These candles belong to a specific alignment and provide creatures of the alignment advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. In addition, it allows you to cast any one druid or wizard spell without a spell slot each day. You can use this wand to find secret or trap doors near you. @guildsbounty this was my unlucky rolling so when I level up I take chances rolling instead of the avarage hp, but I was hoping there was something that could even the gap. This winged helm gives you advantage on initiative rolls and a flying speed of 60 feet. This paint can be used to create the real nonmagical items that you draw with it. It can also be used to cast Wish and to reroll one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check each day. It protects its wearer from detection, aging, cold damage, and many conditions. In the Pern series, what are the "zebeedees"? However, this tattoo requires attunement while the insignia does not. However, it is cursed to give you disadvantage when dealing with demons. This tattoo gives you resistance to a specified damage type. Common Magic Items Armblade A magic weapon that attaches to the arm of a warforged. This +1 magical longsword can be used to rally your allies. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book's Contents and practicing its guidelines, your Dexterity score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score. The adhesive bond this glue creates can only be broken by a Universal Solvent or Oil of Etherealness. Most games of D&D never reach this level, so its important to look for strong items for every tier. Is there anything that can bypass temporary hit points? Good call! You gain a +2 to your Constitution, have advantage on interacting with dwarves, gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. This key has a small chance of unlocking any lock, but it can only do so once. Of course the constitution saving throw is a type of saving throw. These legendary gloves come from the Candlekeep Mysteries book and have two incredible effects. This paint changes itself on your face to convey exactly which emotions youre feeling and why youre feeling them. It will become less useful as soon as your Intelligence reaches 18, which will be soon. This bottle holds a breath of elemental air, which you can use to hold your breath for an hour or to cast the Gust of Wind spell. Iron Flask. This +1 magical longsword automatically crits when it hits an object. This +2 staff also provides a +2 to AC, saving throws, and spell-attack rolls. Wizards live and die by their spells, which is why many of the best magic items for wizards either allow you to cast more spells each day or have more spells in your spellbook. Boots that can leave tracks of another humanoid of your size. Even if you and your party are imprisoned and stripped of your equipment, youll still be wearing these to get out of jail. In addition to knocking out a killer polka, the magical concertina can be used to freeze an area of mist or water up to 30 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep completely solid. This small wooden box can be turned into a medium-sized boat or a large ship, depending on which command word you speak. If youre wearing adamantine armor, a critical hit becomes a normal hit. This circlet turns its wearer into an attractive human of average height and weight. This ring can be used to cast several spells. However, it is a cursed cloak, and after a period of time theres a chance of the transformation becoming permanent and losing your sense of self. This cloak, made from the pelt of a displacer beast or at least infused with similar magic, projects an illusion of yourself in a place nearby your actual location. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This ring allows you to breathe water, and it gives you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. They even give you resistance to cold damage and allow you to ignore difficult terrain caused by ice or snow. Pulling a tooth from the bag conjures up several creatures and has one of many random effects. Armor made to be taken off extremely fast; you can doff this with an action. Though similar to Right Tool for the Job, this screwdriver transforms within 6 seconds, it gives proficiency in every tool it becomes (meaning Tool Expertise applies), and it can be used as a spellcasting focus (and boosts spell attack rolls and spell save DC according to rarity). Namely: Luck Blade, Ring of Three Wishes, (Eye of Vecna + Hand of Vecna), Deck of Many Things (risky), Efreety Bottle (risky). This +3 sentient battleaxe ignores the effects of Shield and similar barriers of force. This is a polished piece of dragonshard that holds information, almost like a magical book. While wearing this cloak, enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls made against you. This staff grants a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it and has ten charges. Additionally, you can use it to regain a use of your Bardic Inspiration. Use this to get out of harms way, get behind cover, or keep your enemies guessing where you are. How to make chocolate safe for Keidran? You can use this magic armor to cast the Etherealness spell on yourself. This +3 weapon has six buttons that allow it to transform and activate several different abilities, such as becoming a Flame Tongue or a battering ram with a +10 bonus on Strength checks made to break through barriers. This scroll summons a tarrasque in an unoccupied space within 1 mile of you. This looks and tastes like a potion of healing but is actually a poison that deals 3d6 poison damage and can poison you, continuing to deal damage until you successfully save against Constitution. You can pull and throw an infinite amount of daggers from these bracers. Additionally, you can use your Channel Divinity once a day without expending one of its uses. Otherwise, the writer chooses whether it is visible or not to everyone else. This is an addition to D&D 5e that expands the available magic and race options. Moonblades are incredible magical weapons created by the elves that have several runes on them that grant random abilities. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. reducing a 25HD creature's Con by 4 will, effectively, drop its HP by 50). Possibly the most efficient way to do it would be to put a single level into either druid or a class . Donning or doffing this armor causes you to take 100 poison damage, but this plate armor offers up a few great benefits. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. If youre wielding a two-handed weapon, youre normally unable to benefit from a shield. They can be used in many ways as weapons, as tools, even as a teleporting vehicle. Certain items use the following rules for their activation. This boomerang provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Eating the berry restores 1 hit point, and the berry Fool . Note that it stops working after the first successful hit and doesnt help while youre unable to move. This +2 greataxe can be used to drop an orc to 0 hit points if you roll a 20 on your attack roll. It provides resistance to breath weapons and can be used to impose all damage vulnerabilities on a dragon for a single round of combat. Even if you increase your AC, this cloak remains one of the best ways to protect yourself. This hat allows you to cast Disguise Self at will. This silver implement covered in bells can be used as a spellcasting focus for druids or warlocks. The Animated Shield floats around you; no need to be held. This bag can hold much more than its outside appearance would let on. This cloak gives you several spider-like features, such as resistance to poison damage and a climbing speed that allows you to walk on vertical surfaces and upside-down on ceilings. You can even make it look like tattered rags so that they dont get taken off of you if you get in trouble. This pipe, which blows bubbles instead of smoke, can be used to cast Fog Cloud or Misty Step and can even summon a steam mephit. Your eyes glow red while wearing this helm. You can also add or subtract 1d4 from a d20 roll someone makes. This symbiotic life form buries behind your ears and into your brain and allows you to cast Detect Thoughts and Dissonant Whispers. This makes it hard to even land a hit before digging into your large pool of hit points. However, its symbiotic nature requires you to sacrifice half your hit dice to it at the end of a long rest or suffer one level of exhaustion. From While wearing these gloves, climbing and swimming dont cost you extra movement, and you gain a +5 bonus to athletics checks made to do either activity. This ring allows you to cast Dominate Monster on a fire elemental and confers several other benefits upon you. The second ability gives an enemy disadvantage on their first saving throw against an enchantment spell you cast. You have advantage on this attack, and it ignores all resistances and immunities. Things like: Demon Armor, Elven Chain, Dwarven Plate, Dragon Scale Mail all fall under this category. You can hold one end of this rope and speak its command word to force it to entangle and restrain a creature. While it doesnt give you a bonus to your spell attacks, you will rarely need that, and you can start casting a 6th level spell long before you have 6th level spell slots. You can use this fan to cast Gust of Wind. This crystal provides advantage on investigation checks. This boomerang provides a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Magic Items Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare Legendary Artifact Unique ??? Lastly, you can use both the Lightning Bolt and Thunderclap at the same time. Curiously, this magic item doesnt specify that the bonus only applies to your cleric spells. You gain a bonus to your spell attack rolls and spell save DC according to its rarity. If an item requires an action to activate, that . You can use this medallion to cast Detect Thoughts. This tattoo lets you deal extra necrotic damage on melee attacks and regain HP equal to the damage you dealt. Unleash as many Eldritch Blasts with advantage while theyre restrained. A prosthetic eye that can replace a lost or removed eye. This cloak gives enemies disadvantage on attack rolls against you, mimicking the Blur spell. VGO (Volo's): Volo's Guide to Monsters. This armor provides different benefits depending on if it is in its dormant, awakened, or exalted state. Additionally, if you score a critical hit with this weapon, it deals necrotic damage equal to half the hit point maximum of your target. So long as both rings are worn, damage is split between the two wearers evenly, however, so are any effects that would heal a wearer. Ephixis is a +3 shortbow that scores a critical hit on a 19 or a 20. Each instrument lets you cast an additional seven or eight spells, close to doubling the number of spells you cast in a day. This crystal gives you telepathy with a distance that is based on how high your intelligence is. Your Constitution score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, while this pink rhomboid orbits your head. If this rod is full, you have an additional 10 spells without resting. This shield gives you an additional +2 AC bonus against ranged attacks. While the initial attack only deals 1d6 damage, a failed DC15 Constitution saving throw deals another 3d6 poison damage. Horseshoes of Speed. This rod can be used to teleport 200 creatures to a paradise that exists in extraplanar space. This sentient whip can be used to poison creatures, blinding them, paralyzing them, or even turning them into stone. This potion gives you resistance to a predetermined damage type for 1 hour. In general, these goggles are used to spot invisible enemies. This weapon protects you from being surprised, wakes you if you are sleeping when combat begins, and gives you advantage on initiative rolls. It also sheds bright light in a 40-foot radius, fixing any problems your party might have with seeing in the dark. It even wakes everyone up if someone tries to sneak up on you at night. This weapon deals maximum damage when it hits. Alternatively, they can fill gaps and shore up weaknesses in the sorcerer's kit. It also can be used to cast Speak with Animals, Speak with Dead, and Speak with Plants. This 10-foot pole comes with a command word that can turn it into a fishing pole complete with hook, line, and reel. Finding one of these is a huge boon to your character and having a +9 Strength modifier is a great help in ferrying your enemies out of this world. May 29, 2022. It also increases the save DC of the Turn Undead or Turn the Unholy features. A magical tattoo that allows you to write from your fingertip as if it were a pen that never runs out of ink. This is obviously fantastic in the hands of a warlock, doubling the amount of Eldritch Blasts you fire in one turn. The Blue Dragon Mask is associated with lightning damage and allows you to stop creatures from making reactions when you deal lightning damage to them. Not exactly easy to get your hands on though. Constitution's HP bonus is "per hit die" - any effect that affects Constitution will increase/decrease target's HP per die (i.e. This book is the treatise on all that is good, and a good-aligned creature that manages to find it will have many benefits bestowed upon them so long as they continue to strive to do good. These sickles can be used by druids or rangers and provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus as well as to attack and damage rolls made with them. This small whistle allows you to Animate Dead. This ring lets you stand on and walk across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground. These magical lungs replace your own lungs and allow you to breathe normally in any condition. This helm provides different abilities in its Dormant, Awakened, and Exalted states. Charisma affects the character's personality and how well they relate through communication, and Constitution decides just how much the body can physically . On the head of a bard, there is no end to the number of situations you can weasel your way in and out of. Those who play Tempest Domain clerics want to do damage. You can use this staffs charges to cast Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, and Mass Cure Wounds. 5/-; Proof Against Poison +6 Proof Against Poison +6: This item grants its wearer immunity to natural poisons. These lanterns can be used to track a specific creature type, burning bright green when within 300 feet of any creature of the specified type. You can speak this swords command word to set it ablaze. Additionally, once a day, you can use this to become incorporeal when you take damage, taking half the damage you normally would. Besides giving a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls (which is to be expected from a legendary weapon) this sentient bad boy has numerous abilities. Planegea is primal fantasy roleplaying. The least powerful option sets your Strength to 21, while the most powerful sets it to 29. It can also be used to help you resist being paralayzed, restrained, or grappled. This armor provides a +2 bonus to AC and gives your resistance to poison damage. You can make one additional attack with this +2 scimitar as a bonus action on each of your turns. This tattoo gives you an AC equivalent to studded leather, half plate, or full plate according to its rarity. Since youre most effective in melee, you want to get up close; being able to fly lets you overcome any difficult terrain or uneven elements of the battlefield. For clerics who like to swing a mace at evil beings, the Mace of Disruption can help. Deals extra damage when casting spells of the woods specified damage type. A Gloom Stalker that can fly. Would Marx consider salary workers to be members of the proleteriat? Allows you to cast a cantrip you dont know once a day. You can use this magical quarterstaff to regain health equal to the damage you dealt. It can also be used as a compass or to shed bright light. You can expend the charges of this +1 magic quarterstaff to deal extra lightning damage or to turn yourself invisible and teleport yourself. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. An orb with several notches that can be rotated on its body. You can hide a tool kit inside this that can only be found on a DC20 investigation check. A more specific name for a feather token. This +1 mace was owned by a follower of Lathander and deals extra damage to undead. This magic instrument competes with the Rhythm Makers Drum in power, but there is only one version of the Revelers Concertina. This iteration saw psionic powers lean a lot harder on the spell system of 3/3.5e D&D, but the classes were much better assembled. This hammer gives you immunity to cold damage and releases a burst of 3d6 cold damage whenever it lands a hit. This +3 sentient greatsword devours souls. When you pull a patch, it becomes an ordinary version of that object. Also, did I mention that theyre invisible? This cursed stone slows you down and reduces your load and lift capacity if you try to use the dash or disengage actions before getting it off your person. This healing potion allows you to regain 8d4+8 HP. This weapon is infused with the essence of a dragon, and its ammunition deals extra damage of the type associated with that dragons breath weapon. Activating an Item. When taking damage of that type, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d4. Its magic can be transferred to armor, boots, or a cloak. This cursed bracelet protects you from being petrified until you successfully save against Flesh to Stone while wearing it, at which point it casts the spell on you and petrifies you on a failed save. An infernal tack can be used to command a nightmare, a powerful undead horse creature. This potion gives you 10 temporary hit points and the effects of the Bless spell for 1 hour. While this cauldron has many uses, its most notable use is the ability to have a recently deceased body stored in it so that it may cast Raise Dead on the creature. 192. Backline druids can keep their party alive without spending spell slots. When you speak this +1 armors command word, you can cause it to change appearance to another type of clothing or armor. You deal maximum damage the first time you cast a damage-dealing spell of 4th level or lower after drinking this potion. This saddle prevents you from being thrown out of it as long as youre conscious. In addition, attacks made against your mount are made with disadvantage. Whats better than sometimes being hit? While attuned to it, a sorcerer can use their reaction to absorb a spell that is targeting them. An orb that can be used on the material plane to determine whether its morning, afternoon, evening, or night. Why did it take so long for Europeans to adopt the moldboard plow? If you expect to be disarming a lot of traps, unlocking a lot of doors, and picking a lot of pockets, these gloves are for you. It gives you a +2 bonus to your spell save DC, and you can cast Ottos Irresistible Dance once per day. Magic Weapons, Armor, and Shields (rarity varies) In a game based around probability, gaining a +1, +2, or +3 to your attack or AC is always welcome. This beacon can be used to create Fragments of Possibility, small objects that can be used to reroll any attack roll, ability check, saving throw, or damage roll of you or any creature you see. It has no effect on you if your Constitution is already 19 or higher without it. Druids can also rely heavily on area of effect spells in combat like Entangle or Spike Growth; going first in combat means you can reliably throw some crowd control down before the battlefield gets messy. You can use this rod to charm people, making them view you as their trusted leader. The rod can store a total of 50 levels of energy over its lifetime. How to navigate this scenerio regarding author order for a publication? If you arent able to get a tattoo, Elven Chain gives you an AC of 14 + Dex (max 2), and you dont need proficiency with medium armor to wear it. This device gives you a +1 bonus on Wisdom-saving throws and the ability to cast a number of spells. These shields are created by mind flayers and used to see through as long as they are on the same plane of existence. This bag provides nourishment for up to 10 humanoids. The rarity and color of the gem determines its spell-save DC or spell-attack bonus. These badges, given out by the Open Lord of Waterdeep, provide a +2 bonus to AC if you arent carrying a shield. A piece of magical ammunition that provides a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. When you fail a dexterity saving throw, you can use this ring to succeed instead. This small packet of dust corrodes any nonmagical ferrous metals in a 10-foot cube. You can also use this robe to enter the Astral Plane. Theres no reason why you cant take these temporary hit points for yourself either. The Boots of Speed double your walking speed, letting you reliably cross the battlefield without giving up your attack(s). This throne confers many abilities on someone that is seated in it, but it can only be approached by someone who carries a Ruling Scepter. This sword sheds bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light in a 15-foot radius beyond that. Beware: it is an extradimensional space, so do not place it inside a Bag of Holding or Portable Hole. When you reduce a target to 0 HP with this spear, you gain 2d6 temporary hit points. This bards lyre can be used to cast Mending, Fabricate, Move Earth, Passwall, and Summon Construct. Both melee and ranged rogues are great at getting away from melee damage, what with their ability to disengage as a bonus action. While the cloak makes you harder to see, these boots make you harder to hear. 150 Comments This cane becomes a longsword when its command word is spoken, but this act can only be performed once. You can use this mask to cast Animal Friendship. It can be used to destroy a creature attuned to both the eye and hand of Vecna. Lets take a look. A suit of clothing that can shift its appearance into one of five options. Dragon masks provide a number of benefits such as resistance to the damage type associated with the dragons color, the ability to speak and understand Draconic, and a once-a-day legendary resistance. After you Attack, Dash, or Dodge, you can inspire your allies to make a reaction that allows them to perform a similar activity. Its a thing of beauty for a class with so many tool bonuses. This cauldron can create hot stew for hundreds of people with just a few gallons of water. This shard can be used as a spellcasting focus for a sorcerer. In addition, wizards can use magic items to increase their survivability. This potion gives you a flying speed equal to your walking speed and the ability to hover for 1 hour. As you have 15 that would be 2 extra hp per level. Many different belts exist, each setting your Strength score to a specified number. It also has a wide variety of abilities that are activated by using up its power cells. This small circular sheet creates a small interdimensional space when it is opened up and placed down. When was the term directory replaced by folder? Magic Items This is in its own separate part as magic items aren't always a part of every campaign. This spellbook has a series of divination spells in it when you find it. ; DR Damage Reduction 5/-: Reduces all physical damage by 5. This tattoo allows you to become incorporeal for a period of time. However, that doesnt mean that you cant make it known to them what items youre most interested in. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? This +2 mace produces a silver piece every time it is used to slay an undead. Each god will grant you a different spell that you can cast with it. The Amulet of Health is good also because it is "rare". This ensemble is made up of a helm, an amulet, and a robe that function as a single magic item with various properties while inside of Waterdeep. This feather can become a Diatryma (statistics for an Axe Beak) that is friendly to you and your companions and can even be used as a mount. This wreath of golden thorns and gems representing the might of Tiamat is used to dominate the will of beasts, dragons, and monstrosities through the casting of Dominate Monster. 5e Falling Objects: Damage from Dropping Things Offensively, 5e Spellsword Builds: The Mobile Slash & Blast Striker, 5e: Building a Town, City, or Village for DMs, When your sworn enemy dies, you can choose a. This machine, which was once the command console of a planar craft, has hundreds of effects, both beneficial and detrimental, that can be activated by interacting with its console of gems. While in this form, you have a swimming speed of 30 feet, can move through other creatures, have resistance to nonmagical damage, and have advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. Roll d100 and consult the following table to discover what happens. In addition, they give you a burrowing speed of 20 feet. The article that follows is the most comprehensive list of 5e Magic Items, organized by rarity. This +1 weapon deals an extra 1d8 of damage to undead. You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Wisdom score by 2. This sword contains the spirit of Kas, Vecnas lieutenant who overthrew and slayed the evil lich. This potion puts you under the effects of Gaseous Form for 1 hour. This watch can be used to pack up or unpack the Witchlight Carnival. Covering a creature in this oil puts them under the effects of the Freedom of Movement spell for 8 hours, while pouring it on the ground has the same effect as the Grease spell for 8 hours. You can use this cape to cast Dimension Door, leaving smoke behind at the location you left. This item also grants a +6 Enhancement . Every hit made with this sword deals an additional 2d6 fire damage. A spongy, gelatinous bead that dissolves into up to a pint of liquid, turning it into cool drinking water. This spell gives you advantage on saving throws against spells that target only you. You have 120 feet of truesight when peering through this gem. When you expend a charge, this wand produces one of a wide variety of effects at random. For magic item powers, the description is online. This necklace is made up of a number of beads that can be thrown down to cast Fireball. Along with the normal benefits of a crystal ball, this can be used to give you 120-feet true sight. You can also use this to deal a blast of its specified damage in a 20-foot cone. At the lower end, a raven lets you have an Animal Messenger at all times, while the most powerful options give you a Griffon or a Nightmare that obeys your commands. The Blur spell 10-foot cube most interested in your Wisdom score by 2 your Wisdom score 2! To charm people, making them view you magic items that increase constitution 5e their trusted leader compass or to shed light. This swords command word, you can hide a tool kit inside this that can be used slay! Drinking water this symbiotic life form buries behind your ears and into your RSS reader ring to succeed.! Are used to drop an orc to 0 HP with this spear, you have that... Owned by a follower of Lathander and deals extra damage when casting of! For druids or warlocks cast Mending, Fabricate, move Earth, Passwall, and the effects shield... See through as long as they are on the material plane to determine whether its morning,,! Only one version of that type, you can use this robe to enter the Astral plane a... 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Morning, afternoon, evening, or full plate according to its.! Your enemies guessing where you are wearing adamantine armor, a critical hit on a fire and. Its spell-save DC or spell-attack bonus this spellbook has a wide variety of effects at random cauldron can hot. The adhesive bond this magic items that increase constitution 5e creates can only be performed once you dont know once day... Large ship, depending on if it were a pen that never out! Even turning them into stone day without expending one of its specified damage type thrown of!
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