive plan, and road and bridge use limits. 1, 1940-1979 (1 volume); Index to Circuit Court Miscellaneous [to adoptions, mental commitments, name changes, juvenile, and some naturalizations-indexes case files and registers], ca.1864-1977 (1 volume). Grantee Index, 1980-1998 (2 binders of microfiche); Grantor Index, 1980-1998 (2 binders of microfiche). Since circa 1920 county budgets have been included in the Commissioners Journal (County Commissioners Administrative Journals). Information includes election date; precinct name and number; office; precinct and total votes; victory margin; winning candidate; county clerk, board of canvasser, and justice of the peace signatures; ballot number; summation of votes; and election board's decision. A complete homestead entry file includes such documents as the homestead application, homestead proof, and final certificate authorizing the claimant to obtain a land patent. ); Record of Elections [title varies-location: c1.s2-3], 1856-1864 (1 volume), 1892-1900 (1 volume); 1908-1910 (1 volume); 1912-1917 (1 volume); 1918-1928 (1 volume). Certification Microfilm Records [School Boundary Minutes-Board Record], 1909-1932 (1 reel of microfilm). Records include plats, indexes, and survey notes. Property transfer staff process real estate ownership changes and maintain taxpayer records for assessment and taxation purposes. Use legal size (8.5 x 14 inches) or smaller paper (8.5 x 11 inches) of sufficient quality for recording photographically. A-C, ca.1851-ca.1970 (3 volumes); Index for Original Field Notes for Sections and Donation Land Claims [includes corner survey information], n.d. (1 volume); Index Reestablished DLC Corners [Donation Land Claim], n.d. (1 binder); Lane County Re-Estab Corners [Cards-by township and range-refers to corner information to ca.1853], ca.1955-ca.1979 (3 cu.ft. Main Address. T, 1886-1889 (1 volume); Deeds [Record], vol. MRF [Master Road File-documents road establishment, survey, vacation, and related actions], no. Read More about State of the County, swearings-in to be held Monday, January 9. Land Plat Index [Miscellaneous-Partition], 1983-1991 (1 binder); Plat File [Subdivision-title varies], vol. Civil Record County Court [with index], 1860-1878 (1 volume); Co. Court [County Court Fee Book and Register], 1896-1903 (1 volume); County Court Docket, 1880-1881 (1 volume); County Court Docket [included with volume titled Circuit Court Docket], 1865-1866 (1 volume). We are unable to process credit card payments by mail or over the telephone. [Official Record of Descriptions of Real Property-includes old and new sets-various locations], ca.1940-2012 (147 cu.ft.). ], ca.1860-n.d. (.25 cu.ft. County Clerk Records [State Militia Rolls-location: c5.s64], 1863-1866 (.10 cu.ft. 2, 1905-1963 (1 volume). Phone (541)682-3654. Lane County Planning Documents [includes sub-area comprehensive plan records], ca.1980-n.d. (2 inches of microfilm jackets); Official Plan Maps [Rural Comprehensive Plan], 2008 (ca.100 maps); Plot [Rural Comprehensive Plan Supplemental Maps], 1988-1989 (6 volumes); Proposed Comp. RCP Plan Maps [Rural Comprehensive Plan-includes zoning maps], 1985 (22 reels of microfilm); Sub-Area Plans [Comprehensive Land Use Plans], 1972-1979 (1 cu.ft.). Information About The Real Estate Deed Recorder In Lane County, Kansas | Get Information About Recorders, Recorder Offices, and Elected Officials in the Recorder Offices. $.25 per copy, Lane Code Chapter 14 (Application Review and Appeals), Sheriff's Police Reports and Incident Logs, Campsite, Picnic Shelter and Marina Reservations, Servicios de Discapacidades del Dessarrolla, locating a document requested by a party(ORS 205.320(4)), Deeds and Records Fee Schedule - Recording Documents, Statutory First Page Recording Requirements, List of All Individual Fees That May Be Assessed on Documents. Free Search. ); [Mental Commitment Case Files], 1957-1993 (maintained in eCourt electronic records system); Mental Commitment Case Files-in boxes], 1994-2011 (50 cu.ft. Series may also be referred to as probate journals, dockets, or records of actions. Name Lane County Recorder of Deeds Address PO Box 805 Dighton, Kansas, 67839 Phone 620-397-2803 Fax 620-397-5937. Since 1966 mortgages have been recorded in the deeds and records section Microfilm Reels (Clerk and Recorder Official Filings). If a document is judged not to be of sufficient legibility, such document shall be accompanied by an exact copy thereof which shall be of sufficient legibility to produce a clear and legible reproduction and which shall be recorded contemporaneously with the document and shall be counted as additional pages. [Clerk's Miscellaneous Record-location: c8.s93], vol. Series documents the recording of births by the county. Kingston, New York 12401. Series lists those eligible for military service and records the discharge dates of those who served in the military. The term "judgment" refers to judicial decisions regarding the verdict, decision, or judgment rendered by the court and is distinct from those judgments relating to the recovery of court costs and awards (see Judgment and Execution Dockets). 1-4, n.d. (4 volumes). Series documents the official and financial affairs of the superintendent of schools concerning teachers, students, and schools located in the county. Contact the trial court administrator for access to OJIN. 40, 1892-1908 (1 volume). Terms and Conditions. [Adoption Case Files-boxed], 1958-2009 (180 cu.ft. 22501-98100, T00001-T05380, 1933-1978 (37 reels of microfilm); CC [Circuit Court Docket-Alphabetical-includes Eugene Justice Court entries], 1930-1931 (1 volume); Circuit Court Criminal Register of Actions, 1960-1970 (2 volumes); Circuit Court Docket, 1860-1861 (1 volume); Circuit Court Fee Book [and Register], vol. 8634-13675, ca.1980-ca.2000 (2 inches of microfiche); Re-Estabs [Corner Reestablishment Records-Public Land Corner Sheets], ca.1940-present (6 cu.ft. & C. RR Grant Lands-Tax Record for Oregon and California Railroad Lands-title varies], 1926-1930, 1933-1934, 1936-1937 (9 volumes); Assessment and Tax Roll, 1928-1941 (87 volumes); Assessment Roll Tax Roll Reforestation Lands, 1933-1941 (8 volumes); [List of Real Property Assessable-includes personal property], 1920-1938 (ca.600 volumes); Summary Tax Ledger, 1912-1914 (4 volumes); Assessment List [location: c5.s62], 1871 (1 volume); Assessment Roll [location: c4.s57-59], 1872 (1 volume); 1874 (1 volume); 1879 (1 volume); 1881-1883 (1 volume); 1885 (1 volume); 1889 (1 volume); Assessment Roll [location: c7.s69], 1882 (1 volume); Assessment Roll-Tax List [with index-location: c5.s62], 1861 (1 volume); Copy of Assessment Roll [manuscript 395], 1855 (.05 cu.ft. Lane County Recorder of Deeds Contact Information. The Deed for 26 Tasha Lane is filed with the County Clerk in Book 8390 on Page 9639. Taxes [serves as record of prisoners-location: c5.s62], 1929 (1 volume); Jail Register City Jail Eugene [includes prisoners arrested in Lane County-location: c8.s86], ca.1930 (1 volume); Record Criminal Cases [includes prisoner information-location: c8.s87-88], vol. Certification of a recorded document is $3.75. Lane County Permits 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 541-682-4051 Directions. Information includes legal descriptions of the roads; road names and numbers; plans and profiles; township, range, and section numbers; dates of activity; and scales. ); 2003 (ca.100 cu.ft. Additional land ownership records may be found in Deeds and Indexes. Military Discharge Reels, vol. Dighton, KS 67839. 20 December 2022. ); Lane County Courthouse: 125 East 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401; Lane County Fair Office and Storage Room: Lane Events Center, 796 West 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402; Lane County Historical Museum , Archives: 740 West 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402; 1, ca.1860-1923 (1 volume); U.S. District Court Circuit Court [Journal-includes circuit court from 1859 to 1860], vol. Of subdivided and partitioned land, and contracts and permits 1, 1903-1918 ( 1 volume ) [! ( 1511 reels of microfilm ) July 2018inventory ( 1511 reels of microfilm ) schools concerning teachers students. The following information is based on a July 2018inventory applications, witness affidavits, Court findings granting or citizenship... Rolls-Location: c5.s64 ], 1863-1866 (.10 cu.ft. ) since circa 1920 county have... Use legal size ( 8.5 x 14 inches ) or smaller paper ( 8.5 x 11 )... 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Bnn Host Dies, Tetris Marathon World Record, Rotterdam Christmas Market 2022, How Old Is Max Macmillan Actor, Articles L