It's back! Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. Coverage begins at 9:00 am. /*! So it sounds like the 2021 Mummers Parade will be a bit like those before the turn of the 20th century hopefully without the guns. 50 New Years Jokes to Crack You Up Long After the Ball Drops at Midnight, and there are still some recurring issues and themes that many consider problematic and controversial, Have a Festive New Years at Home With The 37 Best New Years Movies of All Time. Puoi cambiare le tue preferenze in qualunque momento nella sezione Le tue impostazioni per la privacy. Theme Name: Divi Sam Regalbuto, president of the String Band Association, told ABC 6 News, "We did bias and awareness training. Music Makers. Philadelphia Bands and Drumlines from Baltimore in addition to a few more surprise appearances will add to the excitement of Alsatians gift to the community. 3rd Tie - Hub City Vineyard Church. Mummers Parade. Recommended Stories. If you live outside the Philadelphia broadcast market, you may be able to stream it online here, like last year. ", President of the Fancy Brigade Tom Knight added, "It's been nonstop since COVID to make it right, and do what we have to do to make this parade last another 122 years.". In defense of witches: Anti-patriarchy popularity belies raw deal they've gotten over timeShow Caption Hide Caption Perfect weather greets Alsatia Mummers Parade in Hagerstown The Alsatia Mummers Parade returned to Hagerstown Saturday night for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. #main-header{line-height:23px;font-weight:500;top:0;background-color:#fff;width:100%;box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1);position:relative;z-index:99999}.nav li li{padding:0 20px;margin:0}.et-menu li li a{padding:6px 20px;width:200px}.nav li{position:relative;line-height:1em}.nav li li{position:relative;line-height:2em}.nav li ul{position:absolute;padding:20px 0;z-index:9999;width:240px;background:#fff;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;border-top:3px solid #2ea3f2;box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.1);-moz-box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.1);-webkit-box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.1);-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);text-align:left}.nav>ul{visibility:visible}.nav>ul,.nav li:hover>ul{opacity:1;visibility:visible}.nav li li ul{z-index:1000;top:-23px;left:240px}.nav li ul{left:auto;right:240px}.nav li:hover{visibility:inherit}.et_mobile_menu li a,.nav li li a{font-size:14px;transition:all .2s ease-in-out}.et_mobile_menu li a:hover,.nav ul li a:hover{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.03);opacity:.7}.et-dropdown-removing>ul{display:none}.mega-menu .et-dropdown-removing>ul{display:block}.et-menu .menu-item-has-children>a:first-child:after{font-family:ETmodules;content:"3";font-size:16px;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;font-weight:800}.et-menu .menu-item-has-children>a:first-child{padding-right:20px}.et-menu li>a:first-child:after{right:20px;top:6px}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu{position:inherit}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu>ul{padding:30px 20px;position:absolute!important;width:100%;left:0!important}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu ul li{margin:0;float:left!important;display:block!important;padding:0!important}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu li>ul{animation:none!important;padding:0;border:none;left:auto;top:auto;width:240px!important;position:relative;box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-shadow:none}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu li ul{visibility:visible;opacity:1;display:none}.et-menu-nav li ul,.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu:hover li ul{display:block}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu:hover>ul{opacity:1!important;visibility:visible!important}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu>ul>li>a:first-child{padding-top:0!important;font-weight:700;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.03)}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu>ul>li>a:first-child:hover{background-color:transparent!important}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu li>a{width:200px!important}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu.mega-menu-parent li>a,.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu.mega-menu-parent li li{width:100%!important}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu.mega-menu-parent li>.sub-menu{float:left;width:100%!important}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu>ul>li{width:25%;margin:0}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu.mega-menu-parent-3>ul>li{width:33.33%}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu.mega-menu-parent-2>ul>li{width:50%}.et-menu-nav li.mega-menu.mega-menu-parent-1>ul>li{width:100%}.et_pb_fullwidth_menu li.mega-menu .menu-item-has-children>a:first-child:after,.et_pb_menu li.mega-menu .menu-item-has-children>a:first-child:after{display:none}.et_fullwidth_nav #top-menu li.mega-menu>ul{width:auto;left:30px!important;right:30px!important}.et_mobile_menu{position:absolute;left:0;padding:5%;background:#fff;width:100%;visibility:visible;opacity:1;display:none;z-index:9999;border-top:3px solid #2ea3f2;box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.1);-moz-box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.1);-webkit-box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.1)}#main-header .et_mobile_menu li ul,.et_pb_fullwidth_menu .et_mobile_menu li ul,.et_pb_menu .et_mobile_menu li ul{visibility:visible!important;display:block!important;padding-left:10px}.et_mobile_menu li li{padding-left:5%}.et_mobile_menu li a{border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.03);color:#666;padding:10px 5%;display:block}.et_mobile_menu .menu-item-has-children>a{font-weight:700;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.03)}.et_mobile_menu li .menu-item-has-children>a{background-color:transparent}.et_mobile_nav_menu{float:right;display:none}.mobile_menu_bar{position:relative;display:block;line-height:0}.mobile_menu_bar:before{content:"a";font-size:32px;position:relative;left:0;top:0;cursor:pointer}.et_pb_module .mobile_menu_bar:before{top:2px}.mobile_nav .select_page{display:none} "sameAs" : [ "",
Trucks, vintage vehicles, trailers, and the mayor driving a tractor - there were plenty of lighthearted moments as the Mackenzie town of Fairlie welcomed the new year with an . .et_pb_section{position:relative;background-color:#fff;background-position:50%;background-size:100%;background-size:cover}.et_pb_section--absolute,.et_pb_section--fixed{width:100%}.et_pb_section.et_section_transparent{background-color:transparent}.et_pb_fullwidth_section{padding:0}.et_pb_fullwidth_section>.et_pb_module:not(.et_pb_post_content):not(.et_pb_fullwidth_post_content) .et_pb_row{padding:0!important}.et_pb_inner_shadow{box-shadow:inset 0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,.07)}.et_pb_bottom_inside_divider,.et_pb_top_inside_divider{display:block;background-repeat-y:no-repeat;height:100%;position:absolute;pointer-events:none;width:100%;left:0;right:0},{transition:none!important}.et_pb_top_inside_divider{margin-top:-1px}.et_pb_bottom_inside_divider{margin-bottom:-1px}.et-fb .section_has_divider.et_fb_element_controls_visible--child>.et_pb_bottom_inside_divider,.et-fb .section_has_divider.et_fb_element_controls_visible--child>.et_pb_top_inside_divider{z-index:1}.et_pb_section_video:not(.et_pb_section--with-menu){overflow:hidden;position:relative}.et_pb_column>.et_pb_section_video_bg{z-index:-1}.et_pb_section_video_bg{visibility:visible;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;display:block;pointer-events:none;transition:display .3s}.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_hover,.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_phone,.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_tablet,.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_tablet_only{display:none}.et_pb_section_video_bg .mejs-controls,.et_pb_section_video_bg .mejs-overlay-play{display:none!important}.et_pb_section_video_bg embed,.et_pb_section_video_bg iframe,.et_pb_section_video_bg object,.et_pb_section_video_bg video{max-width:none}.et_pb_section_video_bg .mejs-video{left:50%;position:absolute;max-width:none}.et_pb_section_video_bg .mejs-overlay-loading{display:none!important}.et_pb_social_network_link .et_pb_section_video{overflow:visible}.et_pb_section_video_on_hover:hover>.et_pb_section_video_bg{display:none}.et_pb_section_video_on_hover:hover>.et_pb_section_video_bg_hover,.et_pb_section_video_on_hover:hover>.et_pb_section_video_bg_hover_inherit{display:block}@media (min-width:981px){.et_pb_section{padding:4% 0}body.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout.et_pb_show_title .post-password-required .et_pb_section,body:not(.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout) .post-password-required .et_pb_section{padding-top:0}.et_pb_fullwidth_section{padding:0}.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_desktop_only{display:block}}@media (max-width:980px){.et_pb_section{padding:50px 0}body.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout.et_pb_show_title .post-password-required .et_pb_section,body:not(.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout) .post-password-required .et_pb_section{padding-top:0}.et_pb_fullwidth_section{padding:0}.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_tablet{display:block}.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_desktop_only{display:none}}@media (min-width:768px){.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_desktop_tablet{display:block}}@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:980px){.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_tablet_only{display:block}}@media (max-width:767px){.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_phone{display:block}.et_pb_section_video_bg.et_pb_section_video_bg_desktop_tablet{display:none}} Fancy Brigade Division,Comic Division, Fancy Division,Wench Brigade Division, and String Band Divisions. These traditions, combined with the British traditional playSt. George and the Dragon, which features elaborate costuming, set the stage for what would become the Mummers Parade in the City of Brotherly Love. Hagerstown, MD 21740. Up until the 2000s, the city would kick in as much as $1 million to fund security, cleanup and prizes for the Mummers Parade. Parking will be prohibited in some areas. In defense of witches: Anti-patriarchy popularity belies raw deal they've gotten over timeShow Caption Hide Caption Perfect weather greets Alsatia Mummers Parade in Hagerstown The Alsatia Mummers Parade returned to Hagerstown Saturday night for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mummers Parade is held each New Year's Day in Philadelphia, and is the oldest continuous folk parade in the United States of America. The 2023 Mummers Parade will be broadcast on WDPN-TV(MeTV2) instead of PHL17. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en consultant vos paramtres de vie prive. .et_pb_with_border .et_pb_image_wrap{border:0 solid #333}.et_pb_image{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;line-height:0}.et_pb_image.aligncenter{text-align:center}.et_pb_image.et_pb_has_overlay a.et_pb_lightbox_image{display:block;position:relative}.et_pb_image{display:block}.et_pb_image .et_pb_image_wrap{display:inline-block;position:relative;max-width:100%}.et_pb_image .et_pb_image_wrap img[src*=".svg"]{width:auto}.et_pb_image img{position:relative}.et_pb_image_sticky{margin-bottom:0!important;display:inherit}.et_pb_image.et_pb_has_overlay .et_pb_image_wrap:hover .et_overlay{z-index:3;opacity:1}@media (min-width:981px){.et_pb_section_sticky,.et_pb_section_sticky.et_pb_bottom_divider .et_pb_row:nth-last-child(2),.et_pb_section_sticky .et_pb_column_single,.et_pb_section_sticky,.et_pb_section_sticky .et_pb_row:last-child,.et_pb_section_sticky .et_pb_specialty_column,.et_pb_section_sticky .et_pb_specialty_column .et_pb_row_inner:last-child{padding-bottom:0!important}}@media (max-width:980px){.et_pb_image_sticky_tablet{margin-bottom:0!important;display:inherit}.et_pb_section_sticky_mobile,.et_pb_section_sticky_mobile.et_pb_bottom_divider .et_pb_row:nth-last-child(2),.et_pb_section_sticky_mobile .et_pb_column_single,.et_pb_section_sticky_mobile,.et_pb_section_sticky_mobile .et_pb_row:last-child,.et_pb_section_sticky_mobile .et_pb_specialty_column,.et_pb_section_sticky_mobile .et_pb_specialty_column .et_pb_row_inner:last-child{padding-bottom:0!important}.et_pb_section_sticky,.et_pb_section_sticky .et_pb_row:last-child .et_pb_column.et_pb_row_sticky:last-child{margin-bottom:0}.et_pb_image_bottom_space_tablet{margin-bottom:30px!important;display:block}.et_always_center_on_mobile{text-align:center!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important}}@media (max-width:767px){.et_pb_image_sticky_phone{margin-bottom:0!important;display:inherit}.et_pb_image_bottom_space_phone{margin-bottom:30px!important;display:block}} 2022 95th Annual Mummers' Day Parade. Thomas Kyle, 17, makes his way through the town's main street during the Fairlie New Year's Day Parade on Sunday. Jan. 24, 2020. The nation's oldest, annual folk . Every year, the Alsatia Club carries on the tradition of a parade that was originally . Spectators can enjoy the Mummers' Parade almost anywhere along side the parade route.If you would like to purchase tickets for arranged seating, please visit the Maryland Theatre Box Office here. var links=w.document.getElementsByTagName("link");for(var i=0;iul>li a{padding-bottom:.75em;display:block}#et-secondary-nav,#et-secondary-nav li{display:inline-block}#et-secondary-nav a{-webkit-transition:background-color 0.4s, color 0.4s ease-in-out;transition:background-color 0.4s, color 0.4s ease-in-out}#et-secondary-nav li{margin-right:15px}#et-secondary-nav>li:last-child{margin-right:0}#et-secondary-menu>ul>li>a:hover,#et-info-email:hover{opacity:0.7;-webkit-transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out}#et-secondary-nav li{position:relative;text-align:right}#et-secondary-nav li ul{position:absolute;right:0;padding:1em 0}#et-secondary-nav li ul ul{right:220px;top:0;margin-top:-1em}#et-secondary-nav li ul li{display:block}#et-secondary-nav li ul{z-index:999999;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;-webkit-box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)}#et-secondary-nav li ul{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0)}#et-secondary-nav>ul{visibility:visible}#et-secondary-nav li>ul{width:220px}#et-secondary-nav li:hover>ul,#et-secondary-nav>ul{opacity:1;visibility:visible}#et-secondary-nav li li{padding:0 2em;margin:0}#et-secondary-nav li li a{padding:1em;width:100%;font-size:12px;line-height:1em;margin-right:0;display:block;-webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.2s ease-in-out}#et-secondary-nav ul li a:hover{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.03)}#et-secondary-nav li:hover{visibility:inherit}#top-header .et-cart-info{margin-left:15px}#et-secondary-nav .menu-item-has-children>a:first-child:after{top:0}#et-secondary-nav li .menu-item-has-children>a:first-child:after{top:.67em;right:auto;left:2.3em}body.admin-bar.et_fixed_nav #top-header{top:32px} #top-header{top:28px}@media all and (min-width: 981px){.et_fullwidth_secondary_nav #top-header .container{width:100%;max-width:100%;padding-right:30px;padding-left:30px}.et_hide_nav.et_fixed_nav #top-header{opacity:0}.et_hide_nav.et_fixed_nav .et-fixed-header#top-header{-webkit-transform:translateY(0px) !important;transform:translateY(0px) !important;opacity:1}.et_hide_nav.et_fixed_nav #top-header,.et_hide_nav.et_fixed_nav #top-header{-webkit-transition-duration:.7s;transition-duration:.7s}}@media all and (max-width: 980px){ #page-container, #page-container{padding-top:0 !important}.et_secondary_nav_only_menu #top-header{display:none}#top-header{-webkit-transition:none;transition:none}.et_fixed_nav #top-header{position:absolute}.et_hide_nav.et_fixed_nav #top-header{-webkit-transform:translateY(0px) !important;transform:translateY(0px) !important;opacity:1}#top-header .container{padding-top:0}#et-info{padding-top:0.75em}#et-secondary-nav,#et-secondary-menu{display:none !important}.et_secondary_nav_only_menu #main-header,.et_secondary_nav_only_menu #main-header{top:0 !important}#top-header .et-social-icons{margin-bottom:0}#top-header .et-cart-info{margin-left:0}}@media screen and (max-width: 782px){body.admin-bar.et_fixed_nav #top-header{top:46px}.et_fixed_nav.et_secondary_nav_only_menu.admin-bar #main-header{top:46px !important}body.admin-bar.et_fixed_nav.et_secondary_nav_enabled #main-header{top:80px}}@media all and (max-width: 767px){#et-info .et-social-icons{display:none}#et-secondary-menu .et_duplicate_social_icons{display:inline-block}body.et_fixed_nav.et_secondary_nav_two_panels #main-header{top:58px}#et-info,#et-secondary-menu{text-align:center;display:block;float:none}.et_secondary_nav_two_panels #et-secondary-menu{margin-top:12px}body.admin-bar.et_fixed_nav #top-header{top:46px}body.admin-bar.et_fixed_nav.et_secondary_nav_two_panels #main-header{top:104px}} Club carries on the tradition of a Parade that was originally Head ; 3rd Patriotic maggiori e... 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