However Nimrod eventually died and Semiramis in a desperate attempt to hold onto her thrown derived a plan that would ultimately lead to not only retaining the throne but would elevate her to that of goddess. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. The Babylonians wept for him on "Good Friday." They worshipped a cross-the initial letter of his name. However his attempts at taking over Bactria were foiled at Bactra the capital of Bactria. She became a stumbling block for the Jews and their leaders who first settled this area for many generations. This story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in any form regardless of the details or variation is found nowhere in the Bible. This could not be true, for we have sufficient evidence that the Tower of Babel stood long after Nimrod's day. The Seed of God lives today, and one day He will deliver the mortal blow to the dragon. The crucifixion initially appeared to accomplish his goal, but Satan failed that attempt also fortunately for mankind. One legend of ancient history regarding Semiramis describes Nimrod meeting Semiramis while she was a brother owner in Uruk. She,wanting to accomplish greater things than her predecessor and wishing to establish her fame went about building a city in Babylonia. (St. Germanius, quoted in St. Alphonsus de Liguori, The Glories of Mary, 1931, p. Dumuzi and Inanna) married. THE TRUTH ABOUT NIMROD SEMIRAMIS AND TAMMUZ the babylonian trinity 4,176 views Streamed live on Jul 21, 2020 35 Dislike Share FollowInTruth LJ 915 subscribers The truth about nimrod semiramis. What the Bible says about God has provided clues throughout Biblical history suggesting the lineage of His Seed. The prophet, Jeremiah, prophesied about the worship of this goddess: The women added, When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes like her image and pouring out drink offerings to her? Then Jeremiah said to all the people, both men and women, who were answering him, Did not the Lord remember and think about the incense burned in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem by you and your fathers, your kings and your officials and the people of the land? Carolina Mission International
However as already shown we now know that the language of the Akkadians was not Chaldean but Sumerian and so this assertion by Hislop although may well have been the understanding at his time of writing has since been shown to have been false, Professor Bruce writes. In the 2 Babylons book Hislop uses Marcellinus, Justinus and the chronicle of Eusebius of Caesarea as proof that Semiramis lived at the same time as Abraham, * AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS compared with JUSTINUS, Historia and EUSEBIUS' Chronicle. The story of Osiris is nothing like that of Ninus. Maybe the most blatant idolatry in Roman Catholicism is their adoration of Mary, the mother of Christ. It is said that tempests of wind sent by God against the Tower of Babel overthrew it, and that Nimrod perished in its ruins. People of antiquity recorded a statement Janus reportedly made about himself: The ancients. . Allowing him to do so she ordered that he should be obeyed. Easter derives its name from the Germanic osturmna was the equivalent of April.ostre or Ostara, simply means east or month of the sun from the east. Semiramis is not stated as being Nimrods wife, they are are not described as the King and Queen of Babylon and never described as having a son. creation; holiness etc. This article will focus initially on the Nimrods wife, Semiramis, as she was instrumental in the formation of the wicked mystery religion of Babylon. It will then explain how Nimrods father, Cush and ultimately Nimrod, himself, were incorporated into this system of worship. With the help of Semiramis the wife of one of his men, Onnes,who having watched the ongoing battles noticed a weak spot in the defence of the opposing army and then advised Ninus on how to overcome them. Nimrods Babylonian followers worshipped him as Marduk the god of war and fortresses. Another myth has Isis and Osiris producing Apollo before they had even left their mothers(Rhea) womb. In the city Semiramis is said to have erected statues of Greek gods including Zeus and Rhea. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz (quick version), You can read the full version here With this, they elevate her nearly to a goddess (if not in fact), pray to her incessantly, claim to see her in visions and hear her in dreams and trances, and worship statues of her in their churches and cathedrals! Even here though in all these myths and stories we still do not get the version given by Hislop. So it cannot be stated that the story is a biblical one . must watch antichrist nimrod semiramis tammuz ancient babylon witchcraft by doc marquis (v 10), "And the beginning of his (Nimrod's) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh." Kronos was also the Roman god Saturn, who devoured his own sons as soon as they were born. The accounts in regard to the death of the god worshipped in the several mysteries of the different countries are all to the same effect. Richard T. Ritenbaugh Now I am almost as certain, almost is the correct word, that Hislop believed what he wrote, that he was passionate and meant no harm by his deception, I highly doubt he was aware of the fact he was wrong. It merely demonstrates that Semiramis lived at the same time as Nimrod. This religion has since remained and integrated itself into every major culture of the earth. . The name, Bel, also means the Confounder.[vi] Cush likely assisted in the planning and building of the Tower of Babel. If every pagan religion is simply the retelling of the same story then the story should in essence stay the same or at least be similar. She was also the mother of Tammuz who was considered to be the reincarnation of Nimrod. It cannot go without mention that the child part of Hislops theory is very noticeably lacking in the various writings of the Greek historians that Hislop uses. . So both Nimrod and Ninus being the most ancient King of Assyria. Tammuz is simply referred to as a lover of Ishtar's youth. Ctesias of Cnidus was both a Physician and Historian. On the other hand, it must be injected here that Cyrus was the instrument that God used to reestablish the Temple in Jerusalem (II Chronicles 36:22-23). As already stated there is no historical written evidence of Semiramis and Nimrod being married but that little fact did not derail Hislop. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz Because you have burned incense and have sinned against the Lord and have not obeyed Him or followed His law or His decrees or His stipulations, this disaster has come upon you, as you now see. Jeremiah 44:19-23. She was worshipped as Venus in Rome (counterpart Cupid), and Aphrodite in Greece.
Its adherents realized the danger of practicing their religion in the public domain. Nimrod is never referenced as having a wife or a child. Semiramis became Queen of Assyria. The story of Ishtar as told by the Akkadians does not resemble that of the story of Osiris,Isis and Horus. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 2 John 1:10 KJV. The writings of Ctesias are not entirely factual in fact most of what Ctesias wrote cannot be claimed as historically true . Scholars are still divided over whether Cyrus actually meant that the God of Israel was indeed the true God and thus his sovereign Lord. The bible actually says that Asshur was the builder of Nineveh. Of course it was true. The Apostle Paul wrote in the Epistle of the Romans 1:21-23: For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor gave thanks to Him; but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened. It is not historical, it is not Biblical, it is not accurate and it is not correct. However, Semiramis commanded total authority over her subjects and clandestinely indoctrinated the priesthood with this mystery religion. Another of Inannas sisters, Erec-ki-gala is the queen of the underworld. I hope this year will be a good one for all. This is the beginning of the belief in reincarnation in all pagan religions. People of ancient civilizations worshipped deified Nimrod in conjunction with snakes, serpents, and dragons. Especially since the evidence available today would seem to negate the claim. [8]The second inscription, Class II, proved more difficult to translate. If they are the same person just worshipped by different people under different names then this would be expected. Less than 175 years ago when Alexander Hislop made this claim in his infamous book the 2 babylons. You end up with nothing more than false history. His name means tyrant or rebel. Then after he passed away, Semiramis declared him to be the sun god. Hislop acknowledges that scripture is silent on the death of Nimrod. He was unable to take it. If nobody before Alexander Hislop had ever written about Nimrod , Semiramis and Tammuz together how did he come up with the theory in the first place? Easter is nothing else than Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name, as pronounced by the people Nineveh, was evidently identical with that now in common use in this country. . Moms of Miracles does not offer medical, or psychiatric advice nor do we make any claims. The Woman Atop the Beast (Part 1). Canaanites worshipped him as Bel or Baal, and he was their most important God. Twice we are given the information that cush was hisFather, 3 times we are told that he was a mighty warrior and or he began to be mighty and once we are told that Assyria was known as the land of Nimrod. And is it even important to know about these characters? But how did Hislop from these writings where Tammuz was never the son conclude that Tammuz was the son of Nimrod and Semiramis. Easter does not derive its name from Ishtar and neither does it come from ostre. . From the beginning of time, Satan has done everything in his power to destroy that lineage. So began the arduous task of decipherment. The statement of Plato amounts to this, that the famous Thoth was a counsellor of Thamus, king of Egypt. The act showed that the people had accepted other "gods" and were performing rituals that the pagans did. Seeing that Semiramis is not attested to in the Bible alongside Nimrod the first thing that Hislop did was prove that Semiramis lived at the same time as Nimrod. They are not mentioned in any cuneiform literature or any Mesopotamian writings. 135 Merrill and Maye Rd. Hislop using evidence (Eusebius) to clearly identify Ninus as an ancient king of Assyria. No mention of his wife, no mention of his children if any at all. Ereskiga curses him. The Bible never refers to the 3 together. People adored her, especially in her home city of Uruk. These he called class 1, 2 and 3. These works were published under the permission of Sir Henry Rawlinson between 1870 and 1884. 4. Nimrod appears himself just 4 times in the Bible. Damuzzi was a shepherd god and associated with vegetation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anyone that uses it has not actually studied History. Some of these beliefs and practices (such as Mithra's birthday, December 25; Sunday as a holy day; All Soul's Day; and heaven, hell and purgatory) were later embraced by Catholicism to counter the popularity of these cults. Inanna gives instructions to her servant E-ana in relation to what she must do when Inanna is in the underworld. Who were they? Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. Even if the person making the claim does not know it themselves. The authors are not to be held accountable for any misuse, reuse, recycled and cited or uncited copies of content within this site by others. Osten is the German word for east. 3 Such, then, is the account that Ctesias of Cnidus has given about Semiramis; but Athenaeus 47 and certain other historians say that she was a comely courtesan and because of her beauty was loved by the king of the Assyrians. That's it. Ninus died not long after the birth of Ninyas and so Semiramis ruled alone as queen. Also refer to Jer 49:1 and Jer 32:33-35. Nimrod appropriated the dragon and the snake as his personal emblems, and from this association various myths about gods and serpents originated in antiquity. Opening Two More Childrens Homes in 2019! We are introduced to the concept of and the significance of the son through this myth. When the Lord could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did your land became an object of cursing and a desolate was without inhabitants, as it is today. Its a troubling question. It is now applied to virtually every deity that has existed. If Osiris was Nimrod, as we have seen, that violent death which the Egyptians so pathetically deplored in their annual festivals was just the death of Nimrod. The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character, by Samule Noah KramerSir Austen H Layard retrieved from the ruins of Nineveh cuneiform tablets during the 1840s and 50s. The answer to this question is indeed much simpler than the way in which Alexander Hislop went about drawing his conclusion. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The very story that Hislop uses to start all this off, that of Ninus and Semiramis acts as evidence against this as nowhere in the Greek writings relating to Ninus and Semiramis is this version recorded about them. Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah through the line of Cush (Genesis 10:8). The aims and drives of its kings were, as a whole, of a lower nature than Babylon's, though the latter's were certainly misguided as well. The circumstances of that end, however, as antiquity represents them, are clouded with fable. ), New Release Christian Books for Free for a Simple Review. However Plutarch in his writings De Iside et Osiridedescribed the various and plentiful different versions of the myths both of the Egyptians and the Greeks relating to the story that revolves around these 3 characters. Worship of this goddess became a roadblock in the apostle Pauls early mission to the city of Ephesus, as mentioned in the book of Acts 19:23-41. Con imgenes de la historia de la Leyenda del hijo de la luna Tamuz, Semiramis su madre y Ninrod su padre en Babilonia, los huevos de pascua (nacimiento de s. Ishtar being yet another name and another retelling of Semiramis. Marduk was also the Roman god Kronos, whose name means, the horned one. Ancient artists often depicted Nimrod wearing a crown of bullhorns. Catholics renamed pagan gods and practices to sound more Christian. Tammuz was killed by a wild boar when he was age 40; so 40 days of Lent were set aside to honor his death. Ninus according to Ctesias and other Greek historians writing in the Hellenistic period and later who relied on Ctesias as a source, was credited as being the founder of Nineveh, having named the city after himself. was raised up on one side" (Daniel 7:5). The history of the Assyrians as told by Ctesias and portrayed by Didious begins by detailing the reign of the Assyrian king named Ninus. Inanna (Semiramis) was known as Ishtar in Babylon, Isis in Egypt and the son/husband was Osiris the sun god. Deified Cush was revered as several gods of ancient mythology. Semiramis became a powerful ruler in Mesopotamia following the death of Nimrod. Although it was less bloody, warlike, idolatrous, and superstitious than other polytheistic religions of the region, it retained vestiges of ancient beliefs that eventually supplanted it. It was first deciphered by Georg Friedrich Grotefend and Henry Creswicke Rawlinson between 1802 and 1848. at every moment, She Herself must instruct, guide, and transform each one of us into Herself, so that not we but She lives in us, as Jesus lives in Her, and the Father in the Son. [ix] Semiramis deified Nimrod after his death.[x]. Genesis 10- 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, Asshur was the 2nd son of shem , Asshur is also the name of a people (the assyrians). Inannas Descent to the Netherworld dated to somewhere between 3500 bc-1900 bc, Inanna wishes to travel to the underworld because she has set her sight on the divine powers of the underworld. It bears its Chaldean origin on its very forehead. But today modern Assyriologists have much more to go on and a completely different picture of the Assyrians and Mesopotamia as a whole has emerged. This clip explores the role that the Pagan Mother Goddess Semiramis has been playing ever since the time after the Great Flood of Noah. The stories relating to these god/goddesses were allegorical to represent and explain the rainy season and the dry hot summer season. Hislop even dismissed parts of the Bible and changed their meanings in order to force his understanding into it. Tammuz was the son of Queen Semiramis, born after the death of his father Nimrod who built both Babel and Nineveh (Genesis 10:8-12). It is then said that she became a dove and flew away. Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. The Anunnaki used to marry their first and second degree relatives, in order to preserve their "royal" blood and the right to the throne. He further explained that Isis and Osiris had translated their virtues. . 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