In a safety culture, organizations seek to promote learning, even after poor outcomes, using a non-punitive, systems-focused approach that emphasizes shared accountability and leads to actionable change. JAN 06, 2023 Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, January 19 from 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM and on Friday, January 20 from 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM. Exhibitors receive an over 30% discount on conference program advertising (as detailed below), Reserve program ad space by March 10, 2023. Families who are immigrants have already experienced one displacement from their country of origin, making relational connectedness to kin and family in the United States even more important for children in care. The virtual platform will hold a range of networking events and host ongoing communication via direct message and video call, dedicated discussion forums, and an internal social media feed with a linked Twitter hashtag. Presenters: Joanie Rogers & Sara Smith & Teri Armistead, Missouri Department of Social Services, Jefferson City, MO, Wednesday, April 26 Perhaps you can return back to the homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. The model uses an independent third party to mediate a child-centered approach to permanency planning and ensures parents drive the development of plans for their childs future empowering and preserving families. These tools are part of systemic structures that can advance equity or perpetuate disparities for families that have been historically underserved by child welfare agencies. These strategies range from legal representation, coaching models, increasing worker retention, family-centered practice models, and focusing on permanency from day one. This presentation will present data surrounding the importance of making school-based mental health services more readily available to academic communities. Presenters: Elizabeth Wynter, Selfless Love Foundation, Tallahassee, FL; Marisa Gerstein Pineau, FrameWorks Institute, Washington, DC; Natalie Clark, Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Salt Lake City, UT, A4 Motivational Interviewing During Times of Crisis: Shifting from Blame to Change. Housing is a basic need for everyone. Learn how a culture of shared learning contributed to the success of youth advocacy efforts in the New England states. Attendees will be encouraged to apply workshop learnings to their own work and policy environments. Presenters: Karen Poteet & Arnold Eby, National Foster Parent Association, Hagerstown, MD; Cheryl Fisher, Centene Corporation, Houston, TX, D13 Serving Youth Who Are LGBTQIA, Birth to Twenty. Presenters will show how to meaningfully engage people with lived expertise, provide examples of working with university and community partners to develop leadership certifications and promote healing, and outline how DC is using the social-ecological model as a framework for system vision setting, implementation, and evaluation. He is also a proud father of two, and recipient of the 100 Men of Color award in 2017. The Volunteer Leadership Conference 2023 is an opportunity for alumni volunteer leaders to virtually come together across the globe and network and learn about best practices while providing ways to better the volunteer experience among leaders. As always, its important to us that we build a sponsorship package that suits the unique goals of our sponsors. Cancellation/Refund Policy: No refunds will be given. Building Relationships with the Media and Understanding What Makes News with Beverly Jackson. Participants in this training will: develop an understanding of the importance of the role of the historian in interpreting African American history; expand their knowledge and awareness of the disproportionalityof Black males who are institutionalized and the impact it has on communities; learn the most common mistakes professionals make when working with Black males and how to avoid them; and engage in dialogue to identify strengths-based practices and interventions that foster family health and resilience. This presentation will demonstrate how the SCCB model can reduce entry rates, increase kinship placements, and reduce length of time in care. The Sheraton NY Times Square, New York, NY or Virtually via Zoom . Please enter name (s) you would like on your nametag (s). Parenting Conference 2023 Dates: February 17-18, 2023 6:00-8:30pm | 9:00am-Noon Cost: $25/Person Join us February 17th & 18th at our West Dodge campus for Lifegate's 2023 Parenting Conference. As a result of his dedication, Anthony has received numerous awards recognizing his work with fathers and families. This accessible, evidence-based training is available free of charge 24/7, 365 days a year, thanks to a unique partnership between an MCO and a caregiver-led organization. So how can child welfare agencies and staff know whether their tools advance equity? New efforts are emerging to partner across systems to create an enabling policy context that expands availability of macroeconomic policies, increases innovation with available resources, and reduces restrictive policies and administrative barriers. Presenter: Adrienne Miller, Heartland for Children, Bartow, FL, F13 Achieving Permanency for Youth Who Are LGBTQ+ and in Foster Care: Strategies for Child Welfare Professionals. Presenters: Ira Lourie, San Mar Family and Community Services, Hagerstown, MD; Karl Dennis, Karl W. Dennis & Associates, Michigan City, IN; Sue Smith, Georgia Parent Support Network, Atlanta, GA, C13 Leaning into the Engagement of Fathers. Parent and Family Engagement Conference. Presenters will share the essential components of the enhanced model and will provide an overview of both quantitative and qualitative outcomes that children and caregivers in the pilot sites experienced. Attendees can expect to learn about best practices around service delivery in non-traditional settings as well as how implementing training and support opportunities for school staff can help create more trauma-informed school environments. The presenters will describe the program model and the practice approaches that have been found to be most effective when engaging with families on substance misuse and addiction, mental and physical health needs, parenting in recovery, child and family safety, reunification and permanency, and strengthening positive family dynamics. Cant be with us in person, but have a message for conference attendees? The QIC-EY is expected to change the mindsets of child welfare professionals and court personnel in 6-8 pilot sites, leading youth to be recognized as competent, knowledgeable parties who deserve input and decision-making power about their lives. In an effort to demonstrate the connection between cultural resilience and the prevention of child maltreatment in tribal communities, the Center for Native Child and Family Resilience will present information on the collaborative efforts of five community projects focused on the prevention and intervention of child maltreatment. The Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma is on a mission to increase the ability of Massachusetts organizations to be trauma responsive and anti-racist. For questions, or more information, please contact Teresa Sandner at In this training session, we will introduce and discuss the 4 As Approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This public health approach re-balances power, credits multiple types of data, and centers learning. We will hold another . Please, Notify Me! Additionally, we will examine opportunities to include parents in non-custodial roles at various points throughout the service episode. He holds a Bachelors in criminal justice, a Master of Public Administration, and a Doctor of Business Administration. Facilitator: Gary Taylor, CWLA Senior Fellow, Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting*. Presenters: Stephen Budde & Christy Cashman, Juvenile Protective Association, Chicago, IL; David Ansong & Sarah Hammond, University of North Carolina School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC; Stacy Craft, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, IL; Jennifer Marett, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, F7 Engagement and Safety Decision-Making in Substance Use Disorder Cases. Presenters: Valentina Laprade & Rachel Cooper & Jessica Beaupre, Childrens Friend, Providence, RI, E5 Keeping Families Together: Uniting Child Welfare, Supportive Housing, and Families to Advance Change. Facilitator: Marcus Stallworth, LMSW, CWLA Director of Training and Implementation. Since much of our well-being is associated with social and economic factors, it is reasonable to focus our efforts on addressing the negative impacts of Social Determinants of Health, or the conditions in the environment that impact our ability to live, laugh, love, learn, and labor. Presenters: Gianfranco Patuzzo, Citrus Family Care Network, Miami, FL; Carlos Laso, Miami Dade County Homeless Trust, Miami, FL; Jason Ruiz, Hialeah Housing Authority, Miami, FL, C11 Going Upstream: Cultural Networking with a Community to Serve the Health Needs of Families Who Are Black. Presenter: Angela Lytle, JusticeWorks Colorado, Denver, CO, G4 SOUL Family: A Youth-Led Proposal to Expand Permanency Options for Teens in Foster Care. Presenters: Rachel Konrad & David Marquez & Amy Thompson, Casey Family Programs, Austin, TX, E7 Trauma-Informed Support for Employee Recruitment and Retention. Licensed qualified clinicians carry out law enforcement and clinical liaison duties while playing an active role in bridging community partnerships. This training is designed for Executive and Mid-Level Management leading Health and Human Service non-profit or government agencies who may be considering launching a Race Equity program within their organizations, or for leaders who are considering re-launching DEI programming which may have stalled. This presentation highlights the importance of coordinated community responses to address issues of children exposed to DV and the critical role child welfare practitioners play in intervention. In recent years, he has been providing consultation services on a variety of issues such as supportivesupervision, staff development, racial equity, and cultural humility. Presenters: Rebekah Weigle & Ember Ngur & Joe Knittig, CarePortal, Kansas City, MO, G10 Understanding the Hurdles in Implementing the Family First Prevention Services Act: A Case Study. Workshops F TA providers, select grantee representatives, and a person with lived expertise will share their journeys through strategies being developed and implemented, the authentic inclusion of people with lived expertise, and use of continuous quality improvement. Parenting & Homeschool Conference March 24 & 25, 2023 Featuring Ken Ham, Zan Tyler, Ginny Yurich, Dr. Roger Smith, & more! Practice elements critical to supporting professional engagement, partnership, and team building in supervision will be highlighted to align with research and best practices. Resilient Communities shifts the responsibility for primary prevention away from individual responsibility and towards shared strategies, and helps communities raise awareness of and leverage their existing strengths to increase collective capacity to support families and enhance child well-being. Wraparound services are holistic, culturally relevant, and logistically convenient for families and include the whole family. Insight will be shared related to what makes a story newsworthy, as well as tips for establishing a press release protocol, mastering the art of messaging, and effective story telling. Our presentation will examine this issue from all sides hearing from youth with lived experience, reviewing the research on youth engagement and framing, and learning about innovative approaches that are being tested in the field. This conference features dozens of events lasting over four days combined with an educational festival featuring a variety of topics of interest for educators, such as early learning and special needs. Join us on Saturday, March 4, 2023, and spend the day with other parents, caregivers, grandparents, foster parents, teachers, and more at the CARE Parenting Conference. Presenters: Grey Hilliard-Koshinsky, New England Association of Child Welfare Commissioners and Directors, Boston, MA; Youth Advocate (TBC), New England Youth Coalition, Boston, MA, B8 Sustainably Funded: Medicaid Waivers and Wraparound Success. This workshop details an innovative, community-based initiative, originally established to thwart the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among families across the African Diaspora. Social service professionals are often affected by vicarious trauma, with differential impacts related to their personal histories, roles at work, and other factors. Registrations will open in December and we look forward to welcoming you to this truly global online event. Many of these core principles can be applied to all familiesincluding birth, kin, foster, and adoptive. Discover time-tested, research-backed, practical ideas for raising healthy, resilient, confident kids and becoming a more peaceful, capable, and effective parent! True collaboration allows space for everyones voice to be heard. We will provide a brief overview of the model and share experiences from the perspective of the state and the FFT training organization, demonstrating why this project continues to excel despite numerous challenges along the way. Interested in promoting your products and services in the conference program? Instead, that safety happens through building support networks around families and focusing plans around behavioral changes instead of service completion. This presentation will discuss partnerships between police departments and community based behavioral health centers to promote safety for individuals in crisis, their families, police officers, and communities as a whole. Learn new skills and resources that will help you and the children in your life! Presenters will show you how CarePortal works as we input a need for a family in distress. Respecting youth with lived experience and regarding them as experts is a critical step toward improved child and family outcomes. Participants will learn about the strategies and frameworks being used in this partnership. In addition, he has been teaching business management courses as an adjunct professor for Wilmington University, Delaware for more than 17 years. Presenters: Ashley Foster, United Services Inc., Dayville, CT; Jose Diaz, Plainfield Police Department, Plainfield, CT, H10 Promising Practices to Strengthen Engagement with Youth with Lived Experience. FFT in Foster Care is a family-focused and trauma-informed treatment model specifically designed to be used in the foster care system. It's where educators and education leaders gather to engage in hands-on learning, share best practices, and hear from the brightest minds in the world of education and beyond. The discussion will be interactive with an opportunity for participants to interact and share their experiences. The . The primary focus of Family Centered Treatment (FCT) for over 30 years has been to find simple, practical, and holistic solutions for families faced with disruption due to external and/or internal stressors, circumstances, or forced removal of children from the home due to delinquent behaviors from youth or harmful behaviors from parents. Questions? Presenters: Carolyn Abdullah & MaryJo Alimena Caruso & Elizabeth Reddick, FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP, Washington, DC, H4 The Necessity of Collaboration: How Systemic Partnerships Overcome Barriers for FFPSA Service Implementation.
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