Transmission delay can depend on multiple factors, including: Transmission delay is given in the following formula: Webopedia is an online information technology and computer science resource for IT professionals, students, and educators. Transmission delay, also known as packetization delay, is the time it takes to transmit a data packet onto the outgoing link. Unicast Routing Protocols 2. If standing waves are desirable on a transmitting antenna, why are they undesirable on a feedline? d. All of the above, ANSWER: (a) Reducing the repeated string of characters, a. Instantaneous code d. None of the above. a. Coding for error protection b. Decoding of input data c. Electrical to optical conversion d. Recoding to match output standard ANSWER: (d) Recoding to match output standard d. None of the above, ANSWER: (a) Framing and synchronizing bits, a. Continuous phase frequency shift keying b. d. All of the above, a. c. I(X;Y) = H(X) H(Y) b. The units used for this are baud or bits/s. Normally, there is a P wave that precedes each QRS complex by a fixed PR interval of 120 to 200 milliseconds. 21). A type of transmission line whose conductor experience the same electrical capacitance relative to the ground. A is a discrete time signal having finite number of amplitude.A) Analog signalB) Digital signalC) Hybrid signalD) Discrete signal, 20. c. Image frequency interference If a transmission line is terminated with a resistance equal to its characteristic impedance, a) the standing wave ratio will be minimum, b) the input impedance will be twice the terminating resistance, c) the reflection coefficient will be unity. The ratio of the maximum to minimum voltage on a transmission line is called _____. This delay depends upon the following factors: 2. d. Unknown, 84)For M equally likely messages, M>>1, if the rate of information R > C, the probability of error is, 85)In Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) is, a. In the transfer of file between server and client, if the transmission rates along the path is 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 30Mbps, 40Mbps. 8 B bits/sec A 200 MVA alternator operated at no load at frequency of 50 Hz, it has inertia constant of 5 MWsec/MVA and governing system has a time delay of 0.6 sec. The number of routers between source and destination is? 0 is encoded as no pulse and 1 is encoded as negative pulse What is the distance between a voltage maximum and adjacent current maximum on a transmission line with standing waves? Sequential logic with long delay in propagation leads to _________. Which transmission media provides the highest transmission speed in a network? c. Polar NRZ I am an M.Tech in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. Coaxial lines are used on those systems operating _____. 1 bit/ symbol Ratio Analysis MCQs Accounting Ratios MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) In this exclusive page, you will get chapter wise Ratio Analysis MCQs for various exams such Class 12, B.Com, BBA, MBA, CMA, CS and ICAI. b. b. p(x1,x2,x3.xn) = p(x1)p(x1/x2)p(x2/x3).p(xn-1/xn) Indicate the false statement. The data transmission rate is the volume of data transmitted over a transmission channel or via a data interface within a specified unit of time. 28. b. c. DPCM Reduces inter symbol interference What reduces Propagation delay in digital electronics? C) Cross talk13. We would like to compute the average values of delay. Energy that has neither been radiated into space nor completely transmitted. a) Packet length A 300-W line is terminated is a load impedance of 100 + j200W. c. The carrier is in synchronization with modulated carrier View Answer, 7. d. None of the above, ANSWER: (a) If R > C, the error probability increases towards Unity, 83)For M equally likely messages, M>>1, if the rate of information R C, the probability of error is, a. Arbitrarily small b. In data communication, data rate depends on which of the following factors.i) The bandwidth available ii) The level of the signals iii) The level of noiseA) i and ii onlyB) ii and iii onlyC) i and iii onlyD) All i, ii and iii, 18. So, queuing delay is the time that a packet waits in the queue until its turn comes. The standing wave ratio is equal to _____ if the load is properly matched with the transmission line. We provide you study material i.e. 15). It depends on the speed of the processor. . B) Digital signal20. This delay is proportional to the packet's length in bits, It is given by the following formula: seconds where is the transmission delay in seconds N is the number of bits, and R is the rate of transmission (say in bits per second) Skin effect describes the tendency of: a) ac conductors to carry the circuit current on their surface, c) dc conductors to carry the circuit current on their surface. A) parallel3. d. Discrete in nature, 4)The modulation techniques used to convert analog signal into digital signal are, a. Pulse code modulation The disadvantage of Low power factor: Only (i) is correct. b. H = log2M b. The transmission bandwidth of spread spectrum techniques is equal to the minimum required signal bandwidth. b. The _____ is a measure of the mismatch between a load and the transmission line. Transmission delay (Tt) = Packet size / Bandwidth = L bits / 4 Kbps Calculating Value Of 'a'- a = Tp/ Tt a = 20 msec / ( L bits / 4 Kbps) a = (20 msec x 4 Kbps) / L bits Condition For Efficiency To Be At least 50%- For efficiency to be at least 50%, we must have- 1 / 1+2a >= 1/2 a <= 1/2 Substituting the value of 'a', we get- An electronic equipment used to measure standing wave ratio. d. I(X;Y) = H(Y) H(X), a. Propagation delay, or delay, is a measure of the time required for a signal to propagate from one end of the circuit to the other. What is the impedance of most waveguide? When does a transmission line have an SWR equal to 1? Webopedia focuses on connecting researchers with IT resources that are most helpful for them. In general, we cant calculate queueing delay because we dont have any formula for that. 19. d. Not predictable, 110)In Binary Phase Shift Keying system, the binary symbols 1 and 0 are represented by carrier with phase shift of, 111)BPSK system modulates at the rate of, a. To connect coaxial line to a parallel-wire, _____ is the best to use. c. There is interference from the adjacent channel About Us | Privacy Policy| HTML SiteMap | Contact Us 2012-2022 InfoTech Site. If in one second, 1 bit can be transmitted. b) N Which bit is in error Show Answer. d. None of the above, ANSWER: (c) Emitted message is independent of previous message, 52)The information I contained in a message with probability of occurrence is given by (k is constant), a. I = k log21/P padding-left: 0px;
b. Network propagation delay is measured in nanoseconds (nS). Average number of bits of information per second The step size remains same It might be an optic fiber, coaxial cable or a twisted pair copper wire. d. H = 2log10M, a. B. c. Error correction and detection d. Manchester format, 42)The channel capacity according to Shannons equation is, a. 95. 39. 53. d. Parity bit, 73)The minimum distance for unextended Golay code is, 74)The Golay code (23,12) is a codeword of length 23 which may correct, a. Half the bandwidth of baseband signal This Section covers below lists of topics. Most packet switched networks use store-and-forward transmission at the input of the link. c. 1.544 megabits per second Two PSK spectra The ratio of the largest rms value to the smallest rms value of the standing wave voltage along a transmission line is called _____. How many cycles of a 1MHz wave can a 6-mile transmission line accommodate? 107. 14). b. b. d. C = B(1+S/N)2 bits/s, 78)For M equally likely messages, the average amount of information H is, a. H = log10M View Answer, 5. 115. c) Transmission delay 16. Sampling, quantizing, encoding d) Ra/L d. M number of bits, depending upon the requireme. Transmission delay is the amount of time required to push all of the packet's bits into the wire in a packet switching network. If end to end delay is given by dend-end = N(dproc + dtrans + dprop) is a non congested network. b. d. All of the above, 87)The interference caused by the adjacent pulses in digital transmission is called, a. Inter symbol interference 30. d. Logic 1 given by probability P and logic 0 by (1-P)2, ANSWER: (a) Logic 1 given by probability P and logic 0 by (1-P), 44)The technique that may be used to increase average information per bit is, a. Shannon-Fano algorithm So, the transmission delay is the time that a packet takes to be placed in the link. d. 16 B bits/sec, a. What is the cause of data error on IC chips? b. Bandwidth criterion is not easily achieved b. b. 91. Data due to noise For any particular transmission link, bandwidth and transmission speed are always constant. d. None of the above, 41)In DPSK technique, the technique used to encode bits is, a. AMI The earth segment of a satellite communications system consists of ________. What is the basic limit of the delay caused due to propagation? If destination host is free, then data packets will be processed immediately and these delays will decrease. 76. 11). b. 1). Centronics. This article lists 30 Propagation Delay MCQs for engineering students. Removing long strings of 1s and 0s d. Both a and b, 70)For hamming distance dmin and number of errors D, the condition for receiving invalid codeword is, a. c. The step size is fixed Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series Computer Networks. Data signaling rate It requires large bandwidth 119. c. Increase in transmission bandwidth Given L = number of bits in the packet, a = average rate and R = transmission rate. 113. c. Manchester format 3. 7. d. I = k log21/P2, 53)The expected information contained in a message is called, a. Entropy 23). b. Introduction What is the phase shift corresponding to wavelength/4 in standing wave pattern? a) 20Mbps The waveform has zero value for symbol 0 In TDM, the transmission rate of the multiplexed path is usually _______ the sum of the transmission rates of the signal sources. D) Baud rate19. An ICMP error message may be generated for a fragmented datagram. c. FSK The transmission delay is difficult to estimate for some transmission media. b. Diverge downward when a bit is 0 and diverge upward when the bit is 1 What is the impedance in ohms of a transformer marked 25 V, 4 W, when the secondary is correctly loaded? If R < C, the error probability is very small 1 H(P) a. In a waveguide, the TM mode means that the: a) electric field is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, b) magnetic and electric fields are perpendicular to each other, d) magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Is used to study ISI c. Probability of error It is used mostly in automobile vehicles between the engine and gear box. Propagation delays measurable in __________. 19). Transmission line; Standing wave; 8 pages ( TTA Sample Paper 2. b) 32 c. To estimate the distance of the object 1. One of the following microwave diodes is suitable for very low-power oscillators only. Determine the characteristic impedance of the line. It is used to connect a driving shaft to a driven shaft, so that the driven shaft may be started or stopped at will without stoppping the driving shaft. propagation delay: 1) Propagation delay, symbolized t pd , is the time required for a digital signal to travel from the input(s) of a logic gate to the output. d. None of the above, 68)Parity check bit coding is used for, a. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. 98. If B is the Bandwidth of the link and D is the Data Size to transmit Tt = D/B Propagation Delay (Tp) - It is the time taken by the first bit transferred by the host onto the outgoing link to reach the destination. 63)For decoding in convolution coding, in a code tree, a. Diverge upward when a bit is 0 and diverge downward when the bit is 1 To estimate the frequency of the received signal Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 8 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations. It also doesnt have any formula since it depends upon the speed of the processor and the speed of the processor varies from computer to computer. Multicasting Basics C) Cross talk15. 25). How is data transmission speed measured? Processing of the data packet helps in detecting bit level errors that occurs during transmission. Transmission line must be matched to the load to. Relates the conditions in time domain and frequency domain 37. A 5-GHz signal is to be propagated along a waveguide with a width of 3 cm. How propagation delays can be fixed in FPGAs? 13). Information per unit time View Answer, 4. The reverse of the same, a. D) Noise9. Frequency Q215. The delay can be caused by a variety of factors such as the number of active packets, transmission capacity, and so on. c. Amplitude of modulating signal 21.6 sec. 99. Property of TechnologyAdvice. Half duration A counterpoise is buried under a transmission line: (A) To increase the ground resistance. c. Flicker Queueing delay:Let the packet is received by the destination, the packet will not be processed by the destination immediately. Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 b. For maximizing signal to noise ratio Why do propagation delays occur in the cables? d. None of the above, 67)Parity bit coding may not be used for, a. d. 500 to 10 Hz, 117)The spectrum of BFSK may be viewed as the sum of, a. b. C = B2(1+S/N) bits/s This is relevant to networks based on packet switching, in which messages are divided into packets before they are sent. One bit per sample is transmitted acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS (Live), Data Structure & Algorithm-Self Paced(C++/JAVA), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Network Devices (Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateways and Brouter), Types of area networks - LAN, MAN and WAN, Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Algorithm, Transmission Modes in Computer Networks (Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex), Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission, Process Creation and Deletions in Operating Systems. d. None of the above, a. d. None of the above, 38)The maximum synchronizing capability in coding techniques is present in, a. Manchester format 101. TTL has Propagation delay of _______. A 50-W lossless transmission line is terminated with a load impedance of 25 + j75W. IPv4 Addresses 118. 59. Multiple Choice Questions and Answers By Sasmita November 28, 2016. Generally, it is less than the light speed (3x10^8m/s). 90. d) 50Mbps 87. 20. Information bits 1) If a group of trunk is offered 1200 calls during the busy hour & 20 calls are lost along with the average call duration of about 7 min, then what would be the total duration of congestion period? d. None of the above, a. Framing and synchronizing bits No message storage (0 correct answers). It combines the words information and graphic and includes a collection of imagery, charts, What is phishing? Advantages of HVDC transmission: A lesser number of conductors and insulators are required thereby reducing the cost of the overall system. Interdomain Routing Protocols MCQ Questions On Data Transmission Techniques Part-2 This set of MCQ questions on data transmission techniques includes the collections of the top 20 multiple-choice questions on the different data transmission techniques. 0 is encoded as positive pulse and 1 is encoded as negative pulse c. The integrated product of two same code words is zero For delta modulation Below are the causes of the impairment. Accountant wants to maintain it at 2 1. If R > C, the error probability increases towards Unity 8. 11. A transmission line has a capacitance of 25 pF / ft. and an inductance of 0.15 mH / ft. f (a) The earth segment of a satellite communications system consists of the transmit and receive. This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Delays and Loss. Ratio analysis Question 2: Quick ratio of Affon Ltd. is 2.5 1. Detection delay is a function of the receiver hardware and is the time required for a terminal to sense whether or not the channel is idle. 2. Full size image Time is acquired by signals to travel and reach its destination from the transmission point referred to as Flight time. For example, the end-to-end delay for a cross-country network is roughly 30 ms. c. H = log10M2 Sometime when talking over the telephone, you can hear another conversation in the background which is ..A) ThermalB) IntermodulationC) Cross talkD) Impulse, 16. Reducing the repeated string of characters Logic 1 given by probability 1-P and logic 0 by P 9. Transmission delay = Packet size / bandwidth packet Destination . c. Aliasing effect 97. c. r = k * n 96. b. b. In data communication is how fast we can send data, in bits per second, over a channel.A) data rateB) data flowC) data speedD) baud rate, 17. 31. ICMPv4 Which of the following is not a microwave vacuum tube? In optical fibre, signals travel with 70% speed of light. For a complex impedance Z = 150 j50W with Z0 of 50W, what is the normalized value of Z? A switch using store-and-forward transmission will receive (save) the entire packet to the buffer and check it for CRC errors or other problems before sending the first bit of the packet into the outbound link. is caused due to the inductive coupling between two wires that are close to each other.A) ThermalB) IntermodulationC) Cross talkD) Impulse, 15. The imperfection causes signal impairment. Bus lines with inserted repeaters reduce ________. What is the propagation delay of MOS family Logic gates? A transmission line capable of handling high-powered signal is _____. b. In ICWN (intermittently connected wireless networks) nodes are not directly connected to each other instead it is connected randomly according to the relationship between the neighbour nodes. If destination host is busy doing some heavy processing, then these delays will increase. b. Abby Braden is an award-winning writer and editor for websites such as,, and, where she covers technology trends and enterprise and SMB project management platforms. Network-Layer Services d. None of the above, a. (b) With active attitude control, there is no overall stabilizing torque present to resist the disturbance. 32. Where difference between successive samples of the analog signals are encoded into n-bit data streams All Rights Reserved c. Has a tradeoff between bandwidth and Signal to noise ratio b. Matrix 103. c. Convolutional code Intradomain Routing Protocols The Traffic intensity in the network is given by ____________ d. None of the above, 40)Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) is also known as, a. Pseudo ternary coding 41. c. Higher 1) In a library, the ratio of number of story books to that of non-story books was 4:3 and total number of story books was 1248. d. PAM, 12)In Delta Modulation, the bit rate is, a. N times the sampling frequency d. Four time the bit rate, 124)The technique that may be used to reduce the side band power is, a. MSK c. Coded signal 4 MULTICAST ROUTING b. A) Bandwidth. Half the carrier amplitude Defined for optimum system c. Cannot be decoded easily d. None of the above, 107)ASK modulated signal has the bandwidth, a. Change in amplitude Note: Both queueing delay and processing delay doesnt have any formula because they depend on the speed of the processorThis delay depends upon the following factors: Packet Switching and Delays in Computer Network, Basic Network Attacks in Computer Network, Difference between Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS), Differences between Wireless Adhoc Network and Wireless Sensor Network, Difference between Next Generation Network and Traditional Network, Difference between Software Defined Network and Traditional Network, Difference between Network Administrator and Network Engineer, Difference Between Network Security and Network Administration, Computer Network | Leaky bucket algorithm. 18). b) 10Mbps d. BFSK, ANSWER: (c) Gaussian minimum shift keying, Hi! The algorithm adjusts the number of redundant packets at each layer and improves the packet . b. 122)Minimum shift keying is similar to, a. Error detection All Rights Reserved. A quarter-wave stub shorted at the end has high impedance: 63. 71. 1) If 'n' number of users are present in a network with point-to-point links, then how many links will be required in the network? However, packets can get lost in a network. c. Same 22). d. All of the above, 104)For two vectors to be orthonormal, the vectors are also said to be orthogonal. 2) Which type of topology is best suited for large businesses which must carefully control and coordinate the operation of distributed branch outlets? Breakeven distance changes from 500 to 900 km in overhead transmission lines. c. Depends on the signal Best choice of transmission line component to couple a coaxial line to a parallel wire line. 9). Power transfer through AC systems depends on (a) sending and receiving end voltages (b) phase . The modulation techniques employed in for telephone modems is ? 114)The bandwidth of BFSK is ______________ than BPSK. Pilot clock 3 UNICAST ROUTING Bit error correction Therefore, transmission delay is the time it takes the router to push the processed packet on the link, completely. b. c. Calculated using power spectral density }, Computer Networking Transport Layer MCQs, Computer Networking Data-Link Layer Wired Networks MCQs, Computer Networking Application Layer MCQs, Computer Networking Wireless Networks and Mobile IP MCQs, Computer Networking Physical Layer and Transmission Media MCQs, Computer Networking Multimedia and Quality of Service MCQs, Computer Networking Network Management MCQs, Computer Networking Network Security MCQs, Computer Networking Socket Programming In Java MCQs, We Are Engineering Graduate ,Tutor and Technology lover, Our Primary Main Area of interest is Computer Science And Electronics & Communication Technology. Baud or bits/s ) focuses on delays and Loss Depends on ( ). This article lists 30 propagation delay is the normalized value of Z end has impedance... 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Data due to propagation noise for any particular transmission link, bandwidth transmission! Or bits/s Privacy Policy| HTML SiteMap | Contact Us 2012-2022 InfoTech Site control and coordinate the operation distributed... Undesirable on a feedline ISI c. probability of error it is less the... The operation of distributed branch outlets in the queue until its turn.... To connect coaxial line to a parallel-wire, _____ is the basic limit of the overall.! Redundant packets at each layer and improves the packet is received by the,. Bandwidth and transmission speed are always constant for any particular transmission link, bandwidth and transmission speed in a.... Questions & Answers ( MCQs ) focuses on connecting researchers with it resources that are most helpful for them Answers... Standing waves are desirable on a feedline to estimate for some transmission media with of. 10Mbps d. 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