While searching for it, Morgana returns and catches him rummaging through her belongings. Mordred succeeded in mortally wounding Arthur during the Battle of Camlann, but was ultimately killed by him in the process. Delicious, delicious crack with well-written bantering between Arthur and Merlin. and refuses to celebrate her victory with Agravaine, quickly brushing off any sentimentality to claim she will be unsatisfied until she seizes control of Camelot (The Wicked Day). Morgana was wounded in battle after attempting to escape. Arthur and Guinevere were friends and love interests. Horrified to learn his opponent was King Arthur himself, Accolon repented before dying of his injuries. Deceased She swears at his grave that she will avenge him, and does not hesitate to kill her allies when they do not bring her closer to finding Arthur, displaying that even after he betrayed her twice, she still cared for him (The Diamond of the Day). Having caught up with her, two openly confronted each other and Morgana demonstrated her lack of feeling towards her former maid, cruelly taunting her before knocking her unconscious. Morgana proved to be Arthur's advisor and moral compass early on as she was the only one who could get him to confront and defy his father by doing what he knew in his heart was right. Merlin later discovers that Morgause made Morgana the vessel for the sleeping plague, unbeknownst to Morgana herself. King Mark appealed to her and the Queen of Norgales to set the country afire against wicked knights such as Sir Malgrin and Breuse Sans Pitie. Morganaclearly loved Aithusavery much and it was revealed by Sarrum that the young Dragon was her greatest weakness(The Hollow Queen). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Arthur reeled in the face of this knowledge and spent a whole week struggling with it, only recovering when Merlin rallied him to take back his kingdom from her. Portrayer: Although she displayed no affection towards Agravaine, he was shown to care deeply about her, exhibiting deep concern upon finding her unconscious in the forest after her duel with Merlin (disguised as the aged sorcerer Emrys) and tending to her in her vulnerable state (The Secret Sharer). Over the next year, Uther did not recover from his breakdown over Morgana's betrayal and became greatly weakened. Katie McGrath almost didn't get the role of Morgana. Morgana's evil demise. Seeing his unwillingness to help her, Morgana prepares to kill him, but Mordred confronts her with how drastically she has changed from her loving and compassionate past self. For an unrelated video game character, see. Even Mordred, a born druid, admitted that he was no match for her powers (With All My Heart). Morgana blamed Uther for his death, believing that if he had sent the promised reinforcements, he may have survived. She was able to witness first-hand Uther's tyranny against magic - brutal executions, man-hunts etcetera. It is set a year after Morgana went missing and sees her return. The relationship between Morgana and Aithusa. )my twitter: https://twitter.com/dragonlcrdformat inspired by sp. Morgana is the only main character who has never encountered, Morgana is the first and last character (on-screen) in. Merlin later arrives, saying Uther believes she has been kidnapped and is going to execute everyone in Camelot who is under suspicion unless she is returned. While he was distracted by his war against Sir Lancelot, King Arthur's son/nephew Mordred usurped the throne. I know now who I really am. Mordred succeeded in mortally wounding Arthur during the Battle of Camlann, but was ultimately killed by him in the process. Featuring: Morgana being the best supportive big sister who likes to give Arthur a much deserved and needed kick in the butt, a wedding, smut, and finding out who you are. Uther then begs her to kill him and not innocent people, but she coldly states she will execute him only after she is satisfied that he has suffered the same amount of pain he caused his victims. Although Arthur undoubtedly loved and cared for Morgana, she recognised that his position would be one of severe conflict due to his inherited suspicion of magic and therefore could not seek his help. When necessary, she also displays her courage and ability as a fighter, always intervening to stand up for what she feels is right. Morgans nephew, Mordred, began working with her for the first time in sharing their treachery against King Arthur. Later on, Percival stabbed her in the back as well, but she was still able to fight him and Gwaine and knock them unconscious. The confrontation is highly tense with Morgana appearing conflicted at the sight of Arthur, who sadly remarks he thought they were friends, to which Morgana replies "as did I". Arthur then blames Dragoon the Great for his father's death while shifting to a deeply suspicious, anti-magical stance, believing that his risk in giving magic a chance is a grave mistake. While investigating Palaces, he encounters the protagonist and would have stuck with him since. As the chain of events Merlin foresaw begins to take place, desperate to stop Morgana's intended regicide, he causes a door to slam and a torch to flare in front of her as she passes through the castle. To prevent this, she tells Arthur to spend the next day with Gwen, then invites Uther on a ride with her, intentionally passing the spot where Arthur and Gwen are. Morgana repeatedly cast powerful magic that incapacitated her opponents instantly, leaving her largely free to pass in and out of Camelot. When Morgana learns that her plans failed, she is enraged and tells Agravaine about Emrys and her belief that he thwarted them. And as for why Morgana came to hate Arthur: several reasons. Arthur Pendragon MerlinGuinevere PendragonGaiusCamelotQuesting BeastCornelius SiganAfanc Alator Uther Pendragon Kanen Kendrick Aredian Sophia Aulfric MithianRodorGwaine Elyan Knights of CamelotSarrum Catrina (Troll) The Knights of the Round TableGuardKilgharrah This trait she demonstrates further, as when Merlin stabbed her with a sword, she laughed at him and used a spell to trap him in the Crystal Cave. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Arthur's Bane is real. Morgana becomes evil in what season? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. According to the Arthurian legend, Morgana, better known as Morgan Le Fay, is acknowledged as Arthurs sister, though half-sister. By the end, viewers learn that not only did he and her mother have a relationship, but Nimue is actually Merlins daughter. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Morgana, also called Morgaine or Morgan, is a staple figure of the Arthurian legend. Morgana resisted attending this celebration, expressing to Uther her sympathy for Mary Collins and her abhorrence for the Great Purge because of the lives taken to accomplish Uther's endeavour to eliminate magic from Camelot. She finds him and taunts him that he is going to die. When the young boy asks her why she is doing this, she tells him to not meddle with her or she will kill him too. Season 5 Morgana after she became evil. The King Arthur legend has been told and retold countless times throughout the centuries and is still being revived in this day and age. This nature has arguably not disappeared due to the melancholy she sometimes showed and she does at times reveal a vulnerable side of herself, such as her shock and hurt on hearing of Agravaine's death, her deep conflict at seeing Arthur again, her fear at being rendered powerless and her elation at being healed by Aithusa. Though she maintains the pretence of dutiful love for the King when they are reunited, it is a ploy to collect his tears, which Morgause then mixes with the black blood of a mandrake root, creating a spell to drive the king insane. Despite his own suspicions, Merlin covers for her when Arthur wonders why she is the only one not affected by the spell, claiming that Gaius must have given her a draught that fights off the sleeping plague before he succumbed to it himself. You can't blame me for my father's sins.". After she learns that Merlin plans to go to the Crystal Cave to get his magic back, she plans to end him once and for all. Then, that night, she has a dream in which she is surrounded by dead soldiers and is begging Emrys to help her. They had a son, Sir Ewain, but she actually kept several lovers behind her husbands back. Morgana remained devoted to the now seriously deteriorated Morgause and thought nothing of attacking Knights of Camelot to protect her. Morgana later becomes deeply attached to Mordred, a young druid boy whose life Merlin saved, risking Uther's wrath should their actions be discovered (The Beginning of the End). Morgana Pendragon is glad to be finally accepted. Later, Merlin helped her to extend her magical powers. He believes I've changed. She also told Agravaine that she had felt her father's pain as he died and was seemingly disturbed by the sensation; whether this means she felt any remorse or simply sensed it through her magic is unknown. The two ambush Arthur's group and, although Aithusa fails to eliminate them, Morgana corners Merlin and Mordred and knocks them out with magic. The sacrifice of a soul, as required by the Cailleach, tears the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Did the real Warner Brothers have a sister? Uther suspected her involvement, emotionally warning that whoever was responsible had betrayed him, but Morgana stayed defiant. In the aftermath, there is no sign of either Morgana or Morgause in the rubble, indicating that Morgana used magic to escape with Morgause (The Coming of Arthur). Helios tries to reassure Morgana but seeing Emrys greatly unsettles her and she then retires to her chambers, unaware that Merlin has placed an enchanted poppet beneath it. She also grew more adept at telekinetically using weapons, being able to wield a dagger with her mind without using any verbal spell (Arthur's Bane:Part Two). However, she realises Uther would never alter his persecution, and that should he ever discover her true nature he will execute her. Morgan le Fay /mrn l fe/, alternatively known as Morgan le Faye, Morgen, Morgaine, Morgain, Morgana, Morganna, Morgant, Morgane, Morgne, Morge, Morgue, and other names, is a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend of the 6th century AD. As Arthur left, Morgana notices a nervous Merlin at the door and calls him inside, telling him she knows he poisoned her, and in response, he swears he did not want to, to which she smiles faintly and informs him she understands why he does it. Until now, Arthur had fully trusted his half-sister Morgan, but now he swore a vengeance upon her. She then returned to Gorre intent on further harm on Arthur. Nonetheless, Morgana's unattested time on the throne is short lived since Helios informs her that the men she sent after Arthur were wiped out by Kilgharrah and that Agravaine is dead. What ultimately led Morgana down the path of evil in the first place was Arthur's prejudice and genocidal intent against all magical beings. The High Priestess swears to avenge Mordred's death. Knight!Merlin, Of-Noble-Blood!Merlin, Magical!Arthur. Morgana seems largely unmoved by Agravaine's passionate speech, though claims to be grateful for his faithfulness, and merely states that he need never leave her side again if he succeeds in his mission. according to french medieval stories, morgause tricked a very young arthur just after he won his first battle into sleeping with her and she had a son she named mordred who was arthur's bane (as he was raised to hate arthur and eventually destroyed arthur's round table and eventually at the battle of camlann, they killed each other or based on Medieval writers, especially the French, variously treated stories of Arthur's birth, the adventures of his knights, and the adulterous love between his knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. She goes to Gaius and tells him she fears she has magic. Thank you, Merlin. Uther Pendragon (father) Vivienne (mother disappeared)Arthur Pendragon (paternal half-brother) Morgause (older maternal half-sister) Gorlois (adopted father) Guinevere Pendragon (half-sister-in-law) When Morgana returned to Camelot, already planning on bringing on Uther's downfall, she pretended to respect and love Uther, yet secretly rejected any kind of Uther's affection and fatherly love towards her, even when he confessed in tears his deep love for her in front of the court during a feast that was held to celebrate her safe return. Spencer Stanhope (1880) Yet even in Malory some traces of her former, more benevolent character remain. Morrigan, thanks to the late medieval culture, has become the great Fairy Morgan in the Arthurian or Breton cycle. She is able to gain the acceptance by claiming that she wishes to avenge the death of Gorlois (a good friend of Annis) whom she views as her true father. Morgana developed an almost immediate close bond with the Druid boy, Mordred, after Merlin sneaked him into the castle when the soldiers were searching for him. Mab: Merlins nemesis. While in Camelot she is considered by many to be very beautiful and attracts the attention of numerous men, including Knight Valiant, Merlin and Arthur Pendragon. The show is based on Arthurian legend and the character of Merlin is typically portrayed as a mentor and advisor to King Arthur, so his primary focus is on helping and guiding the young king.While many characters in the show have children, Merlin himself is childless and remains dedicated to helping Arthur. In a last display of courage, Uther fought to protect himself and his son but was fatally stabbed in the process. It has been indicated that she might have even bested Arthur with a sword before, though he insisted the incident "did not happen" when Morgana mentioned it (The Moment of Truth). In late life she moved to the Isle of Avalon, and it was to here that she and her allies, the Queens of Northgalis and the Wastelands, took her wounded brother to be healed after the Battle of Camlann. With a simple stunning spell, she was able to knock out Merlin in his young form, whereas three years earlier two stunning spells of hers were not enough to prevent an older Merlin from defeating her. She is a beautiful but evil medieval sorceresses who goes after the young King Arthur to the modern day America. Morgana's bond with Mordred was further cemented when she stayed with the Druids to learn about her developing powers, but their time with one another was cut short when guards stormed the camp. All too soon Uther's secrets come to light and suddenly all of Morgana, Arthur and Merlin's certainties fall apart when they find out that all they knew about their lives is nothing more than a well-constructed lie. You need never be alone again. Arthur and Merlin aid in the safe return of Mordred to his people, for which Morgana is grateful. Gaius later realises that the only way to completely get rid of the Fomorroh is to kill the mother beast, which he informs Merlin of after paralyzing the creature temporarily and giving Merlin back his mind. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it? Morgana, afraid of what is occurring around her and helpless to do anything about it, is disturbed when Merlin suggests that Morgause is behind it. Although in pain, Morgana laughs at his attempts to thwart her plans and bids him farewell, as she uses strong magic to trap Merlin in the Crystal Cave once and for all. The time she spent with Aithusa made her more vulnerable and at times she shows her softer side to the young creature. She was protective of Mordred to the extent that she attempted to smuggle him out of Camelot, stating that she was risking her life because there was a "bond" between them like nothing she had ever felt before. Over a year after he learned of her treachery, Morgana was now fully estranged from Arthur, plotting against him and bringing about Uther's death from afar which resulted in Arthur being crowned King of Camelot. After Camelot successfully parried off the attack, Morgana kept pretending to be Uther's loving ward and used his trust against him because in fact, she hated Uther beyond belief. However, Morgana proves to be both beautiful and capable; she is also fiery and independent and will not hesitate to stand up to Uther, despite his being her guardian. On the surface they seemed like siblings, teasing one another mercilessly and trading sarcastic comments, but there was also a much deeper connection between them. However, Morgana continually remained ignorant to the fact that Merlin was in fact the Emrys foretold to be her doom (The Secret Sharer), still believing he was merely an unusually troublesome servant of Arthur's, although she discovered it through Mordred'sbetrayalof Arthur (The Drawing of the Dark). She later uses her sleeping potions to drug Alvarr's guards, allowing him to escape. I didn't mean to do it like this. As she is unsympathetic and irritated by him when he fails in his first attempt, Agravaine therefore kills a boy and enacts a complex scheme to get hold of the plans, of which Morgana then makes a magical copy. Unbeknownst to her Merlin, with Gwaine's help, removes the Eye from Arthur's arm and foils her plan. Morgana knows that its Emrys and Mordred reveals his true identity, that he lives in Camelot, and it is Merlin's druid name (The Drawing of the Dark). Morgana and Arthur, right before her defeat. Arthur tries to remind Morgana of her true self. . The hag explains to Morgana that with the enchanted coin Morgause gave her, she will be able to summon a shade from the dead and bend it to her will. Morgana is also extremely resilient, a trait that she shares with her half-brother Arthur, and she was able to defeat Gwen in a duel without much difficulty despite having been stabbed in the side by a Knight. Not to confused with Goddess Morrgan from Celtic pre-history c.15th century BC. On the occasions where Agravaine succeeded in carrying out her wishes, she would at times bestow icy congratulation, but often she would merely retort with biting sarcasm and further orders (The Hunter's Heart). After Merlin sacrifices his own safety to protect Arthur, he is kidnapped and brought to Morgana. . When they reached her, Morgause told Arthur to place his head on a chopping block so she could kill him. Morgana, not seeing him, mistakes him for Gwen while getting ready for a feast celebrating twenty years since the end of The Great Purge. Like Like Evil, Shady Dealings by The Deathly Marshmellows. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Merlin soon finds the mandrake root and suspects Morgana, following her when she goes to meet Morgause. in great rage against Camelot, feeling betrayed by Arthur and Merlin. (The Witchfinder), Making Morgana Pendragon the vessel of an enchantment. While these general tales are well-known, Merlin's initial appearances were only somewhat linked to Arthur. Of courage, Uther did not recover from his breakdown over Morgana betrayal... Over Morgana 's betrayal and became greatly weakened GDPR cookie consent plugin horrified to his... Morgana came to hate Arthur: several reasons s son/nephew Mordred usurped the throne magic that her! Suspects Morgana, also called Morgaine or Morgan, is acknowledged as Arthurs sister, though.! Merlin aid in the process to confused with Goddess Morrgan from Celtic c.15th! 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